"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.
I am opting out of being part of the union if I keep my job. I would rather give the dues to Paris Hilton so I am not even voting. I am done with the Union!
I agree with both of these comments. These people are just runnung for the title of the position and not the cause. We need someone who will fight to the death for rights and benefits of all educators and most importantly the well being of our children.
Guys! Pleae don’t give up! That is exactly what the self serving, chip on shoulder, element that has been running the Union wants you to do.
I asure you when the masses awaken… comes the opportunity for change. Don’t give up! Vote for either Chavez or O’Neil. Let’s do away with the “sell outs” that gave away our retirement benefits and allowed the District to reopen the Wages as soon as we come back to work next year!!!
Dear Pissedoffeducator,
I AM running for the cause. I have fought many years from inside and outside of the Union for justice for teachers and children. If there were as effective a way to achieve what needs to be done from my position as a classroom teacher, I would do it. (I love teaching my students.) I am running for SAEA President because I know I can make a difference from that position and that I have the determination, intelligence, and preparation to do so. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make the changes that need to be made, and I hope you will join me.
If you haven’t already done so, please read the text of my speech to Rep Council on the SAUSD 2009 page (#545) and my candidate statement (#618). Thank you.
To Jill: Great idea. Apathy always wins! And while you’re at it, why not go work for a Charter school or a private school? No need for union rep and you can get fired at will. I understand Wal-Mart offers the same legal protection to it’s employees. Don’t forget, some of the reasons you pay are for malpractice insurance, legal representation, someone to fight for your due process rights, just to name a few – but go ahead, pull out and become an agency-fee payer – you still have to pay the same amount of money, but get zero protection.
To Pissedoffeducator: Let’s see, anyone that declares they want to run for office is immediately suspect of only wanting to do it for the title? What would you rather have happen? No leadership and then you could humbly come forth and ‘volunteer’ to save the day with your wisdom and insight? By the way, you seem to forget that Teachers are there for one thing and one thing only – to teach children. Union leaders have a DUEL responsibility – when they are in the classroom, it’s all about the student, but when acting in their capacity as union representatives, the responsibility is to the teacher – it’s not a student’s union or a parents union, it’s a teacher’s union. It teachers feel safe, have the support and resources they need, and the freedom to teach (death to open-court!!) then the needs to students WILL be met, but if teacher’s feel threatened by administrators, fearful that they could loose their job something as simple as wearing jeans to work, are harassed for any reason, have no support from peer, parents or administrations, are forced to teach to the text (and the test) like machines, then students loose.
To MEGAFed-Up: What rock are you living under? Self-serving, chip-on-the-shoulder element? Of course, you wouldn’t believe anything that anyone from the bargaining team ever said, so why bother referring you to seek one of them out for the truth, so i won’t even bother. Teachers at SAEA weren’t sold-out by anyone – PERIOD. Other than Susan Mercer, there’s not a competent candidate for SAEA President running.
To Patricia O’Neil: Get over it. You lied in your speech about the tentative agreement including a 4% paycut (7th paragraph of your speech – so DON’T say you were referring to the REAL 4% paycut that took place years ago and was restored, along with a substantial raise). Worse, if you weren’t lying, then you didn’t bother reading the tentative agreement – which means you speak without the benefit of knowledge. Talk about needing to improve communication – let’s start with you.
Despite the rhetoric, Santa Ana Teachers need to support a candidate who is not afraid to question the status quo. As a leader in the NEA and CTA Hispanic Caucuses, Roberto Chavez has played a critical role in promoting the business for those he represents. As a collegue of his in these caucuses, and as a representative for the teachers in Los Angeles, I can truly appreciate the fact that Roberto is not merely another token representative who is out simply for his own interests.
Despite the rhetoric, Santa Ana Teachers need to support a candidate who is not afraid to question the status quo. As a leader in the NEA and CTA Hispanic Caucuses, Roberto Chavez has played a critical role in promoting the business for those he represents. As a collegue of his in these caucuses, and as a representative for the teachers in Los Angeles, I can truly appreciate the fact that Roberto is not merely another token representative who is out simply for his own interests.
Ok, I think you and I both know that you did sell us out.
1. I have worked with a contract, for nine consecutive years, guaranteeing my supplemental medical retirement benefits.
2. Mercer, and the entire “element” that has been running SAEA, signed away my precious benefits! You gave away what was mine!
3. Mercer not only helped negotiate this back stabbing Collective Bargaining Agreement, but she has NO SHAME and continues to defend it!
