Folks in Arizona know that Joe Arpaio is a racist, corrupt pig who wastes money and undermines liberty
I am not a big fan of Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, but I will not vote for her Republican opponent, Bill Hunt. For one thing, he was once one of former Sheriff Mike Carona’s “boys.” He even ran interference when corrupt Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl’s kid was arrested for marijuana possession, while driving.
Hunt later ran against Carona, when he found out that Carona was under federal investigation. Carona later disciplined him and demoted him, for using department resources, ie a photocopier, for his campaign. Hunt later resigned after being transferred to patrol the City of Stanton.
Today, Hunt is showing his true colors again as he once more runs for Sheriff. He is bringing in corrupt Mexican hating Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been dubbed “Arpayaso” (payaso means clown in Spanish) by our friends at the OC Weekly, to campaign for him.
Arpaio will be visting Orange County on November 5th, for a reception to raise money for Hunt’s campaign. For the record, Carona was a huge fan of Arpaio, according to a media insider I know. It figures that Hunt would model himself after the same crooked hater.
Here is how Tony Saavedra at the Total Buzz described Arpaio in a recent post:
He’s the kind of sheriff who hunts down illegal immigrants with such enthusiasm that federal government officials personally ordered him to stop.
He’s the kind of sheriff who drags his feet on requests for public records and is constantly at the center of national controversy when it comes to civil rights, be it for making inmates sleep in tents, work on chain gangs or wear pink underwear.
And here is Gustavo Arellano’s reaction over at the OC Weekly:
We will give Bill credit for his knowledge of Orange County, because only in this damned place will you find as much blind support for Nickel Bag Joe as the Phoenix area, where the hatred of wabs trumps everything, even a corrupt, Constitution-hating pendejo like Arpayaso. Wait a minute: unqualified support by most conservatives for a wretch? Hey, Mike Carona: where are you?
Click here to learn why the OC Weekly calls Arpaio “wasteful and moronic.” Click here to learn more about what a corrupt pig Arpaio is. And click here to learn about the blood on his hands.
Bill Hunt is looking forward to hunting down immigrants
If you want to go see Hunt pal around with Arpaio, here is more info about his upcoming reception:
Bill Hunt for Orange County Sheriff
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Phoenix Club
1340 S Sanderson Ave
Anaheim, CA 92806
5:30-7:30 P.M.
5:30 – 6:00 Sponsor and VIP Reception 6:00 – 7:00 Program 7:00 – 7:30 Photo Opportunities$50
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Pink Underwear,Tent City: “The Vacancy Sign is Always on at the Arpaio Inn.” Sheriff Joe is a law enforcement innovator who earned national recognition for his cost saving solutions to the problems facing modern Departments.
$99 Posse Supporter
1 program ticket arrive 6:00
$150 Marshall Supporter
1 program ticket and 1 photo with Sheriff Arpaio arrive 6:00
$1,000 Ranger Sponsor
Table sponsor, 10 tickets and premier seating for program, 2 VIP reception tickets and 2 photos with Sheriff Arpaio arrive 5:30
RSVP online by November 1, 2009
Wow, talk about being ignorant of the facts. You may want to actually educate on the Haidl incident before you go slinging mud. Hunt did not run interference for him. The responding Deputy didn’t do his job and Hunt called him on it.
Would you call the Mexican Government racist for enforcing their immigration laws against their neighbors to the south?
Get your facts straight this is crap…
“Bill Hunt quote from article”
The current policy of the sheriff’s department is not to round up illegal immigrants in the field, but to screen those who are brought into the jail and hold them for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Hunt said he would create a panel with activists from both sides of the issue.
So we should emulate Mexico and abuse immigrants? No thanks.
All you need to know is that Hunt is a fan of Arpaio. This Latino will be voting for Sheriff Hutchens.
Good for the brave and the bold, Joe Arpaio! the only Chief in command in the US, to do his job by protecting legal and Us citizens.
Alot of the men under his command are hispanic. So Mr. Art, what would you call them, “tratiors to the Hispanic cause?”
Joe, protects the people who voted him in, and does not yeld, to thugs.
We need to get Joe to move here to Orange County, I would love to see all the thugs, try to bullie Joe around!
Hispanics are their own worst enemy!
Hispanic illegal Immigrant Activists, have done so much damage to degrade the value and benifit immigrants have always had on this country.
I went done to the Calworks office in Anaheim to see for myself how bad it is.
