(Pictures courtesy of Orange Juice blogger Roy Reynolds)
UPDATE: Video of this event will be available at this link by 6 pm tonight.
A KFI AM-640 tax revolt tea party took place this afternoon in the city of Fullerton, CA. As I exited the 91 freeway onto Harbor Blvd heading north to East Commonwealth Ave. I immediately knew John and Ken’s KFI AM-640 open air program was going to be a packed house. In fact I had to drive six blocks to find a parking place as the city parking garage and surrounding areas were all full.
As I approached the KFI stage attendees passed several booths such as the HJTA booth where volunteers were giving out NO on Measure 1 A bumper stickers, the AFP blow up ATM machine where a man held a sign reading “I am not California’s ATM, a recall Assemblyman Jeff Miller booth, another area with volunteers signing up recall Arnold rolls and some fun games including John and Ken’s Political Traitor Shoe Toss where you throw a shoe at a picture of Arnold and the Legislature leaders who supported the tax increase. Another booth labeled a “flush-a-natar” dunk tank where I saw young boys getting a bucket of water dumped on their heads in the 68 degrees afternoon.
I arrived a full hour before the official program starting time of 3 p.m. and can report that we did not need John and Ken to get us pumped up. Several in the crowd, which grew to around 2,500 and counting, starting chanting “off with their heads, off with their heads” to huge participation from the many who drove from as far away as San Diego and Murietta to be part of this anti tax increase gathering. There must have been hundreds of man made signs. I take that back. Many of the signs were also created by the ladies in the standing-room-only area between the railroad track and the Slidebar Cafe.
George Collins, producer of Santa Ana Insight, drove up alongside me standing on his Segway Personal Transporter filming the crowd. Nice touch.
Let me give you a sampling of the signs “Schwarzenegger is a girly man, Taxes are way too high, somewhere, somehow, someone’s going to pay–us, Benedict Arnold Traitor, Total Recall Arnold, Raped by the state, Corrupt politicians–taxation without representation, No on 1 A, Recall Arnold, Sacramento is sick, Californian Leaders betray us taxpayers.”
One sign that was well received read “U.S. unemployment 8.5%.” The next line read “California’s unemployment 10.6%” with the final line reading “state workers unemployment 0%.” Another sign read “How do politicians spell pledge L-I-E” with another reading “born free, taxed to death.”
As John and Ken opened the live KFI radio broadcast we were asked “taxpayers, are you ready?” as we looked at their toilet plunger with a legislator face on the end. The crowd was then encouraged to chant “heads on a stick, heads on a stick” that did not require much urging. Another chant was “revolt, recall, repeal. Revolt, recall repeal.”
We did not need to be reminded that we pay the highest sales tax rate in the nation and the other tax increase just approved by our legislators. At one point Ken walked on stage with Arnold’s head on a sword which surely got the crowd’s attention.
We listened to a sound bite/cut familiar to me in which Governor Schwarzenegger, in 2006, stated “I will not raise taxes on the people of California.” This was followed by another chant of “liar, liar, liar.” We were told that our taxes will be increased $50 billion over the next four years.
Before one of the commercial breaks Fullerton City councilman Shawn Nelson was invited to use a sledgehammer and smash a VHS copy of Arnold’s Last Action Hero.
This was followed by Ken and John using a shredder to destroy a DVD of Arnold’s 1987 movie Predator to the enjoyment of the crowd.
(Picture courtesy of Steven Sarkis)
The down side of getting up to the fifth row from the stage was trying to leave. I briefly spoke to Fullerton Planning Commissioner, Supervisor Norby Exec Assistant Bruce Whitaker and CRA officer Steve Sarkis.
(Picture courtesy of Steven Sarkis)
On my was out I stopped by a man wearing a huge sandwich sign which read. “Pledge to my voters: I will not support a budget that includes tax increases.” Assemblyman Anthony Adams. Big Fat Liar. They were handing out cards reading RECALL Assemblyman Anthony Adams which reads that he “casted one of the three Republican votes that were needed to raise our taxes.” It has a web site reading www.RecallAdams.org.