4. Yes, you are right, I was under a rock. U see… I trusted you!
5. BUT, MegaFed-Up recently climbed out from under a rock! I am now standing tall! Eyes wide open! Ready to spread the word:
My aplogies, Orange Juice Blog, for the double post…but I forgot to proof read the first one…feel free to delete it and post this one…to everyone else, sorry…
MegaFed-Up (#11) Laughs on you actually…’cause I had nothing to do with the contract. I don’t know who you think I am, but I guarantee you I am one person that would never be asked to sit in on negotiations – by either side. I’ve never sat across the table from any of these people to negotiate anything and I never will.
As for you assertions…
1) My understanding is that you weren’t guaranteed anything, until you were vested. I know it’s a silly point, but still, it’s much better if you get the facts straight.
2) Mercer and the ‘element’ that you accuse of ’signing’ away your benefits only negotiated the contract. I’ guarantee you that they did everything they could to NOT settle for this, but they had few options – and ultimately your fellow teachers had the final say on the contract.
By the way, have you even read your contract? And I don’t just mean the sections about benefits or retirement – I mean the entire contract? Did you happen to run across that section that talks about strikes? Well, it’s pretty amazing…did you know that public employees, with few exceptions, are forbidden to strike? Yup, it’s actually illegal for you to strike. And its not just in your contract, it’s in this funny thing called state law.
So, back to our original discussion…what would you have liked SAEA to do? If they had rejected the Districts last offer, guess what? The District gets to force it down your throats anyway, with none of the things that SAEA had been able to save, like step and column. For those of you who are going to attack me, I know I’ve shortened the process (fact finding, etc.) but let’s not belabor the point.
3) So, yes, she should be proud – it could have been a lot worse for teachers. Is Susan, or anyone else happy with the results? I don’t know – probably not. They probably wish things had turned out differently, but they believe they did the best they could do – and besides, you’ll never please everybody.
4) You never trusted me – because you don’t know me – so don’t blame me because you are living under a rock. I can only assume that you failed to ask questions or at least the right questions.
6) The people serving teachers on the current Board of SAEA are NOT traitors – they have been and continue to be faithful to the cause – fighting for your rights.
And…I wish you a beautiful weekend…
Art, I request that you remove 10 Reality Check comments he or she has defamed my character with misleading accusations and misleading information. Please, e-mail your e-mail address and telephone number to me . I believe RedVixan or RedVixen stated such comments would not be published.
Reality Check/ Know it all/ you are running for board of directors of our association and you are attacking our members ( An Injury to one is an injury to all).
The truth will always be present and come out in the end. If it is not true do not worry , but if it is, the arrows will always fly in your direction. When one decides to run in a public arena, one’s personal life will always be brought to the forfront. For all those running, fight the good fight, the ultimate victor will prevail. Always remember those you represent, for they shall stand behind you, meaning, they will help you, or they may hinder you as well.
Robert C. Chavez (#14) You speak without the benefit of knowledge. Like so much of what you have done, it is based on assumptions and not facts. I will repeat it one more time –
I am not ‘attacking’ members. If someone feels attacked, then I apologize – that’s not my intent. My intent is to make people think. If someone feels uncomfortable about what I’ve said, then they address the issues and confront my statements and conclusions. I am more than willing to admit that I am imperfect and lack knowledge.
I question purpose and intent. I am trying to give people an alternative point of view. I am trying to get people to think about why they are angry, at whom they are angry and if that anger is justified. I’m trying to get people to think.
You, on the other hand, don’t want people to think. You would prefer to have people just roll over and, based on the personal charisma you believe you have, trust you and hand you leadership of SAEA to fulfill your own personal agenda. People have told me how you operate. If I ever get to see you operate first hand, I am sure I will be fascinated.
So, Robert, just how many hours have you volunteered in the past 3 years to do some of the boring, mundane, grunt work at SAEA? Answered phones? Set up chairs? Stuffed envelopes? Counted ballots? Filed papers? Phone banked? Where were you during the RIF hearings, sharing your support and compassion for those that were going through a process that you were already familiar with? Are you an elected Site Rep? Do you serve on any SAEA committees? How many Board meeting have you attended in the past 3 years?
Why, all of a sudden, this great urgent need to be President? I’m sure you’re already planning your next campaign as CTA or NEA Hispanic Caucus Chair – aren’t those enough? You clearly enjoyed flying around the country, hanging out with NEA big wigs, and being in a position to show off your wisdom, knowledge and talents in front of congress. What will happen to lowly little SAEA if you get your wish to serve again as NEA Hispanic Chair? And what about your current Service Center campaign? Based on Red Vixen’s opinion, one position per person is enough. How many offices do you want to hold simultaneously?
The following information regarding District Reserves, State budget legislation, and new federal money is an example of the kind of information that I believe we need to be using in negotiations and using to influence the District to rescind RIF notices.
