Who should be the next Mayor of Santa Ana? George Collins, who ran for the Santa Ana City Council last year, is running a survey over at the Santa Ana Insight website. He has promised to share the results with us, so go take a look and be sure to vote. Currently, BTW, the deranged anti-Mexican Stanley Fiala is in the lead. Not good!
Apparently #ocislikeLA when it comes to dealing with public officials. But don’t go stealing any pizza slices or anything.
Who do you kidding Pedroza?
This poll is your attempt to test your waters. You are constantly sticking your wet index finger in the air.
However, I am glad that Stanley Fiala is concern to you with his middle finger in the air.
In 2008 money will be the main issue, cabron. See merlin4x.com.
Aren’t there any good bad words in your Slavic tongue? I mean, you hate us Mexicans, so why use our pejoratives?
Didn’t that idiot Stanley Fiala run for Mayor last year only to turn around and endorse Miguel Pulido?
“I mean, you hate us Mexicans, so why use our pejoratives?”
Arturo, if every Mexican is as stupid as you are than, I guess, I have no choice… do I?
However, not every Mexican claims that Disneyland’s revenues should be shared with the Santa Ana which rejected my 2004 downtown redevelopment vision with Night Life, Casinos and yes!… the Red Light District with lot of massage parlors which the stupid Mexican council just baned in Santa Ana.
If the Garden Grove Vietnamese will kick you Mexicans in the teeth again, with their downtown redevelopment, than do not cry racism.
Since you, the Mexican Indians have rejected what the American Indians have no problem with, you have again prove that there is something gravely wrong with the Mexicanism vs. Americanism.
Therefore, I believe that it is not your skin or language but rather your DNA & IQ.
Please notice that I am comparing Indians vs. Indians.
The only Indian blood I have is from my maternal great grandmother, who was a Comanche from Texas. That’s right…she was an American Indian. But she did move to Mexico to raise my grandfather.
Now Stanley, if you want to talk about one’s heritage, why don’t you explain to our readers how the Czech’s were overrun by one army after another, for centuries? God only knows whose blood runs in your veins. Maybe a little Attila in ya?
We love Mario..he answers
our e-mail and we love Art..
boy..tough call!
“God only knows whose blood runs in your veins.”
Arturo, whose ever blood it is?… is not my concern!
My only concern is to be able to manage Santa Ana to prosperity which Mexicans can’t do so they should never be in any leadership of Santa Ana. As per VillaRagosaSalinas they should clean toilets.
You can’t dispute that that Santa Ana is about 80% Mexican with virtually 100% Mexican Council.
So who is to blame for Santa Ana as sewer?… the Czechs?
FYI, Mexico once belonged to same Austrian-Hungarian Empire as Czechs via the Imperial and Royal Highness Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria, Prince
Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.
So that is probably only genetic IQ the Mexicans acquired via the blood mixing.
Otherwise the Mexico would be still the “Apocalypto”
Arturo, “Education First!”… you are in Santa Ana.
Note: The Bohemia is the original Czech Rep. and Praha is its capitol – the most prosperous city in the Europe now and before the Mexico ever existed.
Thanks for the link! Here is my FAVORITE PART, “Maximilian was executed, after his capture by Mexican Republicans, in Quer
Stanley –
You cannot dispute the fact that your wife is Mexican and your offspring are half Mexican. It’s hard to understand why you insist on insulting your wife and children in such a public forum.
Stop the drama.
Is this Agent Orange bozo drunk or does he always ramble like an idiot?
[Here is my FAVORITE PART, “Maximilian was executed, after his capture by Mexican Republicans, in Quer
Oh Stanley, you’re such a nut! Maximilian was sent by France because Mexico owed them money. But it didn’t work out too well for Maximilian did it?
As for the vote you referred to, I agreed with the Board majority, but I respect the fact that Supervisor Nguyen had her own reasons for voting otherwise. It does not seem to have stopped you from smoking God knows what…
“Maximilian was sent by France because Mexico owed them money.”
Arturo, this is same crapola interpretation of the history as is the interpretation of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on which every Mexican misfortune is blamed.
I know Mexican history better than you do therefore, I will not debate it with you.
The fact is that contemporary Government of Mexico is biggest embarrassment of the civilized world, still ruled by the terror and bandits forcing 20M of its citizens in slave labor in USA, a 1/3 of the national product comes from this slave labor.
Re supervisor Nguyen issue, your coblogger Claudio claimed that Janet called him for advise re appointment to commission.
So if she called Claudio about an appointment she obviously asked him re Marijuana too.
In any event, if Janet called any OJ Bolshevik for any advise then she is obviously politically impaired.