Adios Carlos!

Adios Carlos!

“Santa Ana City Councilman Carlos Bustamante has quietly resigned from two state commissions he was appointed to by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, after his published remarks last month suggesting that a male candidate for Orange County sheriff could’ve gotten the job if he had breast implants,” according to an article published online today by Christian Berthelsen over at the L.A. Times.

Looks like we won’t have to write those letters to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger after all!  🙂

Berthelsen mentioned in his article that Red County editor Matt Cunningham had overheard the sexist remarks.  Bustamante initially lied about making those remarks.

The two commissions that Bustamante resigned from were the Fair Employment and Housing Commission (FEHC) and the California Council on Criminal Justice.  My sources tell me that Schwarzenegger asked Bustamante to resign.  So he did.

Kudos to Cunningham for verifying the remarks that got Bustamante in trouble and to Chris Prevatt, over at the Liberal OC, for his follow-up posts about the remarks.

Berthelsen also quoted yours truly in his article:

“When he’s making these kind of remarks, how in the world could they put Mr. Bustamante into a body where he’s handling these kind of complaints?” said Art Pedroza, the founder and editor of the political blog Orange Juice. “Part of their work involves civil rights and complaints about this kind of behavior.”

Now more than ever the Democratic Party of Orange County needs to find someone to run against Bustamante for Ward 3 on the Santa Ana City Council.  He is not just a lame duck – he has been mortally wounded.  I fully expect this story to hit the AP wire today.

Bustamante’s resignation also takes Schwarzenegger off the hook.  He was going to be embarrassed when the Senate Rules Committee voted against Bustamante, which they were going to.  And it is likely that Schwarzenegger’s own sexist comments of the past would have seen print again.  Now he can avoid the issue altogether.

I would love to see Schwarzenegger appoint a local resident to the Fair Employment and Housing Commission.  How about the President of the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission, attorney Deborah Vasquez?  Now that would be an appointment I would eagerly support!  Or Schwarzenegger could go with Garden Grove City Councilman Mark Rosen, who is also an attorney.  Either candidate would be far better suited to serve on the FEHC than Bustamante, who simply was not qualified for that post.


Be sure to read Gustavo Arellano’s take on Busty’s demise at this link.  Here is a preview:

Carlos Bustamante was supposed to be the Golden Boy, the Mexican who could deliver Latinos to the Republican Party in Orange County. He won a SanTana City Council seat in 2004 by defeating a Papi Pulido-backed candidate in the one OC city where Democrats rule, and the dreaming started immediately.

O.C Register weighs in on Bustamante’s demise:

Doug Irving, over at the O.C. Register, put up an article about Bustamante’s resignation.  Here are a few excerpts:

The OrangeJuice political blog, in particular, has hounded Bustamante and called for a letter-writing campaign against him when Schwarzenegger first appointed him to the Fair Employment &Housing Commission.

“It’s ridiculous to put a guy saying that stuff on a commission that’s enforcing civil rights,” blogger Art Pedroza said in an interview. “It’s really an odd fit.”

Pedroza said he is actively working to line up candidates to run against Bustamante, whom he described now as a “wounded candidate.” Asked whether he would challenge Bustamante, Pedroza said: “If nobody else did it, I suppose I would. … But I’m hopeful that somebody else does.”

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About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.