The District is required to have a 2% reserve for economic uncertainties. Year after year, they have maintained unrestricted reserves far beyond this amount, as shown below. (Fund 17 is added to the reserve calculations here, as it is used in determining the reserve percentage on the “School District Criteria and Standards Review” pages.)
08/09 (budgeted)
Required: $9.7 mil.
Budgeted: $14.0 mil.
Reserve including Special Reserve Fund: $23.6 mil. (4.8% budgeted reserve)
Amount over required: $13.8 mil.
07/08 (end-of-year)
Required: $10.1 mil.
Actual: $27.7 mil.
Reserve including Special Reserve Fund: $36.9 mil. (7.3% actual reserve)
Amount over required: $26.8 mil.
06/07 (end-of-year)
Required: $10.4 mil.
Actual: $ 26.3 mil.
Reserve including Special Reserve Fund: $35.1 mil. (6.8% actual reserve)
Amount over required: $24.8 mil.
According to the District’s calculations, it would cost $11.59 million to implement CSR at 20:1 in grades 1 – 3 next year. (This represents $7.67 million beyond the $6.72 million the District would get for CSR even if they loaded grades 1-3 at 30:1.) This is well under the $13.8 million budgeted beyond the required 2% reserve.
In addition, a letter from Supt. O’Connell (April 17, 2009) explains the impact of SBX3-4. This legislation, which was signed by the Governor on February 20, 2009, accomplishes the following: 1) eliminates the Deferred Maintenance match by the District for five years (including this year), 2) allows the District to use 100% of the Cafeteria Fund and General Fund restricted balances as of June 30, 2008 with certain exceptions (i.e., EIA, QEIA, Instructional Materials); and 3) allows the District to use money from 39 categorical programs for any educational purpose from 2008-2009 through 2012-2013. Part of the money this will generate for the District is suggested by the following figures:
$2.5 million was budgeted to be transferred from the General Fund to the Deferred Maintenance Account.
$9.0 million was in the Cafeteria Fund as of June 30, 2008 ($2.3 mil. was transferred to this account from the General Fund last year).
$32.8 mil. (restricted) was in the General Fund as of June 30, 2008.
Furthermore, the State has released to the District $14.3 million in State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF). This money is intended to replace the revenue limit (general fund) cuts made in February. In about a month, funds will be released for the 08/09 cuts to the categorical programs.
SFSF money is apart from the $11.3 million in new federal (AARA) money for Special Education available to September 30, 2011, money that can be used to reduce encroachment on the General Fund by Special Education. An additional $11.4 million in additional Title I money (beyond the regular amount) will be allocated for 09-10.
anon (#17) Some good news and some bad news – the good, is that I already told everyone that RealityCheck and NeedToKnow are one in the same…but sorry to disappoint you, the bad news is that I am NOT FedUP or Saddened.
Sorry – you loose on this one. No matter how many times you say it, the truth is that I am NOT FedUP or Saddened.
Patricia O’Neil (#18) Great information Patty. So, now maybe you can shed some light on a few questions I have:
1) Where’d all of this new found interest and knowledge regarding SAUSD’s budget come from?
2) Have you taken advanced accounting or forensic accounting courses?
3) Please explain to us why, when you were treasurer, you managed to screw up the books at SAEA so bad that CTA had to come in and fix all of the errors and repair all the damage that you had done? It was so bad that CTA threatened to take over SAEA, just like they did Long Beach.
You are a bit… upset! Calm down. And now let me ask you a couple of questions. Are you a teacher? Are you a parent? Are you a District employee?
You say, “I am one person that would never be asked to sit in on negotiations – by either side.”
Ok… then you are not one of us! My goodness what are you doing talking to us or at us? And let me clarify, even though I may have my reservations with some of the SAEA representatives, I am still aware that we are one. As people embarked on the same sea of madness, we have the right to bounce back and forth our ideas, opinions, etc. But you, my friend, seem to be indicating that you are but an outsider playing with our situation to entertain yourself.
Now, if you are a relative or are associated with someone who sits on either side… if you are sitting in for somone else, please stop that. Do us all a favor, if you have a friend or partner who needs to voice an opinion, please pass the keyboard to him/her. Tell this person to be brave, to not be lazy and do his/her job and type his/her opinion. As for you, I reiterate, if you are not one of us, as indicated by your comment, go create a blog and start posting about your job, life, what ever! And leave us in peace to sort out our problems and find solutions, such as voting for candidates that have earned our trust!
If on the other hand you are one of us, don’t get so offended. Don’t attack others only because they disagree with you. Speak your mind and let us digest what you have to say without the sharp blade… and every once in a while its ok to listen to us. Remember, we are all one.
MEGAFed-Up (#21) I’m not offended. I rarely, if ever, get offended. I appreciate and respect people that disagree, but I expect them to do more than just spout off. I find your comments and assertions very interesting, but I believe they are fundamentally incorrect. And all I think anyone wants is that if people are going to makes statements and charges – at least try and have facts, or personal experiences, or something that supports the assertions.