(Picture courtesy of Steven Sarkis)
My last stop at the event was to stop at a booth with a long line of voters waiting to sign a petition calling for the recall of Assemblyman Jeff Miller. I picked up a flyer at that booth which opens stating “we do not want our leaders merely for a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ vote. We elect them to fight on our behalf and protect the constituents from government abuse. Jeff Miller has FAILED to Protect Us.” One bullet point reads. “Miller voted to put an extra 2 year tax increase on the ballot after pledging “no new taxes.” It has a web address www.recallmiller.com
Heading to the street and my car there were hundreds of other people coming from all directions to catch part of this KFI broadcast that is still on the air as I finish this blog post.
Great weather, energized crowd, numerous signs and a great message from John and Ken that needs to resonate across our state.
Click here to read the O.C. Register story about this event. They say that over 8,000 were at this tax protest.
lets protest in every county in usa
It is sad that your wife got harassed, that is not cool. I was there for 4 hours and only encountered two women who had obviously been drinking. They were acting giggly and laughing at everything but I didn’t see any bad behavior in the crowd. Even so, the nicest crowd is bound to have a few knuckle-heads in it. I don’t discount your story and am sorry that happened to her. Your wife has every right to wear what she pleases and should be able to do so wherever she chooses.
That said, here are my two cents worth.
You are almost as bad as bigoted idiots like “Donn” applying the bad behavior of a few to the whole group… It’s called stereotyping.
My initial reaction to your original post was, why didn’t you just give your wife your shirt.
That’s what I did when We got stuck in a Prop-8 protest rally last year.
A husband is supposed to protect his wife! What are you a man or a mouse?
“Angry Mob”, is that a joke?. passionate crowd yes, but angry mob?. Sorry pal, no sale on that one. Try opening a dictionary.
mob |mäb|
a large crowd of people, esp. one that is disorderly and
intent on causing trouble or violence
The phrase “Heads On A Stick”
It’s just an expression guy.
The phrase alludes to the Cornish Tax Rebellion of 1497 when King Henry VII had tax protest leaders heads put on sticks on the London Bridge as a warning to others not to complain about high taxes.
Do you really think any of us want to actually lop off the heads of the politicians?
Nobody is threatening violence. In high school football when the cheerleaders shout out “Smash the Bears” or “Kill the Oilers” do you really think they want the crowd to bludgeon or murder the opposing players? No, It’s just an expression.
Those chants must have been really scary for you.
Nuremberg? Are you calling us nazis?
Comparing 15,000 peaceful American citizens protesting taxes to the rally’s of the nazi’s. Hell, Evel Kinevel couldn’t make that jump. That is just sick! It’s beyond insulting and ignorant on so many levels I wont even go into it.
You wrote
“My guess is that for every regular attendee like Larry, Bobbym and Bruce there was one a-hole like you that does your movement more harm than good.”
You are calling 7,500 people with whom you never had any contact with A-holes and that is once again stereotyping.
Baxter you really showed your true colors in here:
you deal in stereotypes,
you think those with a different opinion are nazi’s,
you bandy words about without knowing their real meaning, but are afraid the words that others use.
you call people whom you have had no contact with A-holes and
you won’t give your own wife the shirt off your back.
Wow, I’m glad I’m not you.
The conspiracy began before my husband and I even left our home town (lag. niguel). The train was 1 hour late, which caused most people to leave ($20 total round trip). Some decided to drive, while others simply went home in dispair. Of course, the media conveniently not showing up only furthered my conspiracy theory. Then the buses were not at their scheduled stops so we had to take a taxi ($30) to Orange to catch our train home.
The best $50 I have ever spent.
Folks. Thank you all for your participation in discussing this major news event.
For those who take issue with my first hour crowd estimate let me share some personal experiences. I have attended both LA Laker and Clipper basketball games when in the first quarter, due to traffic or simply foot dragging by the fans, 10 to 20% of the final reported attendance were there from the opening tipoff.
I did ask a colleague of his estimate of the gathering immediately in front of the bar to the KFI table. We did not go out in the streets to count noses. In my report I clearly stated the crowd at 2,500 and counting. I also stated seeing hundreds walking towards me as I departed.
While I realize the crowd turnout is important I do my best to avoid the spin cycle of reporting.
I avoided the protest because I don’t like what John & Ken say about Mexican immigrants. But I definitely want a No on 1A bumper sticker. Anybody know where I can get one? Just one that clarifies that No on 1A is a way to say No to higher taxes, I’m not really excited about the recall aspect of this whole revolution.
