I have had more than one request for a list of the current candidates for the Santa Ana Unified School District’s Board of Education. Here is a list of the candidates I am aware of at the moment:
- Rob Richardson, the SAUSD School Board Vice President. Under Rob’s “leadership” the SAUSD has sunk like the Titanic.
- Jose Hernandez, the SAUSD School Board President. Jose said recently that the number one problem in the SAUSD is a lack of teachers. He said this even as he and his lame cohorts laid off hundreds of teachers, including a 2008 “teacher of the year.”
- Mike Gonzalez, a Pulido hack who owns a security guard company and a suspect promotions company. Gonzalez tried to get appointed to a city commission recently and according to inside sources in City Hall his background check was less than flawless. Now he wants on to the school board? Yikes! (NOTE: There are rumors abounding that Gonzalez has pulled out already).
- Valerie Amezcua. Daughter of ridiculous Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee Al Amezcua. Val was a big backer of Measure G. So you can blame her for raising our property taxes in the middle of the Bush Depression! (NOTE: Chisme has it that Val’s dad Al is making calls to local community leaders trying to get endorsements for her.)
- Gloria Alvarado. Apparently works for the City of Santa Ana and is some kind of labor hack. Great.
- Irene Ibarra, a self-made businesswoman who worked for the City of Santa Ana early in her career. She is the only decent candidate at this point and has my full support.
- Cecilia Aguinaga – Could not beat Audrey Noji in the last SAUSD election. Nuff said. Should not be running in this or any other political race. Backed by Sal Tinajero. Not good!
- Roman Reyna – OMG. This dude has no clue!
- Mark McLoughlin – Co-Chair of the fraudulent SAUSD Measure G, which raised our property taxes even as Santa Ana leads the county in foreclosures, and in the midst of the Bush Depression. No bueno. This guy lives in Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s ritzy neighborhood, Floral Park. Word is the white voters in town are not happy with him because of his work on Measure G.
That’s it. What a pathetic list. These are the best and brightest amongst us? God help us. Looks like the SAUSD will continue to sink into bankruptcy, ineptitude and corruption – currently the district is $31 million in the red.
OK Let me put this a different way:
Por que’ alguien sin hijos en el distrito escolar y sin experiencia como educador, podria cometir por un lugar en el comite’ escolar??
Sino por beneficio propio?
Which roughly translates into (forgive my poor translation above):
Why would someone with no children in the district, who has no experience as an educator run for school board??
If for no other reason than to benefit ones self?
I have asked this question for years and nobody wants to answer it. I know there are tons of participating, concerned parents who would serve for the right reason.
Perhaps it’s time we let the people involved choose. New York City let’s EVERYONE vote for School Board, regardless. I say, let each school nominate a parent, run them off untilthere are three and then the public can vote.
That stops the realtors and politicians from fixing the gig.
I like it. Sure would screw up the oatmeal for the current board and who knows. They couldn’t mess up the expense accounts any worse than our pro’s we have now.
duplojohn –
I’m familiar with NYC’s position to allow all parents to vote for school board and while it’s a well-intentioned position, I don’t know if it’s good for SAUSD.
A singular, strong and independent parent organization does not exist at SAUSD. And the ones that casually pass as parent organizations are merely mouthpieces for the Supt. and the board trifecta. One only need to look at Measure G.
The voters should look to term limits and ward specific election for SAUSD school board. Richardson, Noji and Avila have over six decades of service on the school board. Are we better off under their reign?
Hello everybody: i am very please and excited to see that parent Gloria Alvarado made the right decision to become part of this race. She has four kids the four of them assisted to sausd Schools. She still has two of them which by the way they are straight A students thanks to her. She has been involved in everything that has to do with her children’s education. She does work for the city of santa ana she has been a city employee for the past twenty years. I think she will make an excellent job if she will get elected. If anything she is the only one that really cares for education not like the other candidates that just want fame and are running to get something out of it. I invite everybody to give Gloria a chance to get to know her. She has all my support. Good luck gloria in this race. It wont be easy but just remember that you are the most qualified candidate in the race. Vote gloria alvarado for santa ana unified school board!
Thanks for letting us know more about Gloria. Does she have a website yet?
Do you know her educational background? What is the level of her education? What does she do at the City?
Did she support Measure G – which raised our taxes even though Santa Ana is #1 in foreclosures and even though we are in the Bush Depression right now?
Will Gloria stand up to the special interests and represent the parents?
#3 Well said. I’m not entirely sure that system would work here either. But, as they said in the song……Something’s got to give!
#4 Let us know more about Alvarado.
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Full story on CNN
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