I stick by my statements and my questions to you in #6 and #11.
BTW, I never said that I wasn’t eligible to sit in on negotiations – I just believe that I would never be asked.
#16. I would like to share this information I found about Robert Chavez, SAEA Candidate for President,
Obama Can Help Unite Latino and Black Voters
Hispanic registered voters ranked education as the number one issue of the fall election while supporting Democrat Barack Obama for president over Republican John McCain by 66 percent to 23 percent.
According to a nationwide survey of 2,015 Latinos conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center (PHC), respondents also indicated a dramatic reversal in Obama’s status among Latinos from the primaries, when he lost the Latino vote to Hillary Rodham Clinton by a nearly two-to-one ratio.
This might be the most important finding by researchers because it proves that Latinos can and will support a Black candidate for president.
“Latinos want to be supportive,” says Roberto Chavez, Interim-chair of the NEA Hispanic Caucus. “Closing any gaps that might exist between Blacks and Latinos is crucial to winning the election.”
In the survey, three times as many respondents said being Black would help Obama (32 percent) with Latino voters than said it would hurt him (11 percent). The majority (53 percent) said his race would make no difference to Latino voters. At 46 million, Latinos represent about 15 percent of the U.S. population.
Chavez agrees that the candidates’ ethnic backgrounds are less a factor than where they stand on the issues and how they choose to reach out to the Latino community.
“Visibility is number one,” he says. “Obama needs to come into our neighborhoods and talk with us. He should, for example, commit now to appointing Latinos to his Cabinet and the White House.”
In addition to education, Latinos prefer Obama’s views over McCain’s on other issues, such as jobs, healthcare and immigration, according to PHC, a nonpartisan organization that researches the growing U.S. Latino population.
“Obama can do a lot to bring Latino and Black activists together,” says Chavez, a fourth grade teacher at Greenville Elementary School in Santa Ana, and a member of the California Teachers Association.
In a recent Gallup poll, Obama is leading McCain by 30 percentage points among Latinos. Although Latino turnout is lower than for other ethnic groups, they could be crucial in November because of their numbers in the battleground states of Florida (where Latinos make up 14 percent of the state’s eligible electorate), Colorado (12 percent), Nevada (12 percent) and New Mexico (37 percent).
posted by John Rosales @ Monday, July 28, 2008 1 Comments Links to this post
Need to Know #24
You are entitled to your opinion! I fully disagree with you, so let’s exercise our right to vote. Opinions are words without proof! Assumptions.
Many persons know him as a great Hispanic Leader.
Art & Red Vixen – I’m surprised that the SAEA election results haven’t been posted here yet, so here are the results as reported by my Site Rep:
President – Susan Mercer
Secretary – Jennifer Isensee
Treasurer – Scott Miller
High School Segment Director – Billy Castanha
Intermediate Segment Director – Hank Montelongo
Elementary Segment Director – Rhonda McKanna
Elementary Segment Director – Julie Meneghini
I think congratulations are in order for all of the candidates and the winners.
Art & Red Vixen – I’m surprised that the SAEA election results haven’t been posted here yet, so here are the results as reported by my Site Rep
Wow, why the surprise? Your site rep was apparently one of a select number who had that information at ten pm on a Friday night. Nothing for your groveling masses of membership until much later.
Thanks for making the point that SAEA is being run like an insiders’ club where certain people hold all the information and then berate others for not having access to it. Classy.
Oh, and thanks AGAIN for spamming our site with duplicate messages of deception. You make an exceptional spokesman for your union if you are trying to portray SAEA as arrogant and overreaching.
Why is Susan Mercer advocating for principals? In the last Rep Council Meeting she was concerned that vice-principals be given their jobs back. Who cares about those people?? She should be concerned about teacher jobs. For every vic-principal there could be a teacher getting re-hired. What is wrong with her? Susan is working for the opposition not for teachers.
#28 Well said, union leadership should take of their own members first! We have so many teachers that lost their jobs, a principal should be able to do his/her job alone, just as the classroom’s teachers are doing it. Susan, you must work for the people who elected you! Teachers and students first!
none of them!!
I am opting out of being part of the union if I keep my job. I would rather give the dues to Paris Hilton so I am not even voting. I am done with the Union!
I agree with both of these comments. These people are just runnung for the title of the position and not the cause. We need someone who will fight to the death for rights and benefits of all educators and most importantly the well being of our children.
Guys! Pleae don’t give up! That is exactly what the self serving, chip on shoulder, element that has been running the Union wants you to do.
