“Santa Ana City Councilman Carlos Bustamante has quietly resigned from two state commissions he was appointed to by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, after his published remarks last month suggesting that a male candidate for Orange County sheriff could’ve gotten the job if he had breast implants,” according to an article published online today by Christian Berthelsen over at the L.A. Times.
Looks like we won’t have to write those letters to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger after all! 🙂
Berthelsen mentioned in his article that Red County editor Matt Cunningham had overheard the sexist remarks. Bustamante initially lied about making those remarks.
The two commissions that Bustamante resigned from were the Fair Employment and Housing Commission (FEHC) and the California Council on Criminal Justice. My sources tell me that Schwarzenegger asked Bustamante to resign. So he did.
Kudos to Cunningham for verifying the remarks that got Bustamante in trouble and to Chris Prevatt, over at the Liberal OC, for his follow-up posts about the remarks.
Berthelsen also quoted yours truly in his article:
“When he’s making these kind of remarks, how in the world could they put Mr. Bustamante into a body where he’s handling these kind of complaints?” said Art Pedroza, the founder and editor of the political blog Orange Juice. “Part of their work involves civil rights and complaints about this kind of behavior.”
Now more than ever the Democratic Party of Orange County needs to find someone to run against Bustamante for Ward 3 on the Santa Ana City Council. He is not just a lame duck – he has been mortally wounded. I fully expect this story to hit the AP wire today.
Bustamante’s resignation also takes Schwarzenegger off the hook. He was going to be embarrassed when the Senate Rules Committee voted against Bustamante, which they were going to. And it is likely that Schwarzenegger’s own sexist comments of the past would have seen print again. Now he can avoid the issue altogether.
I would love to see Schwarzenegger appoint a local resident to the Fair Employment and Housing Commission. How about the President of the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission, attorney Deborah Vasquez? Now that would be an appointment I would eagerly support! Or Schwarzenegger could go with Garden Grove City Councilman Mark Rosen, who is also an attorney. Either candidate would be far better suited to serve on the FEHC than Bustamante, who simply was not qualified for that post.
Be sure to read Gustavo Arellano’s take on Busty’s demise at this link. Here is a preview:
Carlos Bustamante was supposed to be the Golden Boy, the Mexican who could deliver Latinos to the Republican Party in Orange County. He won a SanTana City Council seat in 2004 by defeating a Papi Pulido-backed candidate in the one OC city where Democrats rule, and the dreaming started immediately.
O.C Register weighs in on Bustamante’s demise:
Doug Irving, over at the O.C. Register, put up an article about Bustamante’s resignation. Here are a few excerpts:
The OrangeJuice political blog, in particular, has hounded Bustamante and called for a letter-writing campaign against him when Schwarzenegger first appointed him to the Fair Employment &Housing Commission.
“It’s ridiculous to put a guy saying that stuff on a commission that’s enforcing civil rights,” blogger Art Pedroza said in an interview. “It’s really an odd fit.”
Pedroza said he is actively working to line up candidates to run against Bustamante, whom he described now as a “wounded candidate.” Asked whether he would challenge Bustamante, Pedroza said: “If nobody else did it, I suppose I would. … But I’m hopeful that somebody else does.”
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Some people were concerned when Mr. Patrick got an advisory position with the city. However, Mr. Patrick is so much more above the kind of potty talk that Carlos Bustamante is capable of. We need more Mr. Patricks at the city level and less Mr. Pottytalk Carlos B.
The constant exposure of the thugs, bigots and corrupt practices in Santa Ana has finally begun to bear fruit.
I think Matt Cunningham is a hero. He could have looked the other way, but he didn’t. I hope he won’t be punished by well-placed politicians who want revenge for Matt doing what needed to be done.
Someone get a bar of soap. Carlos’ mouth needs a good washing out.
It was a done deal here in sacramento. Within a day of the times article, he was toast as he should be. The next step is the impact on his career. Remember he is damaged goods now. The impact of his comments will forever follow him. Just like Jesse Jacksons comments yesterday and several years ago re Obama and New York CIty.
Kudos to all who called, emailed, and raised hell on both sides of the aisle and took the position that Bustamante behavior is unacceptable.
I heard what I heard. I wasn’t going to lie about it.
Poor Busty…
To All
The next step is pressure on CAO Mauk to discipline Bustamante. The issue is very clear: a public setting: he represents himself as a member of the Santa Ana City Council AND he is a county employee. His behavior and his statements in such a public venue violate basic county policies here in California. There is not one county in our state where such behavior would be tolerated. Let me check that statement: except one: Orange County.
What is the next step OC Voters? How do you want your county employees to behave and represent you? And that is not limited to Bustamante but includes Mauk. If you wish to tolerate Bustamante’s behavior, then by all means accept Mauk’s inaction on this matter. Otherwise the call for Mauks resignation is the next step. If Mauk doesnt wish to deal with Bustamante, then Mauk has got to go.
