The “Space Commander” wants your money!

It\'s Carlos Bustamante!

The OC GOP’s current event calendar includes a”Special Event Carlos Bustamante Re-Election Campaign Reception.”  The event is taking place at 5:30 p.m., on Wednesday, July 16, at Antonello Ristorante, in Costa Mesa (funny that a Santa Ana Clowncilman would hold an event outside of his city). If you are crazy enough to want to go, RSVP to or call 714-368-0260.

“Ruh-roh,” as Scooby Doo would say.  What will the Space Commander say this time?  I may have to go there just to videotape him!  I don’t know why Bustamante sticks his feet in his mouth so often.  But his gaffes have been legion – and we have covered them all here at the Orange Juice.

His latest oopsie happened after Sandra Hutchens was selected as our new O.C. Sheriff.  Bustamante promptly told SAPD Chief Paul Walters, who was overlooked by the Board of Supervisors, that he should have worn a water-bra, then Bustamante denied saying this even though an L.A. Times reporter heard him say it.  Classic!

And now a pictorial walk down memory lane, with the lame Santa Ana Clowncilman I like to call the “Space Commander (Bustamante often refers to his time in the “Space Command”):

Carlos Bustamante

Perhaps the stranges of Bustamante’s many goofs happened when Santa Ana Mayor MIguel Pulido and Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle hosted a fundraiser for him, when he was running for O.C. Supervisor (a race he was destined to lose big).  Bustamante got up and promptly shocked the audience when he compared his life to that of the fictional movie character “Forrest Gump.”  Apparently he was serious – he spoke about how he has always been at the right place, at the right time.  That’s right Carlos – you are “Token” from South Park!

Carlos Bustamante\'s \

Then Bustamante spoke up at another meeting – and credited his time as a youthful security guard at the Bowers Museum for launching him into a career in law enforcement.  So of course we found a picture of Bustamante’s “Night at the Museum.” (Kudos to the Liberal OC’s Mike Lawson for this Photoshop, as well as the “Bubba Gump” picture).

Carlos and the Trannies!

There is no end to Bustamante’s pandering, but his picture with a couple of “Trannies” – GOP Assemblyman Van Tran and his henchman Westminster Councilman Andy Quach, takes the cake.  Not only do these two hate Mexicans, but for some reason they removed the American flag from the picture!

Carlos Bustamante and his pal Tom Umberg

This picture makes no sense.  For some reason Bustamante posed with Democratic Supervisorial candidate Tom Umberg – but they both were spanked by Janet Nguyen!  I am sure she has this picture pinned on her bulletin board…

Carlos Bustamante

After I took the picture above, Bustamante asked my fellow blogger, Thomas Gordon, why is Art Pedroza always trying to take my picture when I’m eating?”  Duh!  Because a picture of the Space Commander with food on his face would be priceless!

Bustamante appeared at a meeting of the South Main Merchant’s Association, where he bragged about being on the board of the new Santa Ana Business Bank.  If Bustamante ends up in jail it will be because of the resulting conflict of interest – how can a Santa Ana Clowncilman serve on the board of a local bank that will be granting business loans for projects Bustamante will likely vote for?  Maybe instead of fundraising for his Council campaign he ought to be raising money for the legal defense fund he will eventually need…

Sadly, Bustamante is not yet facing a challenger for his Council seat.  I thought about running, but decided my family needed me more than my city does – and I can do more as a blogger than I could on the Santa Ana Clowncil.  But hopefully someone will emerge to take this clown out!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.