fuckin pic gone ha!
What could be worse than seeing Carlos Bustamante get reelected to the Santa Ana City Council? How about seeing his brother Alfonso (pictured above, on the right) run for the Council in 2010? Oh no! But that is what I am hearing from one of my City Hall insider pajaritos.
Alfonso apparently is interested in running for the Ward 2 seat being vacated by Councilwoman Michele Martinez in two years. She says she is running for Mayor again.
Alfonso has already made a name for himself, but not in a good way. He is a member of the Santa Ana Historic Resources Commission, but I am told that he is often late to the meetings and he often leaves early. But wait – the news gets worse for Alfonso.
The OC Weekly outed him in an article about a historic apartment building he owns (see picture above). The residents have complained about roaches and no heat – to no avail. One resident even complained about mold!
Alfonso is also a member, along with his brother Carlos, of the Santa Ana Business Bank’s Board of Directors. There again, the news is not good. Their shares have plummeted in less than one year from $10.50 to $4 (see the graphic below).
Is Santa Ana ready for ANOTHER Bustamante on our City Council? He won’t have a clear path, that’s for sure. Other possible candidates include former Councilwoman Lisa Bist; and “Ben Dayhoe,” the infamous resident of the Santa Ana Art Lofts. Hopefully we will see a progressive Latino in the mix too.
There is so much dirt on this guy, he makes his brother look squeaky clean. I don’t think he’s going to want the publicity.
This is all you need to know about Alfonso: he drives a white Bentley to work. REALLY in touch with the residents of SanTana there, Alfonso!
I’m not a fan of Alfonso either but I do not get your point. So does it mean that in order to be in touch with the residents of santa ana he has to drive a pick truck and wear a sombrero and run a taco stand at the swapt meet? I am sure that would satisfy you. Come on!.
Is it legal for relatives to sit on the same council?
“he drives a white Bentley to work”
Really Gustavo? Damn!!! Isn’t he a public employee?
Alfonso works at CHOC, which I don’t think is a government-run operation.
Wait, didn’t we just vote to give $1 billion to childrens’ hospitals? WHOOPS! Don’t blame me. I voted No on 3.
If the dude is really driving a Bentley to work and he is employed by CHOC; this should serve as a HUGE RED FLAG. CHOC pays well…not that well. Hmm….I wonder what is other ventures (legal…illegal) are…like our hugely unfamous Mayor “El Mentioso Pudrido” and ‘Ace Mufflers’.
I guess the novela (soap opera) never ends in SANTANA.
I saw it with my own eyes: Alfonso eating at Taco Adobe in Orange, getting into a white Bentley, then making a left into an office park just south of the 22 Freeway on Memory Lane (just after Santiago Park). I couldn’t believe it, even though my lunch partner who knows how Alfonso looks like (I do as well, but this person has done business with Alfonso) said it was him. I asked a French Park resident about Alfonso’s Bentley, and they just railed about how you can’t park in front of his house without a permit. Someone should check into THAT.
ain’t nothing wrong with driving a bentley, so what? I wish I had a bentley my car is 16 years old and the paint looks bad 🙁
There’s someone else angling for this seat that could make the Ward 2 election historic, but apparently nobody wants to talk about her. Those who neglect to do so don’t seem to want her to run or else they’d speak up and get people talking about it.
#11 –
Did Sarah Palin move into Ward 2?
ok first of all he does not own a brand new bently for all you “haters” out there. for those of you who dont know him..which im assuming is pretty much the majority of you..he likes OLD classic cars. he bought he white bently a few months back and its like from the 70’s so chill out all of you who are freaking out about how much money he has and the type of car he own and get your facts straight!
Pretty sure a vintage 1970″s bentley goes for about $36,000 to $50,000 still a pricey car. If he bought a real piece of crap which I am doubting it would be about $24,000. Personally I could care less what the hell he drives, he is nothing more than his brother has been to the city of Santa Ana and he has been worthless.
But by the by amanda almost nobody around here wants another Bustamate holding office in Santa Ana. We don’t even want the one we’ve got, to bad more residents were not smart with their votes we should have Art in there.
Sorry, I know this is an old story, but I just came across it.
>>>There is so much dirt on this guy, he makes his brother look squeaky clean. I don’t think he’s going to want the publicity.<<<
Never mind the Bentley, that’s nothing. Everything Anon Teacher says is true. I’d love to compare facts. He gives Tony Villaraigosa a run for his money!
I think he’s running for sup. Just a hunch.
Mati knows!
Mati for Ward 2-
Mati. W 2010
I think he’s running for sup. Just a hunch.
Mati knows!
Mati for Ward 2-
Mati. W 2010
All I can say is, this guy is SMOKE AND MIRRORS! You know how the bible talks about Wolf in Sheep’s clothing?
Had him as a professor at santiago canyon college for one of my classes… Power-hungry-jack-@$$. He is all about his titles, accolades, and bull s_ _t positions he serves on a number of different boards and organizations. Dropped the class when I could not take any more of his BS. Straight up dick.
yeah he aint that bad
Bustamante is a bust. he had a house over in santa ana he bought, borrowed money on for home improvements, but spent the money on fun, foreclosed on the house, but bought another house right before the NOD showed up on paper. that’s where he started his smoke and mirror scam. wouldn’t trust this suave smooth talkin scammer.
His brother is the same way.
My husband and I were getting marriage counceling from him, and instead of trying to help us, he told me how much he had a crush on me!!! and more.. Pathetic!!
Read these articles:
Alfonso Bustamante, Psychologist Brother of Santa Ana Pervert Councilman Carlos, Facing Ethics Lawsuit For Alleged Affair with Female Patient…
Carlos Bustamante’s twin brother sued for alleged affair with client
Read “Professional Therapy Never Includes Sex” published by the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs.
Read it online: