No, I am NOT the OJ blogger known as Guy Fawkes, but if there is one thing we learned from that film, it’s that we ALL can be V! (or Spartacus.) So, IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE, for Californians Tuesday:
NO ON 8, NO ON 4!
…No on ALL the damn propositions, except for 2, 5, and 11. Just vote No on all of them if that’s hard to remember. The most important thing in California is that we drive a stake into the heart of Proposition 8. So when the Republican Party finally recovers and comes back, it will be with something other than hate.
Most Exciting Candidates (no offense to other good ones)
Debbie Cook, Congress, CA-46
Bill Hedrick, Congress, CA-44
Gary Pritchard, State Senate, SD-33
Ken Arnold, Assembly, AD-68*
(*extra excitement props for going against Van Tran)
Mayor Michele and Councilmembers Walker, Pedroza and Martinez for Santa Ana!
Dan Kalmick, Huntington Beach City Council!
Linh Ho and Robin Marcario in Garden Grove!
Katrina Foley and Chris Bunyan in Costa Mesa!
Gus Ayer in Fountain Valley!
Debra Carrillo, Judge of Superior Court
The 3 P’s – Patterson, Prinsky and Pirch for Coast Community!
Give assemblyman Solorio a little slap for not being a good Dem: Cam Mangels in AD-69.
When in doubt vote Dem not Reep.
and last of all, for President…
…or any third-party candidate you like, we have that luxury here!
and Remember, remember the fourth of November…
What do Guy Fawkes (the original) and Willam Ayers (Obama’s friend) have in common?
junior, I hope the answer will be a lot better than the goofy links you sent us to on Red’s Bonfire post yesterday. Those were lame; I was expecting better from you!
junior said: “What do Guy Fawkes (the original) and William Ayers (Obama’s friend) have in common?”
Longboobs said: “junior, I hope the answer will be a lot better than the goofy links you sent to us on Red’s Bonfire post yesterday.”
Longboobs – The answer is much better.
Both Guy Fawkes (the original) and William Ayers (Obama’s friend) attempted to blow up their respective legislatures.
Guy Fawkes was hung for his act of terrorism – Williams Ayers (Obama’s friend), unfortunately, did not receive the punishment he deserved.
Been busy at my church job, I was gonna say the obvious answer is they both blew up or attempted to blow up government buildings in protest of perceived injustice, and are both considered domestic terrorists.
But I thought maybe Junior was going farther, maybe he was going to try to claim that:
Guy Fawkes’ case was dismissed due to government misbehavior, and he went on to rehabilitate himself and become a respected professor of education in Chicago.
or, Guy Fawkes happened to be on the same large Ahmanson (Reagan friend) – funded charity board with Obama for a few years;
or, Guy Fawkes hosted a livingroom social in those days for the budding State Senator, and donated 200$ to his first campaign – his only donation ever to Obama and one of dozens of gatherings for the Senator that took place all over Chicago;
or maybe, that Guy Fawkes and Barack Obama were at most casual acquaintances in the Chicago Democratic milieu, or that many people thought highly of Guy Fawkes in the 90’s despite his past;
or that Guy Fawkes conducted a strange, disturbing interview with the NY Times on Sept 11, 2001 about his past, and shocked most people by saying he wish he had “done more” back then.
Or that Obama has refused to have anything to do with Guy Fawkes since that interview.
But I guess there’s only so many parallels one can draw. Guy Fawkes was tortured and named names of his co-conspirators – But only the ones he knew had already confessed! And then was executed, and has had the day of his execution celebrated in an ambivalent way by the British ever since.
“… had the day of his execution celebrated in an ambivalent way by the British ever since.” Actually they celebrate the day of his capture.
And HARDLY in an ambivalent manner Vern. The British JOYOUSLY celebrate the capture of their famous domestic terrorist.
They do not want to forget the “Gunpowder Plot.” They do not want a similar occurance.
That is why the verse goes – “Remember Remember the 5th of November ..”
Well, I don’t want you to start pretending I’m defending Ayers here, but … it’s definitely ambivalent from what I can see with the Brits and GF.
They wear those masks, don’t they? And everyone secretly resents their parliament or Congress and occasionally dreams of taking revenge on them, even if they wouldn’t really. And V for Vendetta – the screenplay and the comic novel it was based on – came right out of the Britain and British tradition.
Longboobs said: “junior, I hope the answer will be a lot better than the goofy links you sent us to on Red’s Bonfire post yesterday.”
Longboobs – Since readers are not aware of the post you are referring to – and since Red Vixen took the post down as part of her unjustified censorship campaign against me – I will re-post here.
Remember, this is in response to her posting of the rude and uncivil Palin caricature. Considering her original post, I believe that these cartoons are a reasonable response.
Longboobs (no. 2) This is in response to Red Vixens posting of the rude and uncivil Palin caricature. Considering her original post, I believe that these cartoons are a reasonable response.
junior –
‘Rude and uncivil?’ To Sarah Palin? You’ve gotta be joking. Remember how people treated Michael Moore after Fahrenheit 9/11?
And don’t you back Prop 8? Well, if you don’t consider the proposition to be hateful (and I can at least vouch for the fact that you aren’t), don’t you at least have to admit that it’s ‘rude and uncivil’ to strip legal rights from people simply because you disagree with their lifestyle? How would you feel if someone told you which church to attend? In fact, it was escape from religious persecution on which our country was founded.
How is Prop 8 any different from the censorship you seem to be experiencing? I’m not justifying it, I’m merely pointing out that there is a two-way street here.
Yeah, Junior, I saw it the first time. My point is, it’s not even worthy of a courtesy chuckle. I guess, to be precise, it’s too trite. Alfred E. Newman gets morphed so often it’s become mundane. I didn’t think it was funny when he looked like George W. if that helps explain it. I guess I was just hoping for something original …
Though I will say this: Obama, “charicaturized” and toothless, still looks pretty hot to me! 🙂