If you have been trying to email the State Senators to ask them to reject the nomination of Santa Ana Councilman Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante to the Fair Employment & Housing Commission, here are a few emails you can use to contact the Senators:
Senate Rules Committee
Senate District 9
Chair- Don Perata-D senator.perata@sen.ca.gov
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4009
LA-OFFICE 213-620-3000
Senate District 22
Member- Gil Cedillo-D senator.cedillo@sen.ca.gov housing/immigration
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4022
LA-OFFICE 213-612-9566
Senate District 20
Member- Alex Padilla-D senator.padilla@sen.ca.gov housing
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4020
LA-OFFICE 818-901-5588
Rules Committee
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4120
Democratic Caucus-other members (except Latino Caucus and Rules and Orange County)
Senate District 2
Patricia Wiggins senator.wiggins@sen.ca.gov
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4002
Senate District 3
Carole Migden senator.migden@sen.ca.gov housing/civil rights
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4003
Senate District 5
Mike Machado senator.machado@sen.ca.gov
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4005
Senate District 6
Darrell Steinberg senator.steinberg@sen.ca.gov civil rights/economic development
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4006
Senate District 7
Tom Torlakson senator.torlakson@sen.ca.gov housing
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4007
Senate District 8
Leland Yee senator.yee@senate.ca.gov housing/civil rights
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4008
Senate District 10
Ellen Corbett senator.corbett@sen.ca.gov womans/economic development
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4010
Senate District 11
Joe Simitian senator.simitian@sen.ca.gov economic development
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4011
Senate District 13
Elaine Alquist sena
tor.alquist@sen.ca.gov housing/womans
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4013
Senate District 21
Jack Scott senator.scott@sen.ca.gov economic development
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4021
LA-OFFICE 626-683-0282
Senate District 23
Shiela Kuehl senator.kuehl@sen.ca.gov employment/womans/civil rights
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4023
LA-OFFICE 310-441-9084
Senate District 25
Edward Vincent senator.vincent@sen.ca.gov economic development
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4025
LA-OFFICE 310-412-0393
Senate District 26
Mark Ridley-Thomas senator.ridleythomas@sen.ca.gov employment
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4026
LA-OFFICE 213-745-6656
Senate District 27
Alan Lowenthal senator.lowenthal@sen.ca.gov housing
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4027
LA-OFFICE 562-495-4766
Senate District 39
Christine Kehoe senator.kehoe@sen.ca.gov housing/civil rights
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4039
SD-OFFICE 619-645-3133
Latino Caucus
Senate District 16
Dean Florez senator.florez@sen.ca.gov employment
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4016
Senate District 24
Gloria Romero senator.romero@sen.ca.gov employment/housing
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4024
LA-OFFICE 323-881-0100
Senate District 28
Jenny Oropeza senator.oropeza@sen.ca.gov womans
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4028
LA-OFFICE 310-318-6994
Senate District 30
Ron Calderon senator.calderon@sen.ca.gov economic development
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4030
LA-OFFICE 323-890-2790
Senate District 32
Gloria Negrete McLeod senaor.mcleod@sen.ca.gov employment
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4032
LA/SB-OFFICE 909-621-2783
Senate District 40
Denise Moreno Ducheny senator.ducheny@sen.ca.gov housing/womans
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4040
SD-OFFICE 619-409-7690
Orange County Members
Senate District 34
Lou Correa-Latino Caucus senator.correa@sen.ca.gov housing
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4034
OC-OFFICE 714-558-4400
Senate District 35
Tom Harman-R senator.harman@sen.ca.gov
SAC-OFFICE 916-651-4040
SD-OFFICE 619-409-7690
We can stop the Space Commander! But not if you don’t reach out to the Senators and let them know what a creep he is!
Dear Art,
I’m with you on all your calls to action regarding the need to stop the Space Commander but I have to be honest and say I don’t see that you are having much impact on him. He’s very thick skinned and as far as I can tell he seems to be getting off on seeing you and other bloggers try to go after him. He has been bragging about being featured in Gustavo’s articles like they are a badge of honor and he says as long as they spell his name right he hopes they just keep on profiling him! A friend who works with him at the County says Carlos has told her and others that it’s too late for a viable candidate to come forward to beat him for his council seat and that he will be in office for 4 or 8 years more depending what happens with term limits. He brags about the “big money” he has coming in for GOP/Lincoln club fat cats and says as a Latino Republican that he is worth Gold to the O.C. GOP. I’d like to think he is wrong about that Art but no real candidates are stepping up to run against him and raise the needed money. Michele started early in her run for Council and was successful but I don’t see it happening with Carlos so maybe he is right to mock those of us who want to see him out of elected office. Please convince me I am wrong Art. Thanks for all you do with this blog.