The collection of YouTube videos that our blogger Claudio Gallegos stumbled upon, which I think were shot by Truong Diep, a Trannie, are priceless. In the collection are a series of videos of the Trannies and their allies as they visit the U.S./Mexican border. In the clip below you can see Andy Quach, of the Westminster City Council, as he is decked out in his “Neo” black trench coat. And look for supervisorial candidate “Ding Dong” Dina Nguyen. She flits in and out but appears to be wearing fatigues.
The main subjects are Assemblyman Van Tran and O.C. Register hack columnist Frank Mickadeit, who appears to be enthralled by Tran and his Trannies.
I find this footage to be incredibly offensive to Latinos. Who do these Trannies think they are? They were given red carpet treatment when their parents and grandparents were unable to hang on to their country. Today all of them are making ample use of government benefits. But they scorn the hard-working Mexican immigrants who are fleeing for a better life, just like the Vietnamese did back in the 1970’s. What a bunch of hypocrites. Shame on the O.C. Register for participating in this gross exercise.
Thanks for naming names. I’ll just bet you that many of those asians in the film were told they should “go home” when they entered school here.
I wonder how they explain bashing other immigrants and practicing this kind of rogue vigilantism.
What a bunch of intellectual zombies.
I find the term Trannie offensive, personally. The Vietnamese were air-lifted and climbed in packed into tiny boats, went around the world to escape their war torn country, a war backed by the only super power in the world capable of going up against the US, a war against communism. And they fought while they could. When your hard working immigrants can say the same, instead of walking across a line marked on a map, maybe then you can say things like Trannie and not offend me, maybe then I’ll have a different point of view regarding your hard working immigrants.
Take a chill pill. Even the Trannies call themselves that now. They are proud to be acolytes of Van Tran. I started calling them Trannies also because as right wingers they are all anti gay marriage, so I figured the term would upset them, but I was wrong. They like being called Trannies. Go figure.
The Vietnamese were sick and tired of being ruled by the French and then by a handful of oligarchs. Their revolution was a symbol of their hatred for those who abused them for so long. I am no fan of commies but our government spent millions in Vietnam and thousands of soldiers, MANY of them Mexicans in heritage, died there. And still the southern Vietnamese could not hold on once we left.
We never learn. I am sure when we pull out of Iraq the same thing will happen again. When will the US government learn to stop nation building? Not in our lifetime I am sure.
Don’t forget that Mexico was invaded by the US in a war that was so corrupt and ridiculous that even Abe Lincoln came out against it. And this very state we are living in was stolen by the US as well, via their proxies who took over the state, declared a short-lived independence, then quickly ceded the state to the US.
To this day by the way thousands of Mexican Americans are in the military, as has been the case since WW II. And still the Trannies malign our neighbors to the south. It is simply abominable.
Had to look up oligarch, to make sure I understood the meaning. Straight out of Wikipedia:Oligarchy (Greek ????a???a, Oligarkh
“I find this footage to be incredibly offensive to Latinos.”
Speaking of that, can someone please tell us what Thomas Gordon’s position on illegal immigration is.
Does he support the border fence? Is he against amnesty? Where does he stand on the issue of “anchor babies”(right-wing term not mine)?
He is a candidate for office and I think he should share his views with the public. If Art is gonna rip everyone on the immigration issue, it only seems fair that his fellow blogger share his views on the issue.
Leaving aside your half-baked misrepresentation of the Vietnam War, its antecedents and aftermath…and your half-baked misrepresentation of the Mexican War…Claudio didn’t stumble upon these videos.
They were posted on Red County some time ago.
Jubal, I did see the video of Dina prancing around in a military outfit, but I can not find those videos on Red County anymore.
Can you provide us a link to where they are currently at on Red County?
Is calling someone a “Trannie” like calling all Mex’s… Poco or Juan?
I admire the Viet people who have worked so very hard to make it in the U.S. They came here with so little and in one generation they are our Doctors, our lawyers, our leaders. It may take the Latinos 10 generations to do half of what the “Trannies” have accomplished here in the U.S. I say let’s love the Trannie’s and try to figure out why their Latino classmates can’t keep up. Now that’s an issue worthy of an OJ Post. Why don’t you compare Garden Grove school district and Santa Ana…compare drop out rates for Trannies vs Latinos in same demographic groups. I think we all know the answers but let’s see what OJ readers think. Porque no?
Art, It’s you who has gone hay fire. You support gay marriages and murdering our little ones with pride.
I am not to judge you but you need to get your life straight before the ultimate appointment with God.
We love sinners but not the SIN itself. Get your heart healed with prayers and become a follower of Jeus and sooner is better than later.
art puts his big foot in his mouth again , making ample use of goverment benefits .. art what do you think the illegal mexicans do . they suck up all the goverment free stuff at tax payers expense . health care, schools , and so on .
The group “Trannies” have respectable name in the political circle today.
I think the “Trannies” has become a powerful conservative Republican political power house in central O.C. and it has potential to grow into much larger organization in near future.
Anon at 9;04 a.m.:
Here’s the link you asked for.
Art pretty much loses all credibility with his “California was stolen from mexico” bit. Given the turmoil and widespread corruption and poverty in Mexico-isnt California and Art Pedroza much better off?
One more question Art, you said that when the US leaves Iraq the same thing will happen again-isnt that exactly what McCain and other conservatives argue? As a democrat-arent you for immedaite troop withdrawl?
Art, here you go again, writing outright lies and generally being an idiot. I actually read all three of Mickadeit’s columns, and he simply reports Tran’s answers to his question. That’s it, no editorializing, no opinion about Tran, NOTHING. Your very short video clip shows nada and is barely audible. That is Trannies going “wild”?
You’re a silly fool. Try honesty for once.
The fact that Mickadork even went on that flight is damning. There was no story there. This was just the Trannies preening and prancing on the border in a wild orgy of hatred towards Mexicans.
They filmed this cr*p because they are proud of themselves. Well, it is going to backfire on them. I just wish the stupid OC Dems had the balls to put someone decent up against Tran. He is a lot more vulnerable than people think. Either of the Dems on the Costa Mesa City Council could have taken him this year.
I thought Vietnamese Trannies were
called “Ladyboys”?
Oh well, who knows.
Art, I commend your consistency, even if it is being consistently foolish!
“wild orgy of hatred towards Mexicans.” Wow.
I guess the National Guardsmen and women are the chief Mexican-haters, right Art? How about the mexican American and other Hispanic Guardsmen? They hate Mexicans too, right Art?
You sound like a complete ass. If you had a truthful bone in your body, you would stop your relentless slandr-fest and examine race and immigration issues rationally.
president Bush sent troops to the border to help secure the border. It was political, but it was in response to massive public frustration about the sieve that our border has become. It IS a national security issue, Art. grow up and deal with it.
Tran, like him or not, IS an elected member of the Assembly, and he should be down on the border checking out the practical reality of this major deployment. 600+ Guardsmen and women away from their families is real life. If you want to criticize, go after the city oficials who have no business being there.
Mickadeit is a journalist. He should be tagging along when a bunch of local government types take such a field trip. He wrote about the Minutemen previously, after having spent considerable time on the border himself. he was hardly complimentary. Of course, he actually DID something, researched something and wrote something with substance, instead of pulling a Pedroza and spewing unfounded crap everywhere.