We’ve already documented that Linda Ackerwoman is not, never has been (and probably never will be a “businesswoman”). And yet, here is her ballot designation:

I know, let's start our campaign off with two lies!
Okay, the businesswoman thing is a bald-faced lie. Being a “consultant” to your husband’s political campaign is a great way to shift campaign contributions into your own pockets, but it hardly constitutes a business. Which leads to the second lie: “independent.” She is most certainly not independent. She has apparently never worked for anybody but her husband as a fund-raiser.
Linda is a housewife. She should be proud of whatever she is and not lie.
The more she inflates her qualifications for the job, the more obvious it becomes that she has none.
I think she made some video clips of her grooming her black dog. anyone see those? I just googled Linda Ackerman and hit the google video bar. It SOUNDS like her voice, but they never show the woman’s face.
Maybe she grooms dogs?