H/T to Gustavo Arellano, over at the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing blog, for turning me on to an interesting tale involving Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and a possible conflict of interest.
Gustavo is not happy that Sanchez is ignoring questions from “Adriana Maestas, proprietor of Latino Politics Blog. The Orange County resident has a fascinating post up in which she claims to know a source who says Congresswoman Loretta “I Support the DREAM Act but Won’t Co-Sponsor It” Sanchez was involved in an adulterous romantic relationship that could’ve been a conflict-of-interest. A lot of qualifiers, to be sure, but Maestas does make an interesting case.”
As Maestas put it, ” It has been widely alleged that Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez has been involved in an intimate relationship with her former military escort and current homeland security and defense lobbyist, John (Jack) P. Einwechter, currently “Of Counsel” at the DC law firm of Greenberg Traurig.”
This guy Sanchez is allegedly bunking down with is married with 8 kids! She is cheating with an octo-dad! Supposedly.
Really – shouldn’t Sanchez come clean? If all this is true, it is not the affair that matters, but rather the conflict of interest inherent in bedding down with a lobbyist whose work conflicts with the Committees Sanchez serves on. No bueno!
This is what happens to women who lie on their back to get ahead. Now that she’s “long in the tooth”, she has to resort to whatever she can get. Sad. So so sad.
Aw, Art, this is old stuff. Maybe this Einwechter will replace Gretzky on the next Christmas card.
The dream act, is stupid and a slap in the face to Americans that are trying to afford to send their kids to school.
I appauld you for your passion for your people, but i suggest you use that passion to run for president of Mexico!!
The enquirer has had a reporter on Towner twice!
Whether the tale is old is immaterial. Has she answered the question?
Regardless I plan to vote for her, but this is a disconcerting story, to say the least.
This is why you have no integerity, you will vote for her because of her race!!!!!!!!
I heard a great quote today. the people deserve the government the get!!
they get!!
sorry brain faster than typing:(
It’s not hard to imagine a scenario where Sanchez treats Adriana with respect, answers her questions simply and honestly, and then moves on, with no one harmed and integrity preserved. But…she is obviously hiding and terrified of the truth. She knows she can’t deny the affair or invoke the law in legitimate self-defense, so she lashes out against the messenger. It is breath-taking. We deserve better.
BooBerry, This is definitely old news! Her entire office of ladies (at least the DC staff) are known for doing their “work on their back” so to speak. Why would Ms. Sanchez or any of her staff touch a question about infidelity? Her COS claims it is nobodies business. DUMB PR!
load of crap.
The saying “you go girl” comes to mind —-
For the sake of argument and it is true. Does it matter.
Not if it is your guy or gal. Everyone understands this and it is really a none issue, unless you crusade against someone doing it and you are doing it too – like Newt Gingrich.
I know, plus I still think she’s kinda HOT, in a forty year old congressional kinda way.
Plus, you’d be hard pressed to find a decent opponent given the crazy OCGOP!
Make that “forty something”!!
Yes, she is still quite hot. Overall I think she does a fine job as our Congressional representative. But I think she needs to be more careful about ethical issues. This isn’t the first ethical problem she has dealt with of late.
Stop with the race obsession of yours. Your only two posts so far are about race, when the thread is about SEX.
I hope Art or someone from here calls to ask Rep. Sanchez about the relationship because it could pose a conflict of interest. We should care. She could enrich herself through this Einwechter guy’s contacts and vice versa.
Why should we tolerate this? I don’t think that anyone would care who she slept with if it was with someone who wasn’t a lobbyist or someone who was not married.
Art here is the probloem on one hand you say
“Regardless I plan to vote for her, but this is a disconcerting story, to say the least.”
“But I think she needs to be more careful about ethical issues. This isn’t the first ethical problem she has dealt with of late.”
You stand for nothing! You admit that she has had more than one ethical problem, and yet you still vote for her over and over….just like your friends south of the border…that is why they are as corrupt as any third world nation…..But I guess you see her as one of “Ours” (hispanic) so you can look past any ethical problems.
and for the record I don’t care who she sleeps with! It is beyond her and her Husband (if she is married) and nobody else! BUT if there is a conflict of interest….you had better be in the open with it!
She is divorced. I knew Loretta when she was a Republican. Don’t agree with her 100% but think she is doing a better job of serving her constutuents than her predecessor.
Have been around too long, especially in OC, to trust any politician any farther than I might be able to throw him/her.
Hey, Art, why do you think the OC Register has shown no interest in this story?
So you have the right too bitch about the bad choices of your race,but i don’t. Hispanics are Saints until they do something YOU don’t like!!
And then you drag their names through the trash, sex,taxes ect….
You can never get your way by being a bullie, Mr.Art.
You can do what you please, within the law. We live in a free country.
I am simply pointing out your BS attempts at labeling individuals you disadgree with – miss pushy.
I was not doing anything you claim I was doing. You have a problem with interpretation of conversation.
I googled this. Loretta is single and so is the man in question. Two single people having a relationship (if it’s even true) is not a scandal. Nice try.
To answer your question: Yes, Loretta is having an affair with Jack Einwechter. They are a steady, committed couple. His divorce is pending. This is not news anymore. They’ve been together for many years. It was secret for a long time, but he legally separated from his wife a few years ago in order to be with Loretta. They’ve been pretty much out of the closet since then. Move on, everyone.