Chris Norby has launched his Clerk-Recorder campaign website

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O.C. Supervisor Chris Norby has quietly launched his campaign website for the O.C. Clerk-Recorder’s office.  It is not bad.  And he already has a ton of endorsements, including a few Democrats, such as Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido and Anaheim Union High School District Trustee Jordan Brandman.  Now we know who in Orange County falls within John Lewis’ sphere of influence…Lewis is listed as the Chair of Norby’s campaign.

Norby makes the case that his political experience will make him a better clerk-recorder than anyone else.  He goes out of his way, in the video above, to mention Tom Daly, the current Clerk-Recorder.

Norby has always been easy to get a hold of and that spirit continues on his website, where he lists his cell number and personal email address.

In related news, Norby’s opponent, Hugh Nguyen, recently announced that Lincoln Club member Dale Dykema has endorsed him.

Nguyen has experience, as the former Deputy Clerk-Recorder, that Norby lacks.  But Norby is going to bank on his name I.D. and Lewis’ connections.  It should make for an interesting race.

I personally feel that this office is a bad fit for Norby and I have said so.  But he isn’t pulling out and Nguyen has dug in as well.  We will be following this race closely…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.