The Orange Juice announces the “Stand up for our Troops” counter-protest, at Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’ office, tomorrow from 12 noon to 2 pm. Come by and let the hippy hunger strikers know that you support our troops and our Congresswoman!
These clowns have said that the union workers who make the C-17’s here in our area are “war profiteers” How dare they impugn our hard working men and women who manufacture the equipment our troops need in the Middle East? How dare they do so right before Labor Day? Let’s show these payasos that we support our friends in the unions!
The truth is, these whackos do not support ANY military action. They don’t support having a military in the first place! Some of them say they have family in the military. Well, by protesting they are putting their own family members in jeopardy! They are sending Al Qaeda the message that we don’t support our troops! That is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Sure, we should not have invaded Iraq. But now that we are there, the last thing we need to do is embolden the enemy by holding these counter-productive protests. Especially by holding them at Congresswoman Sanchez’ office!
Stand up to these America-haters! Bring your lunch down to Congresswoman Sanchez’ office and eat it right in their hunger-striking faces!
Sanchez office is located at 12397 Lewis St., in Garden Grove. Call 714-621-0102 for directions. If you cannot make it tomorrow, please let Congresswoman Sanchez know you support her and our troops at this link.
Ever serve in combat Arturo? You are still a lock step kool aid republican. pathetic arturo.
Poster #1,
One doesn’t have to serve in combat to have common sense enough to read and know about how his Country was forged; what protects our freedoms; what imperils our freedoms. You should put down your democrat crack pipe and try listening to something else other than your liberal pot smoking professors.
People like you are more dangerous than an SUV on high octane with a gun!!!
I don’t care WHO is protesting against Loretta, I support them.
Loretta is an embarrassment to our community and should be replaced. Hopefully someone will run against her and bring some morality to this seat.
Art, tu eres el payaso, y un mentiroso tambien!!
Nobody called union workers “war profiteers,” I was sitting there. That was just hasty inaccurate stenography on the part of Claudio who threw together a lengthy post within minutes of meeting us, which also neglected to mention our long history of protesting Royce and Rohrabacher. I’ll be very disappointed with Claudio if he joins this silly “counter-protest” as I know he agrees with our goals. Do you think you can get across the message in your counter-protest, Art, that you realize we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq? I doubt it.
We “don’t support ANY military action”? We don’t “support having a military in the first place?” You pull this stuff out of your nalgas or what, Art? There may be some hardcore pacifists in our midst, but if you want to know how I felt about the Afghan invasion after 9/11, take a listen to my song “O Taliban” at
We “say” we have family in the military. You wanna question that you chickenhawk? Come over and question it.
We “embolden the enemy” with protests. We “send Al Qaeda the message we don’t support our troops” Do you know how ignorant your’e sounding today Art? Jesus, scratch an ex-Republican and you’ll find a koolaid-drinking Bushie!
I love your writing about local corruption but this latest is very disappointing, Art. You make me sad. Go ahead, come to our protest, maybe you’ll learn something. It is WE who support the troops by trying to get them home as soon as possible. And yes, OJ readers, use the above link (if Art ever gets it working) to urge Loretta to do everything she can to bring the troops home ASAP! See you all on Lewis Street, noon sharp!
Protesting this war or pressuring a particular politician does not mean one does not support our troops. It means we don’t support the people who sent them there in the first place. Big difference.