Vote YES on Prop 8. Video. Impact on 5 year old kindergarten student in MASS

As fellow Juice blogger Vern has taken a very proactive stance opposing Prop 8, as another member of the Juice Team I am posting this opposing view supported by a short video clip that illustrates what can happen to our children or grandchildren in the public school system unless we prevail with a YES vote on Nov 4th.

The video is an actual story, not an imaginary tale, of a 5 year old kindergarten student whose teacher sent him home with a diversity book bag including a book entitled “whose in a family book.” Introducing students to diversity without parental notification nor providing the ability to “opt out,” is what actually happened to the Parker family. It is the responsibility of parents to educate their impressionable children, not the public school assuming that parental responsibility.  Click here to see the video.

If Massachusetts can overstep their role and without parental knowledge or consent, the same can happen in our public schools.

While gays have the right to their private lives, they do not have the right to redefine marriage  for the  rest of us.

Furthermore, before you ask if I know anyone who is gay, the answer is yes. Bloggers whom I have met in Santa Ana that are known to those who closely follow other Orange County blogs.

Unlike Prop 1 A and it’s 15 pages of supplemental text,  this Proposition is very easy to read. This will be a Constitutional Amendment that:

“provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

To repeat: vote YES on Proposition 8

About Larry Gilbert