Americans are being shafted, plain and simple! While i was there all the announcement’s were in Spanish. I felt very foregin and out of place. I asked the front desk why the announcemnts were in Spanish, she stated, “most of the clients are Spanish speakers only”. Its a bloody joke!
So the moral of the story is, if they call you a racist Joe for protecting your country men, “so be it”.
Wow, talk about a reactionary. Obviously someone who is more concerned with illegal immigrants rights than an American Citizen’s right to defend himself with a CCW permit. I guess in your book if you piss off one bean you piss off the entire burrito.
Thank god the educated hispanic friends & associates I have are a bit more “enlightened” about the bigger issue.
why don’t you make an attempt to reach out and interview Hunt on the issues rather than throwing out the racist card.
More on the FBI investigations at a blog devoted to telling on Joe by the people who are forced to work under him and his disgusting and abusive tactics:
Your a tool.
Wait a minute: unqualified support by most conservatives for a wretch? Hey, Mike Carona: where are you?
Is not Carona, the crooked cop? I suppose we can state from this comment, that crooked is good, doing your job is bad!
A great realo, you are quite the example of the Mexican government!
I hope it was none of my ancesters that died in the, American/Spanish war, if it was, they died in vain!
Robert & Michelle,
Thank you for illustrating once more how illiterate you Mexican haters are.
Art . . . (1) I think you are wrong to assert that Hunt did anything to assist the Haidl boy. As far as I know he did not. (2) As for Sheriff Joe, I am not aware that he is doing anything other than his job reinforcing the law. Why make him into a monster? (3) It is a great shame that so many Hispanic people from the south have to live such desperate lives. There are a lot of legal American residents who sympathize with and understand their motivation to come here any way they can. (4) At the same time it is vital that we control who and how many can legally enter and be absorbed in our country without destroying our culture and social well being. It’s a sad stand off at best.(5)Isn’t it strange that American’s can go to the moon, design alternate fuel cars, build giant airliners, and harness nuclear power – but can not seem to erect a border fence? Or develop a reasonable immigration policy? Or figure out a program that illegal immigrants already in America can, say in a two or three year span, become citizens or be returned to their place of origin? Of course, all of the above applies to immigrants from anywhere, including the recent influx of people from Southeast Asia, China, and the Middle East.
If Art had his way we would call this the UNITED STATES MEXICO! Is free health care and a better living not enough? Why don’t we add the free food stamps while were at it. I am Hispanic and I will be voting for Bill Hunt. A lot of us come here legal and respect the opportunity.
Stop giving the people who love this country legally a bad name. Bill Hunt clearly stated he is not going to round up immigrants yet people like you make it a race war. At least the illegals who will oppose Hunt can’t vote.
Voting is an opportunity and if the illegal aliens want that same right. Then I suggest they get off their butts and become citizens like the rest of us.
I don’t hate anyone! if i could not hate the killers that murdered my father, then it would not make sense for me to hate activists like yourself.
I just feel that your race is what definds you, as a human being. It also definds your ideology.
I don’t believe you hate other races, i think you hold your race above all others, no matter what!
I would say that a country that asks another nation to take its people, does not value it’s people much!. The Mexican governement and La Race, hate their own, more than i ever could!
My grandfather was illiterate, he taught me only to write and speak the truth no matter what!
He was and still is the smartest man i have ever met:)
If i make some spelling Mistakes, “sorry, if i offend”.
I will not speak for art, but I will speak for myself. I find it shocking that Hunt would team up with the abusive Joe Arpaio. That man is a disgrace with his human rights abuses. His “style” of doing things is out of date. He’s an affront to all of us who value a responsible criminal justice system.
I was very sympathetic to Bill Hunt as a subordinate of that awful sheriff carona. But this move seems either desperate or he’s stupid or he’s really got a very abusive agenda – no matter what the race- abusive towards the criminal justice system. He needs to explain himself.
Joe Arpaio is on the path to removal, i am sure of it. He’s gone too far, too often. His vigilante, anything-goes treatment of prisoners is un-American and unprofessional. He undermines and circumvents the DUE PROCESS that EVERYONE IN THE US is entitled to.
Why is it “racist” to oppose the presence of 20,000,000 immigration criminals over running America?
Why is it “hate” to insist that our nation’s laws regarding immigration are enforced?
Let’s see,
Sheriff Arpaio has been elected and then re-elected since 1993 after a career with the DEA and federal fuzz in Washington. For some stupid reason those folks in Maricopa county seem to like the job he does there. All politics are local. While the OC may not quite fit the same mold as Maricopa county, I have a problem with a critique of a guy doing the job he was hired to do and getting re-elected year after year for doing it.