I asure you when the masses awaken… comes the opportunity for change. Don’t give up! Vote for either Chavez or O’Neil. Let’s do away with the “sell outs” that gave away our retirement benefits and allowed the District to reopen the Wages as soon as we come back to work next year!!!
Dear Pissedoffeducator,
I AM running for the cause. I have fought many years from inside and outside of the Union for justice for teachers and children. If there were as effective a way to achieve what needs to be done from my position as a classroom teacher, I would do it. (I love teaching my students.) I am running for SAEA President because I know I can make a difference from that position and that I have the determination, intelligence, and preparation to do so. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make the changes that need to be made, and I hope you will join me.
If you haven’t already done so, please read the text of my speech to Rep Council on the SAUSD 2009 page (#545) and my candidate statement (#618). Thank you.
Patricia O’Neil
To Michele: Good idea. Apathy always wins!
To Jill: Great idea. Apathy always wins! And while you’re at it, why not go work for a Charter school or a private school? No need for union rep and you can get fired at will. I understand Wal-Mart offers the same legal protection to it’s employees. Don’t forget, some of the reasons you pay are for malpractice insurance, legal representation, someone to fight for your due process rights, just to name a few – but go ahead, pull out and become an agency-fee payer – you still have to pay the same amount of money, but get zero protection.
To Pissedoffeducator: Let’s see, anyone that declares they want to run for office is immediately suspect of only wanting to do it for the title? What would you rather have happen? No leadership and then you could humbly come forth and ‘volunteer’ to save the day with your wisdom and insight? By the way, you seem to forget that Teachers are there for one thing and one thing only – to teach children. Union leaders have a DUEL responsibility – when they are in the classroom, it’s all about the student, but when acting in their capacity as union representatives, the responsibility is to the teacher – it’s not a student’s union or a parents union, it’s a teacher’s union. It teachers feel safe, have the support and resources they need, and the freedom to teach (death to open-court!!) then the needs to students WILL be met, but if teacher’s feel threatened by administrators, fearful that they could loose their job something as simple as wearing jeans to work, are harassed for any reason, have no support from peer, parents or administrations, are forced to teach to the text (and the test) like machines, then students loose.
To MEGAFed-Up: What rock are you living under? Self-serving, chip-on-the-shoulder element? Of course, you wouldn’t believe anything that anyone from the bargaining team ever said, so why bother referring you to seek one of them out for the truth, so i won’t even bother. Teachers at SAEA weren’t sold-out by anyone – PERIOD. Other than Susan Mercer, there’s not a competent candidate for SAEA President running.
To Patricia O’Neil: Get over it. You lied in your speech about the tentative agreement including a 4% paycut (7th paragraph of your speech – so DON’T say you were referring to the REAL 4% paycut that took place years ago and was restored, along with a substantial raise). Worse, if you weren’t lying, then you didn’t bother reading the tentative agreement – which means you speak without the benefit of knowledge. Talk about needing to improve communication – let’s start with you.
Jacque Beiter…I’d vote for her! She’s not running…too bad!
Despite the rhetoric, Santa Ana Teachers need to support a candidate who is not afraid to question the status quo. As a leader in the NEA and CTA Hispanic Caucuses, Roberto Chavez has played a critical role in promoting the business for those he represents. As a collegue of his in these caucuses, and as a representative for the teachers in Los Angeles, I can truly appreciate the fact that Roberto is not merely another token representative who is out simply for his own interests.
Despite the rhetoric, Santa Ana Teachers need to support a candidate who is not afraid to question the status quo. As a leader in the NEA and CTA Hispanic Caucuses, Roberto Chavez has played a critical role in promoting the business for those he represents. As a collegue of his in these caucuses, and as a representative for the teachers in Los Angeles, I can truly appreciate the fact that Roberto is not merely another token representative who is out simply for his own interests.
2 #6, RealityCheck,
I did get to you… didn’t I? LOL…
Ok, I think you and I both know that you did sell us out.
1. I have worked with a contract, for nine consecutive years, guaranteeing my supplemental medical retirement benefits.
2. Mercer, and the entire “element” that has been running SAEA, signed away my precious benefits! You gave away what was mine!
3. Mercer not only helped negotiate this back stabbing Collective Bargaining Agreement, but she has NO SHAME and continues to defend it!
4. Yes, you are right, I was under a rock. U see… I trusted you!
5. BUT, MegaFed-Up recently climbed out from under a rock! I am now standing tall! Eyes wide open! Ready to spread the word:
My aplogies, Orange Juice Blog, for the double post…but I forgot to proof read the first one…feel free to delete it and post this one…to everyone else, sorry…
MegaFed-Up (#11) Laughs on you actually…’cause I had nothing to do with the contract. I don’t know who you think I am, but I guarantee you I am one person that would never be asked to sit in on negotiations – by either side. I’ve never sat across the table from any of these people to negotiate anything and I never will.
