Tom Daly’s assistant, Renee Ramirez, is running for Clerk-Recorder

Tom Daly and Renee Ramirez 3

Will Tom Daly’s assistant, Renee Ramirez, replace him?

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UPDATE: A pajarito reports that Renee Ramirez was registered as a Decline to State Voter since 2003. Yesterday she filed as a Republican and showed up at the OC GOP Central Committee meeting trolling for endorsements…

I guess we should have seen this coming.  With Supervisor Chris Norby out of the race for Orange County Clerk-Recorder, more candidates are coming out of the woodworks.  Current Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly’s assistant, Renee Ramirez, showed up at tonight’s Orange County GOP Central Committee meeting, and introduced herself as a candidate for Daly’s office, according to several of my pajaritos who were there.

There is some debate as to whether or not Ramirez is even a Republican, but if she wasn’t she certainly is now. 

Over the past few months many of our readers have commented about Ramirez here at the Orange Juice.  Apparently she is hated by most of her coworkers.  Some commenters have also alleged that she is carrying on an affair with Daly, who is married to a county lobbyist.

I don’t know if Daly is having an affiar with Ramirez, but it makes sense that Daly and his political machine would want to get his assistant elected, so he can maintain some control over the office of Clerk-Recorder. 

Hugh Nguyen, the leading Republican candidate for Clerk-Recorder, has so much momentum built up that it would be hard to believe that Ramirez or anyone else could beat him.  But the John Lewis machine has their fingers in this candidate.  Ramirez was escorted tonight by longtime Lewis ally Brett Barbre, who serves on the MWD Water Board. 

When you search for “Brett Barbre and John Lewis” online, this nugget comes up, “Republican PR guy and water district official Brett Barbre is helping to host a union-supported fund-raiser for Democrat Tom Daly for supervisor. Another prominent Republican, consultant and lobbyist John Lewis, is also supporting Daly’s run,” according to the Orange Punch blog.

Don’t be fooled folks – Renee Ramirez is just another creation of the Lewis and Daly machines.  I’ll be voting for Hugh Nguyen.

UPDATE: Lewis says he is supporting Laura “Mrs. Jerbal” Cunningham.  Chisme has it that Renee was a Democrat who just switched to the GOP.  If true that might explain why Lewis is going with Mrs. Jerbal instead.

UPDATE: The Total Buzz blog has confirmed that Brett Barbre is serving as Ramirez’ campaign manager.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.