Game on! Chris Norby’s campaign has commited a public service by letting the good people of the 72nd Assembly District in on a not so little secret – Linda Ackerman is a carpetbagger from Irvine!
Here are the rest of the images from this excellent mailer:
Want a better look? Click here to see the mailer in PDF form.
And here is the infamous video showing the Ackermans at home in their gated Irvine community:
Hopefully Linda Ackerman will vote NO on the pension increase for the MWD, else Norby will have some more fuel to attack her 🙂
Good for Supervisor Norby.
This should’nt be consider a “hit” piece, it is a public service.
We have every right and in fact, a duty to protect our community. Electing an outsider is not benificial to the public it only serves to enrich the “special interest” greedy politico’s.
I hope my friend john macmurray gets 50% plus one vote or more. If he doesnt, i certainly hope chris norby beats linda ackerman.
I had not really heard of either candidate but decided to vote for Mr. Norby after reading this mailer. Why doesn’t she run for office in Irvine where she lives?
SEC. 2. (c) A person is ineligible to be a member of the Legislature
unless the person is an elector and has been a resident of the
legislative district for one year, and a citizen of the United States
and a resident of California for 3 years, immediately preceding the
That is straight from the constitution of California as quoted by the Norby mailer.
How can Ackerman run? She doesn’t meet that qualification in the constitution, unless there is some caselaw. Is there? Can someone shed any light on this?
My 72nd district political mail is running 2 to 1 (2 Ackerman for every 1 Norby mailer).
It’s really mudslinging time. Disgusting.
Has anyone found out why they accepted Ackerman’s petition given she cannot meet the residency requirements?