As for you assertions…
1) My understanding is that you weren’t guaranteed anything, until you were vested. I know it’s a silly point, but still, it’s much better if you get the facts straight.
2) Mercer and the ‘element’ that you accuse of ’signing’ away your benefits only negotiated the contract. I’ guarantee you that they did everything they could to NOT settle for this, but they had few options – and ultimately your fellow teachers had the final say on the contract.
By the way, have you even read your contract? And I don’t just mean the sections about benefits or retirement – I mean the entire contract? Did you happen to run across that section that talks about strikes? Well, it’s pretty amazing…did you know that public employees, with few exceptions, are forbidden to strike? Yup, it’s actually illegal for you to strike. And its not just in your contract, it’s in this funny thing called state law.
So, back to our original discussion…what would you have liked SAEA to do? If they had rejected the Districts last offer, guess what? The District gets to force it down your throats anyway, with none of the things that SAEA had been able to save, like step and column. For those of you who are going to attack me, I know I’ve shortened the process (fact finding, etc.) but let’s not belabor the point.
3) So, yes, she should be proud – it could have been a lot worse for teachers. Is Susan, or anyone else happy with the results? I don’t know – probably not. They probably wish things had turned out differently, but they believe they did the best they could do – and besides, you’ll never please everybody.
4) You never trusted me – because you don’t know me – so don’t blame me because you are living under a rock. I can only assume that you failed to ask questions or at least the right questions.
6) The people serving teachers on the current Board of SAEA are NOT traitors – they have been and continue to be faithful to the cause – fighting for your rights.
And…I wish you a beautiful weekend…
Art, I request that you remove 10 Reality Check comments he or she has defamed my character with misleading accusations and misleading information. Please, e-mail your e-mail address and telephone number to me . I believe RedVixan or RedVixen stated such comments would not be published.
RC—the truth hurts!
Reality Check/ Know it all/ you are running for board of directors of our association and you are attacking our members ( An Injury to one is an injury to all).
The truth will always be present and come out in the end. If it is not true do not worry , but if it is, the arrows will always fly in your direction. When one decides to run in a public arena, one’s personal life will always be brought to the forfront. For all those running, fight the good fight, the ultimate victor will prevail. Always remember those you represent, for they shall stand behind you, meaning, they will help you, or they may hinder you as well.
Robert C. Chavez (#14) You speak without the benefit of knowledge. Like so much of what you have done, it is based on assumptions and not facts. I will repeat it one more time –
I am not ‘attacking’ members. If someone feels attacked, then I apologize – that’s not my intent. My intent is to make people think. If someone feels uncomfortable about what I’ve said, then they address the issues and confront my statements and conclusions. I am more than willing to admit that I am imperfect and lack knowledge.
I question purpose and intent. I am trying to give people an alternative point of view. I am trying to get people to think about why they are angry, at whom they are angry and if that anger is justified. I’m trying to get people to think.
You, on the other hand, don’t want people to think. You would prefer to have people just roll over and, based on the personal charisma you believe you have, trust you and hand you leadership of SAEA to fulfill your own personal agenda. People have told me how you operate. If I ever get to see you operate first hand, I am sure I will be fascinated.
So, Robert, just how many hours have you volunteered in the past 3 years to do some of the boring, mundane, grunt work at SAEA? Answered phones? Set up chairs? Stuffed envelopes? Counted ballots? Filed papers? Phone banked? Where were you during the RIF hearings, sharing your support and compassion for those that were going through a process that you were already familiar with? Are you an elected Site Rep? Do you serve on any SAEA committees? How many Board meeting have you attended in the past 3 years?
Why, all of a sudden, this great urgent need to be President? I’m sure you’re already planning your next campaign as CTA or NEA Hispanic Caucus Chair – aren’t those enough? You clearly enjoyed flying around the country, hanging out with NEA big wigs, and being in a position to show off your wisdom, knowledge and talents in front of congress. What will happen to lowly little SAEA if you get your wish to serve again as NEA Hispanic Chair? And what about your current Service Center campaign? Based on Red Vixen’s opinion, one position per person is enough. How many offices do you want to hold simultaneously?
Reality Check is also Fed up, KTN and Saddened.
I don’t think that David Barton or Ron Shepard would appreciate you encouraging people to “attack them”.
That’s over the top. Even for you.
The following information regarding District Reserves, State budget legislation, and new federal money is an example of the kind of information that I believe we need to be using in negotiations and using to influence the District to rescind RIF notices.
The District is required to have a 2% reserve for economic uncertainties. Year after year, they have maintained unrestricted reserves far beyond this amount, as shown below. (Fund 17 is added to the reserve calculations here, as it is used in determining the reserve percentage on the “School District Criteria and Standards Review” pages.)