If your web site contains an address I will mail you one. Sorry folks but I do not have an inventory of No on 1A stickers to send out.
1 of 15,000, very well articulated! If you have any interest in writing on my blog, I would be honored. http://www.friendsforfullertonsfuture.org/?p=120
You do know Bill O`Riley had your rally on his show last night
To Ron StJohn:
I am a legal Mexican immigrant and I do not recall hearing them state bad things about us legal Mexican immigrants, now granted they rail against illegal immigrants but the key word here is “illegal”. You do know the difference between legal and illegal don’t you??
I agree with your stimates, I also was there from 3 to 4 and told my son that I stimated it around 3,000. But just like you when I left I saw a lot of people walking toward the event, I had to walk 8 blocks to get back to my car and was seeing people on every side street that I passed. I had to laugh when I was looking for spot to park cause I could see the neighbors pointing and staring at all the traffic going by their quiet streets.
The end of day numbers for attendance were “between five and eight thousand” according to Fullerton police.
This is where urban legend takes over, it was’nt fifteen thousand, as one Fullerton Police Sergeant commented, there is no way the sqaure mile could accomodate that kind of numbers referring to the 15,000.
This is not to take anything away from the promoters or the attendees who may be guilty of being over eagar to make thier point.
Last chance for California.
Ron St. John:
Let’s see if I understand you:
You can’t wait to run out and put a “No on 1 A” bumper sticker on your car because you are upset about the way tax money is (ab)used in California, but your upset with John and Ken for pointing out that 12 billion dollars a year is being spent by California Tax Payers on illegal immigrants.
What’s up with that John? Are you just looking for a “cause” regardless of the ’cause’ for it? Did you sort of attend the rally, or sort of avoid it?
‘Timid’ tax payers let this whole mess happen and will hide in the shadows as it continues.
Juice readers. In case you wish to see coverage of the rally, George Collins, a friend of the Orange Juice, stood right next to me at the event.
You can watch his coverage at the following link.
I’m glad the People seem to be waking up to what’s being done to them. This is truly an issue we can all unite on! The alternative is to watch California turn in to a Third World s**thole. Ayn Rand may be proven right when all the productive taxpayers get fed up and leave the State. Then we’ll all find the end of the Marxist rainbow…BANKRUPTCY!!! Ask yourself a question. Who is John Gualt?!
Mike W.
John Gualt has an account on Facebook called we told you so.
I need some of the Red Vote no on Prop 1A bumper stickers any idea ?? Ray
All of the SOB’s need to be voted out of office Dem and Rep. Lets star over city to the state house. I will be getting the word out from Los Angeles.
Glad to see success in this…. I can’t believe our governemnt is so stupid about taxes. For instance you can work 15 years barely making anything to get your biz going… All that hard work and you start making money and BAM you are targetted…. Did you get a break when you were practically bankrupt for 15 years? NO.
I wrote article on how to protest. It is my name link .
KUDOS to you all for following through and making a difference.
As a Tea Partier in St. Louis I would like to Offically Welcome all of the Patriots in California to the Revolution. We are having Nation Wide Tea Party tax Protests on April 15th. Go To:
To Find a Tea Party protest Near You….Or Start Your Own. WE THE PEOPLE will take back this Country!
No Taxation without Representation!
Liberty or Death!
Please enjoy my new song .. ‘Not Another Dime’ or my video ‘Fire ‘Em All’.
Great Rally..Had a great time …Hope to load up pics and vids on my facebook, etc.. Heads on A Stick!
“Off with their heads” was the chant at the Fullerton Tea Party. Pundits have now claimed that the Tea Party organizers have been so effective that the Republican Party has slipped to #3.
The real story is that everyone in America is fed up with our expanding government bureacracy and taxation. Eveyone includes Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, DTS along with Republicans. Come November we shall see if Congressional representatives get the message.
If you want Boxer out her hardest task is to win her primary. I am republican Am registered as democrat just to vote against her in her primary. She is only 4 points ahead with your following of turncoats re registering democrat to cast a vote against her and for the other democratic hopeful she would not stand a chance.
KFI HATEstimulating radio