Whats your pleasure, Voters? Afterall, as Harry Truman so eloquently said many years ago and with modification for the current situation with Bustamante: “the buck stops (here) with Mauk”
an appropriate name for the space commandante-
say, if he loses his OC job, do you think Mater Dei will hire him as a security guard? afterall, he would have to pass all the state and fed background checks. And he does have work experience at Bowers. he could wear his Monarch butterfly wings at the MD football and basketball games. What do you think his wife is saying now???
do they continue to have the photos of Busty with the Terminator on Busty’s website? Sounds like a political career is over.
Guys, chill. You’re all getting ahead of yourselves.
He lost his appointment because he made a statement directly opposed to the post he would have had. Clearly the Governator took appropriate action for Busty’s off-color joke, but his career is not even close to over.
while I enjoy your commentary, I would respectfully disagree with your conclusion that his career is not over. Lets assume he runs for county sup, is one to honestly think that this would not come up in campaign lit? The same would happen in any sen/assem race. and female voters arent going to forgot this comment, and if they do, any good campaign consultant would incorporate this into opposition polling and research as well as campaign lit.
Ask Jesse jackson how many people remember his comments about new york and “hy*** town” several years ago, or Dannemeyer, Schmitz, Briggs, and Dornan’s comments over the years. The voter may be fickle, but they never forget.
and those guys are history but their comments have outlived them. Ask Schmitz’ daughter Mary Kay Schmitz LeTourneau she of infamous history as is her father.
I don’t know what you have in Sacto, but in OC we have a CEO, not a CAO.
Sarah is right, or at least a lot more right than you are. You can’t beat somebody with nobody. This will have a negligible impact on Carlos’ council re-election unless he draws a credible opponent with the resources to mail to voters. The impact is more in the long run it Carlos ever runs for the BOS or a legislative seat.
Wasn’t it Matt who was defending Carlos and calling anyone offended by his joke a PC wuss?
Matt Cunningham aka Jubalidiot:
First, thank you for correcting the typo on my part-out of the 58 counties (including Sacramento) all chief executives are titled chief executive officer. In my work with public entities, I deal with both positions.
With respect to California counties, the only exception I know to that rule is San Francisco which has a combined city/county governmental structure run by a Mayor and Board of Supervisors (and at one time did have a chief administrative officer-I know since I formerly worked for him and not in a gadfly position as you did as a staff gofer). Stop your whining NeoKlan boy
Go back and take the cotton out of your ears. Reread the post. I said nothing about his reelection to the SACC. The reason I did not mention it is that such a conclusion is self evident.
It goes without saying that this situation will not impact his reelection efforts this fall. There is one exception. A creditable candidate to run against him. Especially if that candidate is a woman.
Absent that, he will win this fall against no opposition, let alone token opposition. But as to a further career achievements thru higher elected positions, that, as they say, “aint gonna happen bozo”. This clowncil member is history.
So go back and get your neoKlan robes out, with Jabalicious and the jubalettes, and your ironing board and go solicit support for the marriage initiative this fall. BTW, the FTB down the street was very interested in your receipt of OCF tickets. It was a great conversation. If you play your cards right, maybe you and aleman (how appropriate-espanol for germany) can be cell mates and pass out star burger tickets in the yard at Chino………
In addition to being a sexist pig, Carlos has borne a female child out of wedlock some 14 years ago. This childs birth certificate will be mailed to voters along with his sexist comments.Carlos cited the excuse of new responsibilities at his job as the reason for his resignations, but he still has pleanty of time for his philandering ways with women other than his wife and his position on the board of the santana business bank. Maybe Carlos should just decide to sit out the next election to spend more time at home.
Ah-nuld would be shocked by your spite and vitriol — even attacking my wife and children from the safety of anonymity! Not very inclusive or post-partisan of you.
And it’s “Schwarzenegger” not “Schwarzeneggar.” If you’re going to emulate Ahnuld, I thought you might want to spell his name correctly.
I said nothing about his reelection to the SACC. The reason I did not mention it is that such a conclusion is self evident.
No, you told SMS you “disagree with your conclusion that his career is not over.” Career would include being re-elected to council. Don’t get huffy because you can’t express yourself clearly.
But your blanket assertion that this nukes Carlos’ political career is absurd when you don’t know the contours or candidate field of whatever contest Carlos may enter in the future. Like it or not, candidates have overcome worse to win.
The issue is very clear: a public setting: he represents himself as a member of the Santa Ana City Council AND he is a county employee.
Wow, you can sure hear and see well from all the way up in Sacramento, SCR.
There were three people present when Carlos made that remark — you weren’t one of them. But pontificate on the clearness of the setting and situation, if you like.
Ah-nuld would be shocked by your spite and vitriol — even attacking my wife and children from the safety of anonymity! Not very inclusive or post-partisan of you.