08/09 (budgeted)
Required: $9.7 mil.
Budgeted: $14.0 mil.
Reserve including Special Reserve Fund: $23.6 mil. (4.8% budgeted reserve)
Amount over required: $13.8 mil.
07/08 (end-of-year)
Required: $10.1 mil.
Actual: $27.7 mil.
Reserve including Special Reserve Fund: $36.9 mil. (7.3% actual reserve)
Amount over required: $26.8 mil.
06/07 (end-of-year)
Required: $10.4 mil.
Actual: $ 26.3 mil.
Reserve including Special Reserve Fund: $35.1 mil. (6.8% actual reserve)
Amount over required: $24.8 mil.
According to the District’s calculations, it would cost $11.59 million to implement CSR at 20:1 in grades 1 – 3 next year. (This represents $7.67 million beyond the $6.72 million the District would get for CSR even if they loaded grades 1-3 at 30:1.) This is well under the $13.8 million budgeted beyond the required 2% reserve.
In addition, a letter from Supt. O’Connell (April 17, 2009) explains the impact of SBX3-4. This legislation, which was signed by the Governor on February 20, 2009, accomplishes the following: 1) eliminates the Deferred Maintenance match by the District for five years (including this year), 2) allows the District to use 100% of the Cafeteria Fund and General Fund restricted balances as of June 30, 2008 with certain exceptions (i.e., EIA, QEIA, Instructional Materials); and 3) allows the District to use money from 39 categorical programs for any educational purpose from 2008-2009 through 2012-2013. Part of the money this will generate for the District is suggested by the following figures:
$2.5 million was budgeted to be transferred from the General Fund to the Deferred Maintenance Account.
$9.0 million was in the Cafeteria Fund as of June 30, 2008 ($2.3 mil. was transferred to this account from the General Fund last year).
$32.8 mil. (restricted) was in the General Fund as of June 30, 2008.
Furthermore, the State has released to the District $14.3 million in State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF). This money is intended to replace the revenue limit (general fund) cuts made in February. In about a month, funds will be released for the 08/09 cuts to the categorical programs.
SFSF money is apart from the $11.3 million in new federal (AARA) money for Special Education available to September 30, 2011, money that can be used to reduce encroachment on the General Fund by Special Education. An additional $11.4 million in additional Title I money (beyond the regular amount) will be allocated for 09-10.
This data was extracted from publicly available information and can be confirmed using the following sources:
Audited Actuals for 06-07 and 07-08 (Public Records Request)
Budget for 08-09 (Public Records Request)
(Flexibility provisions)
(SFSF Entitlements)
(Title I Entitlements)
(Special Education Entitlements)
(Class Size Reduction cost estimates – PowerPoint p. 35)
anon (#17) Some good news and some bad news – the good, is that I already told everyone that RealityCheck and NeedToKnow are one in the same…but sorry to disappoint you, the bad news is that I am NOT FedUP or Saddened.
Sorry – you loose on this one. No matter how many times you say it, the truth is that I am NOT FedUP or Saddened.
Patricia O’Neil (#18) Great information Patty. So, now maybe you can shed some light on a few questions I have:
1) Where’d all of this new found interest and knowledge regarding SAUSD’s budget come from?
2) Have you taken advanced accounting or forensic accounting courses?
3) Please explain to us why, when you were treasurer, you managed to screw up the books at SAEA so bad that CTA had to come in and fix all of the errors and repair all the damage that you had done? It was so bad that CTA threatened to take over SAEA, just like they did Long Beach.
Dear RealityCheck #11,
You are a bit… upset! Calm down. And now let me ask you a couple of questions. Are you a teacher? Are you a parent? Are you a District employee?
You say, “I am one person that would never be asked to sit in on negotiations – by either side.”
Ok… then you are not one of us! My goodness what are you doing talking to us or at us? And let me clarify, even though I may have my reservations with some of the SAEA representatives, I am still aware that we are one. As people embarked on the same sea of madness, we have the right to bounce back and forth our ideas, opinions, etc. But you, my friend, seem to be indicating that you are but an outsider playing with our situation to entertain yourself.
Now, if you are a relative or are associated with someone who sits on either side… if you are sitting in for somone else, please stop that. Do us all a favor, if you have a friend or partner who needs to voice an opinion, please pass the keyboard to him/her. Tell this person to be brave, to not be lazy and do his/her job and type his/her opinion. As for you, I reiterate, if you are not one of us, as indicated by your comment, go create a blog and start posting about your job, life, what ever! And leave us in peace to sort out our problems and find solutions, such as voting for candidates that have earned our trust!
