There are only seven or eight of them, but boy do they know what is right for the Party. And at the Central Committee meeting Monday night they wanted to see the deafmute candidate Hoa and his svengali El Reynoso tarred and feathered, and they wanted to parade down Chapman Avenue with Paul Lucas’ head on a pike. Phoning the major blogs, they urged cameras and promised bloodsport. When things didn’t quite pan out quite the way they envisioned, cooler heads having prevailed, more than one of them was heard to express a desire to defect to the Republican Party “because at least they have balls.”
Now, all of us are puzzled by some of the maneuvers of The Lucas and would like some straightforward answers. And all are underwhelmed by the Hapless Hoa with his “hinky” and “homey” headaches. (Lo siento, ‘Tavo, pero you can stop the forward march of alliteration no better than you can catch the Santa Ana winds in a colander. No se puede.) But us Dems from the hinterlands outside the first district scratch our heads at the furious passions unleashed by these two seemingly only-slightly-related kerfluffles, and we can’t but come to the conclusion that a specter is haunting the first district: the specter of Dem Jannyism, a specter which dare not speak its name.
So are the Jacobins of the DPOC Crypto-Jannies after all? (I speak not of non-Dems pulled into this vortex, like the unapologetic Jannie Pedroza, or Tom Gordon who was drawn in by the ostensible Santa Ana gang connection, or Jubal who finds this entertaining political theater on a par with the Mimi-Sidhu immigrant-bash-off.)
Added to the possible Jannyism of these Jacobins is what’s evidently been a long-festering resentment of the general cabronismo of El Reynoso. And now they have a new witch to burn for her apostasy – the exemplary KimChi Nguyen, whose eloquent Little Saigon Manifesto (characterized by Jacobins and Jannies alike as a “crazed rant”) stirred Democratic hearts across the County – what are we missing? If the Jacobins have a Plan B to shepherd the Vietnamese community into the Party of peace and justice, I want to hear what it is this Tuesday. And this time I will bring a camera.
For someone who wants to be elected to public office, Paul Lucas really doesn’t know how to control his mouth, does he?
All that hard work put in by Paul, Rebecca, and Gila to keep me (and others) quiet… wasted. Now everyone’s talking about them and nobody can say I didn’t warn them. I hope all three are enjoying the new Orange Juice.
Ain’t karma grand?!
Vern since you are in the hinterlands, why dont you talk with someone who is in the know? Your posts while making some interesting intellectual points reminds me of my professors in college who lacking any practical hands on experience regarding an issue make up stuff or latch on to a false charge being lobbied by the one side or another. your overall screed this time is way off base. laterz
you have got the wrong boogie man.
Hahaha–I don’t have problems with alliteration, Vern, just clichés. In your case, it works, but in mentioning “hinky” every time one mention Hoa, THAT’S malo. Great post!
Ha ha ha. Keep ’em coming!
“…they wanted to see the deafmute candidate Hoa and his svengali El Reynoso tarred and feathered, and they wanted to parade down Chapman Avenue with Paul Lucas’ head on a pike.”
Santa Ana is hardly Versailles.
Actually the royals and their hacks at the Palace at Versailles used to defecate in the corners of the castle as the restroom accommodations were somewhat lacking. Just visit downtown Santa Ana for a view at what that looked like as the homeless folk congregate in masses – and I don’t recall that outdoor restrooms are provided.
Touché, Monsieur Pedroza, le mot juste.
Great post Vern! At one point I wondered if Gustavo had penned under your name but knew that the immages were vintage Vern.
Reading this blog is great fun. Thank you.