Its called the politics of destruction of the radical right or as the Governor says-the return of the party to the center and away from the Fleischmans, Cunninghams, and Melanie Morgans, to name a few racist neoKlan members of the Republican party of California-say have you made your donation to pay the debt off that exists-or are you relying on the Gov’s friends
And it’s “Schwarzenegger” not “Schwarzeneggar.” If you’re going to emulate Ahnuld, I thought you might want to spell his name correctly.-Minor detail-but go back and play in your sandbox with Msgnr Urell-oh yes that suite in your office, or rather home.
I said nothing about his reelection to the SACC. The reason I did not mention it is that such a conclusion is self evident.
No, you told SMS you “disagree with your conclusion that his career is not over.” Career would include being re-elected to council. Don’t get huffy because you can’t express yourself clearly.
–I take the big picture-I have been working on this here in town for several months-his opening up his mouth was the frosting on the cake.-Only a moron like you would froth at the mouth and postulate that his career is not over. The old adage is true-that all politics is local-the second old adage is that politics ends at the local level-the voters of his district have to deal with him-and they will-but as his previous history shows (placing 4th in his supervisorial run), I feel safe in saying that his career is at an end. Every voter that he deals with in his district, or across the city, or viewing him at a city council meeting will have his comments in the back of their mind.
But your blanket assertion that this nukes Carlos’ political career is absurd when you don’t know the contours or candidate field of whatever contest Carlos may enter in the future. Like it or not, candidates have overcome worse to win.
You definitely have consumed the Schroeder kool-aid–gawd how your comments parallel Fleischmann’s comments at one of Carona’s press conferences-behavior is behavior-and the voters never forget….
The issue is very clear: a public setting: he represents himself as a member of the Santa Ana City Council AND he is a county employee.
Wow, you can sure hear and see well from all the way up in Sacramento, SCR.
–As I said, all politics is local-his career is dead and will not progress further-especially with Senator Padilla putting the stone around his neck. And that same stone hangs around Nunez’ and Villaraigosa’s necks. The common theme is behavior. End of story. As for the OC contingent here in Sacramento, there isnt a whole lot of respect for the OC contingent. Generally viewed by many in the building as lazy and without substance. To that contingent will come Dianne Harkey. We cant wait for the laughing to stop. We are all waiting for the trainwreck that is Harkey. Again behavior behavior behavior.
There were three people present when Carlos made that remark — you weren’t one of them.
I never said that I was. I have been there many times and dealt with many sups while you were in grammer school. I can exercise my influence here and do so readily for my contacts there. The nomination was dead months ago-the fact that Bustamante opened his mouth and the fact that the LA Times reported this hugely embarassing dialogue made the nomination a no go-it was now a question of when and not if-this would have gone to rules after the budget and later this fall.
Now it wont see the light of day. In much the same way a Bustamante election to supervisor, the state assembly, or the state senate will not see the light of day. And we havent even discussed the philandering issue (of which there is plenty of evidence) and its relationship to his personal credibility.
But pontificate on the clearness of the setting and situation, if you like.
Easily said, without the pontification. The space commandante will not be elected to any future public office in Orange County. Sorry, one exception-probably the Orange County Republican Central Committee-he can compare notes with Rosie Avila
now go back to your sandbox and dream a sweet dream of being in Chino with Aleman passing out Karl’s (sic) coupons to your fellow inmates.
Matt –
You’re my hero. 😛
#13 –
‘In addition to being a sexist pig, Carlos has borne a female child out of wedlock some 14 years ago. This childs birth certificate will be mailed to voters along with his sexist comments.‘
Yes, and?
In other words, you’ve got nothing to offer but petty personal attacks.
Some people use a pseudonym so they can provide news and info without fear of retribution. Others use it like cowards to lie and make personal attacks. You obviously fall in the latter category: because if you actually were the important public policy type you make yourself out to be, your colleagues would see you in a much different light if you actually put your name to your venom.
OC Weekly’s take on the whole thing. It’s pretty funny 😉
Snip ~~~
All of this is gone because Bustamante is a baboso. Last month, Bustamante cracked some stupid joke regarding breast implants and a water bra about newly appointed Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, and good-minded folks went wacko. Bustamante at first denied the remarks, but now all he’s doing is resigning from the two commissions. ………..
waa waa waa
make sure that when you cry in your liquid refreshment, that you are always wearing your NeoKlan cone hat and cape. It reflects the racist element in you that we all know exists even though you continually deny it.
Carlos Bustamontes, ADA violations in the City of Santa Ana. See Video http://youtube.com/lisannmartinez
Yet again, you prove my point for me. Nothing to offer but spittle and bluster.
The Governor ins EXTREMELY sensitive to possible embarassment with regard to apointees.
I for one can attest to brutal questioning of my past statements and background.
As for Jubal’s curage, it sure would have been nice or still would be nice if he’d take the same tact with the Corona/Shcroeder debacle, theres a few others we could throw in there.
As for hi future, Carlos will be fine, look at Richardson, in his small fifedom he can continue to f*** things up for helpless kids with out too much retribution!