If on the other hand you are one of us, don’t get so offended. Don’t attack others only because they disagree with you. Speak your mind and let us digest what you have to say without the sharp blade… and every once in a while its ok to listen to us. Remember, we are all one.
MEGAFed-Up (#21) I’m not offended. I rarely, if ever, get offended. I appreciate and respect people that disagree, but I expect them to do more than just spout off. I find your comments and assertions very interesting, but I believe they are fundamentally incorrect. And all I think anyone wants is that if people are going to makes statements and charges – at least try and have facts, or personal experiences, or something that supports the assertions.
I stick by my statements and my questions to you in #6 and #11.
BTW, I never said that I wasn’t eligible to sit in on negotiations – I just believe that I would never be asked.
#16. I would like to share this information I found about Robert Chavez, SAEA Candidate for President,
Obama Can Help Unite Latino and Black Voters
Hispanic registered voters ranked education as the number one issue of the fall election while supporting Democrat Barack Obama for president over Republican John McCain by 66 percent to 23 percent.
According to a nationwide survey of 2,015 Latinos conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center (PHC), respondents also indicated a dramatic reversal in Obama’s status among Latinos from the primaries, when he lost the Latino vote to Hillary Rodham Clinton by a nearly two-to-one ratio.
This might be the most important finding by researchers because it proves that Latinos can and will support a Black candidate for president.
“Latinos want to be supportive,” says Roberto Chavez, Interim-chair of the NEA Hispanic Caucus. “Closing any gaps that might exist between Blacks and Latinos is crucial to winning the election.”
In the survey, three times as many respondents said being Black would help Obama (32 percent) with Latino voters than said it would hurt him (11 percent). The majority (53 percent) said his race would make no difference to Latino voters. At 46 million, Latinos represent about 15 percent of the U.S. population.
Chavez agrees that the candidates’ ethnic backgrounds are less a factor than where they stand on the issues and how they choose to reach out to the Latino community.
“Visibility is number one,” he says. “Obama needs to come into our neighborhoods and talk with us. He should, for example, commit now to appointing Latinos to his Cabinet and the White House.”
In addition to education, Latinos prefer Obama’s views over McCain’s on other issues, such as jobs, healthcare and immigration, according to PHC, a nonpartisan organization that researches the growing U.S. Latino population.
“Obama can do a lot to bring Latino and Black activists together,” says Chavez, a fourth grade teacher at Greenville Elementary School in Santa Ana, and a member of the California Teachers Association.
In a recent Gallup poll, Obama is leading McCain by 30 percentage points among Latinos. Although Latino turnout is lower than for other ethnic groups, they could be crucial in November because of their numbers in the battleground states of Florida (where Latinos make up 14 percent of the state’s eligible electorate), Colorado (12 percent), Nevada (12 percent) and New Mexico (37 percent).
posted by John Rosales @ Monday, July 28, 2008 1 Comments Links to this post
Before I voted, I did some research.
sojourner truth (#23) I did some research to before I voted – and in my opinion, Robert Chavez is the WORST candidate possible to lead SAEA.
Need to Know #24
You are entitled to your opinion! I fully disagree with you, so let’s exercise our right to vote. Opinions are words without proof! Assumptions.
Many persons know him as a great Hispanic Leader.
Art & Red Vixen – I’m surprised that the SAEA election results haven’t been posted here yet, so here are the results as reported by my Site Rep:
President – Susan Mercer
Secretary – Jennifer Isensee
Treasurer – Scott Miller
High School Segment Director – Billy Castanha
Intermediate Segment Director – Hank Montelongo
Elementary Segment Director – Rhonda McKanna
Elementary Segment Director – Julie Meneghini
I think congratulations are in order for all of the candidates and the winners.
Art & Red Vixen – I’m surprised that the SAEA election results haven’t been posted here yet, so here are the results as reported by my Site Rep
Wow, why the surprise? Your site rep was apparently one of a select number who had that information at ten pm on a Friday night. Nothing for your groveling masses of membership until much later.
Thanks for making the point that SAEA is being run like an insiders’ club where certain people hold all the information and then berate others for not having access to it. Classy.
Oh, and thanks AGAIN for spamming our site with duplicate messages of deception. You make an exceptional spokesman for your union if you are trying to portray SAEA as arrogant and overreaching.
Why is Susan Mercer advocating for principals? In the last Rep Council Meeting she was concerned that vice-principals be given their jobs back. Who cares about those people?? She should be concerned about teacher jobs. For every vic-principal there could be a teacher getting re-hired. What is wrong with her? Susan is working for the opposition not for teachers.
#28 Well said, union leadership should take of their own members first! We have so many teachers that lost their jobs, a principal should be able to do his/her job alone, just as the classroom’s teachers are doing it. Susan, you must work for the people who elected you! Teachers and students first!