H.B. forum focused on Bush "war crimes"

My fellow blogger Vern Nelson invited me to attend “a vital forum at Goldenwest College featuring distinguished Constitutional law experts Marjorie Cohn and Stephen Rohde (pictured above).” So my daughter and I drove over there tonight to check out the proceedings.

There were over 150 people there from students to seniors and the crowd was fairly diverse. Cohn proved to be a great speaker. Rohde was pretty good too, but he was somewhat hammy whereas Cohn stuck to the facts, which were compelling.

Rohde was the first speaker, at least as far as I know as I was a bit late. Both Rohde and Cohn were not very happy with a Bush lawyer named John Yoo who apparently came up with some crazy reasoning to allow torture of U.S. prisoners of war. Rohde in fact compared Yoo to Hitler’s lawyer, who apparently was found guilty after World War II and indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Rohde was very tough on the Democrats on Congress. The audience erupted when he blasted Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers for not impeaching Bush. Impeachment aside, he has a point. The Democrats in Congress have done nothing to stop Bush and his lame war.

Rohde also slammed Bush for violating the Constitution and lying to the people. As one might imagine, that too got a rise out of the audience.

Cohn apparently has published a book outlining six ways that Bush has broken the law. She said she could have listed more than six ways but the book would have been too heavy to carry around. That got a few chuckles.

Cohn spoke about how Bush and Cheney and company lied about WMDs over 900 times after 9/11. She was particularly mad because apparently Bush has violated a number of U.N. treaties previously ratified by the U.S. government, which she says means we have to obey them. I had never heard that before.

Cohn made some interesting allegations about why we invaded Iraq. She asserted that we did so in order to promote U.S. corporations, in so many words. She said that some oil law that is pending in Iraq will hand over 2/3 control of Iraqi oil fields to U.S. companies, which apparently is being opposed by Iraq oil unions. She also said that Bush is negotiating to establish a permanent military presence in Iraq and that he will be pushing for business opportunities for U.S. corporations.

Cohn also blasted Senator John McCain for voting against restricting torture, which she felt was quite a reversal for him, particularly since he himself was tortured by the Vietnamese.

Cohn closed her comments by admitting that it is probably too late to impeach Bush, but “these people should be prosecuted for war crimes.” The audience erupted as she uttered those words. Then she added, “These people should be in jail,” which merited an ovation by many of those in attendance.

I left as the questions and answers were starting up. It was an interesting experience and I am glad Vern invited me. I learned a lot about the war and about the many screw-ups of President George W. Bush. I wonder why Pelosi and the other Democrats in Congress have not done more to stop the war?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.