We should all be worried, Mansoor is getting bigger and bigger everyday. Not only Latinos ought to be scratching their heads, but also “chinitos”, “turcos” and all the immigrant family in Orange County, from Fullerton to San Juan Capistrano.
Months before the 2010 election, Allan Mansoor’s piggy bank has gained a few extra pounds. So far he’s gotten more than $150.000 in campaign funds for his state assembly run. It’s time for OC residents to take the Honorary Minuteman and Mayor of Costa Mesa seriously.
Whether we like or not, what Mansoor has been able to accomplish is quite impressive, especially if we consider his lacking academic background -no “real” college degree- and his lack of a moderate political base. He’s been known for making friends in the most radical groups of the county. Jim Gilchrist, Martin H. Millard, Barbara Coe, to name a few, are his buddies. He’s been a jailer for most of his life and doesn’t have a woman. In some social conservative circles, not having a girl is considered a big sin.
Before people make wrong assumptions on the woman issue, Mansoor doesn’t seem to be gay either. At least his record shows that way. A few years ago, when he decided to get into politics, he wrote scathing articles against homosexuals on a local Costa Mesa website. And we all know that he’s got a special dislike for Latinos. Anything coming from Santa Ana is no good for him. If you have a Mexican name, such as Cuauhtémoc, Xochitl or Gustavo (sorry my friend), you better changed it to something more European sound prior to attempting to engage in some business deal with the city of Costa Mesa. In short, Mansoor is an intolerant guy.
With all these negative traits, Mansoor has been able to do good with other more mainstream OC conservatives recently. That’s why he’s got more money than any other candidate this far, and that’s why OC residents, particularly the Vietnamese community, must take him seriously. Costa Mesans didn’t do their job when he started out his political stint. They are now paying the price for underestimating him.
Humberto Caspa
What do you have to be sorry for, Humberto?
if your a immigrant from o.c you should be wooried . why would a immigrant be wooried. unless of course its a ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT . sounds like a pedroza post always leaving out the key word . so if its true a illegal im all for this guy .
Gustavo, as you know Mansoor has been a poster boy for the extreme right, and not only his policies in Costa Mesa have affected undocumented immigrants but the whole Latino community, especially kids in school age. That’s about 40% of the people living in Costa Mesa. I doubt he will be elected in next election, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a change. “The great one” proves my points. There is a bunch of right-wing activists like him/her out there, who see the immigration issue in two colors, black or white; there is no gray in between. I happen to believe there is a bunch of colors in between. Saludos.
what is it about this issue that you guys dont get . 1 i prove your point ? . so your for illegas coming into this country . why dont they get in line with everyone else and we wont have a problem . also from your anwser i hope your not one of those that think if your against illegals your racist .
Katrina Foley for the 68th A.D.!
“The great one”. Not at all, I found a lot of people who are against undocumented immigration, but their rationality is much more different than those presented by, for instance, Tancredo, Coe, Mansoor, Gilcrist, Bever, etc. Being against undocumented immigrants doesn’t make you a racist. But if you look at this issue as black or white you might be getting into that “terreno”. Yes, Art, we ought to push Katrina for the 68th District. She’s intelligent, fun, and a great person. I’ll vote for her any time.
thank you for the info, i will be sending Mr. Mansoor a check right away, and i will ask him if he needs any help with campaigning!
You need to understand Mr. Humberto, that its not right wingers apposed to Illegal Alien’s, its Immigrants like myself who has seen a ridiculous catering to illegal Aliens over American citizens. I have 2 families at my school, that drive everyday because their schools have been taken over by nationalist from Mexico. Social services are crowded with Mexican Nationals needing hand out’s for their American born children.
It does not make sense that a country, with imported workers who are poor, end up being taken care off by the taxpayer.
Yes i agree that scum bags hire these people for less than they would hire an American. But the bottom line is that Mexicos poor, is not the faulte or the reponsibility of the American Taxpayer.
And again if you have read any of my post’s, you would know that i have a real problem with the Orange Country Supervisor’s, especially, Mr. Campbell and Mr. Morrlach, who are both right wingers, using Healthy families and Caloptima to give massive handouts in health care and services that most Americans can not get or most other immigrants as a matter of fact!
So Mr. Mansoor, I will be giving you a call to help you with the Latino bullies, that forget this is America, land of all immigrants, who come here to work and prosper, not to burden the American people!
He’s been a jailer for most of his life and doesn’t have a woman. In some social conservative circles, not having a girl is considered a big sin.
really, i don’t think the Catholic Church would appreciate this statement.
Spelling mistakes: oppose, fault : sorry thanks!
Michelle, I think that’s the beauty of our political system. We get to support the person/candidate we believe is better fit for our government. There’s nothing wrong if you like Mansoor, but try to learn more about him before you actually sent a check.
O don’t worry, i will:)
Humberto –
Regarding being in some of the most radical right groups, some may say that you are involved in some of the radical left groups. The pendulum swings both ways.
Re the sexuality comments – I would expect more from an academic and you should be careful about libel. As a community, we expect more from a university professor and making allegations takes away from your credibility. I think this is part of your problem Humberto, you omit many facts and replace it with what you believe, even if it is unfounded. You would be more effective if you relied more on facts than interweaving allegations and untruths in your publications.
Mr Creating terror in the barrio to sell your books a.k.a Caspa. I think you are a sellout. You’re doing the Latino community a huge injustice. Hope the $$$ is worth it.