Dick Ackerman finally gets revenge on Chris Norby

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Sometimes it takes awhile to get revenge.  I just found out that former GOP State Senate leader Dick Ackerman is finally going to get revenge on his old nemesis, Supervisor Chris Norby, by chairing the campaign of Hieu “Hugh” Nguyen, who is running against Norby for the O.C. Clerk-Recorder’s office.

Why the animus between Norby and Ackerman?  “The two Fullerton City Council colleagues ran against each other in the Primary for State Assembly in the early ’90s. Ackerman won and has held a grudge ever since; Norby remained on the City Council and was eventually elected to the Orange County Board of Supervisors where he is the only conservative,” according to the California Campaigns blog.

People better start taking Nguyen seriously!  Below is Nguyen’s press release regarding Ackerman’s decision to chair his campaign:

For Immediate Release Contact: Scott Hart
May 28th, 2009 949-230-6998


Santa Ana— Former Chief Deputy Recorder Hugh Nguyen, announced today that retired State Senator and Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman will be the Honorary Chairman of his Orange County Clerk Recorder campaign committee.

“I am truly humbled and honored that Senator Ackerman has agreed to be Chairman of my campaign for Orange County Clerk Recorder,” said Nguyen. “His vast knowledge and experience in the political arena will be a tremendous asset to my campaign.”

Dick Ackerman, currently with the Nossaman Law Firm, most recently served in the California State Senate and spent four years as Senate Republican Leader. Prior to that, he served in the California State Assembly and on the Fullerton City Council.

“There is no doubt that Hugh Nguyen has the professional experience needed to properly manage the Clerk Recorders Office,” said Ackerman. “He is committed to protecting the public’s records while, most importantly, protecting taxpayers dollars. I am proud to be Hugh’s Honorary Chairman and urge everyone to support Hugh Nguyen for Orange County Clerk Recorder.”

For more information on the Hugh Nguyen for Orange County Clerk Recorder campaign please go to www.Hugh4ClerkRecorder.com.

UPDATE: Red Klownty editor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham says that “Norby has been an unwavering voice for liberty and limited government, and since he’s decided to run for OC Clerk-Recorder, I’l support him.”  Be honest Jerbal – you are just doing what John Lewis told you to do!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.