The local law gave him the authority to enforce certain immigration laws and until Obama showed up “Homeless” security had no issues with Arpaio. Art, perhaps you should put your race card back in your wallet and show it the first time you are denied access into your favorite eatery.
I’m not comfortable with Hunt but then again I wasn’t comfortable dragging the politics from LA county into the OC either. Hutchens has shown me nothing and her command staff including an LAPD street thumper certainly hasn’t given me any reason for assurance.
My opinion is my own but I’m sick of the race card and if that is the best you can do then I suggest you rethink ever running for office again. The reason you got whipped is because you refuse to keep an open mind. I know dozens of Hispanics who don’t have a problem with brown with white. Maybe you should look around and realize YOU are the majority in your city and your city sucks.
“Why is it “hate” to insist that our nation’s laws regarding immigration are enforced?”
Good question. I hope to get an answer from you Art.
“So we should emulate Mexico and abuse immigrants? No thanks.”
You didn’t answer the question Art. Do you think the Mexican Government is racist for enforcing their immigration law?
I will not speak for art, but I will speak for myself. I find it shocking that Hunt would team up with the abusive Joe Arpaio. That man is a disgrace with his human rights abuses. His “style” of doing things is out of date. He’s an affront to all of us who value a responsible criminal justice system.
Where is the abuse Red? Have you seen what type of conditions some people in Mexico are living. They may live in a tent for a while, but aleast they are getting fed!
This is political correctness gone mad! The man is doing the job that he was elected to do, and if the cops had done the job, they were suppose to do in SF, a man and his two lovely sons would be alive today. Where is the outrage over the deaths of these three Americans gunned down in cold blood by a Mexican Nationalist? Where is the outrage that Santa Ana school district has its own Police force, due to increased violence in Santa Ana school’s.
This county is in a lot of trouble!
He’s a very expensive, unprofessional leech on the taxpayers. His stunts are selfish and do not create measurable results. One would expect nonsense like his in a third world country and NOT in a nation as constitutionally proud as the USA.
Here you go, Michelle, from WIKI: Inmate complaints and recidivism
Under Arpaio, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has been criticized by numerous human rights organizations.
From 2004 through November 2007, Arpaio was the target of 2,150 lawsuits in U.S. District Court and hundreds more in Maricopa County courts, with more than $50 million in claims being filed,[38] 50 times as many prison-conditions lawsuits as the New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston jail systems combined.[39] Allegations of “cruel” treatment of inmates as well as living conditions have been cited by Amnesty International in a report issued on the treatment of inmates in Maricopa County facilities.[4]
In her book on prison policy The Use of Force by Detention Officers, Arizona State University criminal justice professor Marie L. Griffin reported on a 1998 study commissioned by Arpaio to examine recidivism rates based on conditions of confinement. Comparing recidivism rates under Arpaio to those under his predecessor, the study found “there was no significant difference in recidivism observed between those offenders released in 1989-1990 and those released in 1994-1995.”[40]
This is where the rubber meets the road and I say good bye to you, Art and OJ Blog, YOU are the racist ones.
Evidently and clearly, you have the soft spot for illegal ailens. I don’t know about Hunt, but I do know Sheriff Joe Arpaio is not a racist because he has the cojones to hunt down criminal mexicans who are in the U.S., ILLEGALLY- and whatever tactics he has to take to do it is fine as far as Im concerned and, guess what? Im not a racist and have never been one- if you break the law then dont expect puppy dogs and pats on the back. Illegals cost then U.S. billions of dollars in various programs and other freebies, I, as a tax paying citizen of America am not even privy to. Arpaio stirs up controversy because he actually has the balls to not be politically correct and do the right thing. Good for Sheriff Joe Arpaio and I hope he continues to fight against blatant haters of what is right and what is not. I support him 100 and 50% until he actually does turn racist.
merijoe says: “I say good bye to you, Art and OJ Blog,”
Bye! Making threats on a blog is just weak. REALLY weak. And I don’t take these GBF (good bye forever) posts lightly. IF this is IT for you, as you are implying, I WILL hound you when I see you post again. Just for the sport of it. Just like that.
OR you can toughen up a bit and stick around to spar fairly with us all. Your choice.
Art: Actually, it was folks in Phoenix who dubbed Nickel Bag Joe Arpayaso!
To all the Arpayaso supporters: Your support for a fool like him solely because of his efforts against illegal immigrants proves again how rotten the core of the Know Nothing movement has become…
You quoted this:
“From 2004 through November 2007, Arpaio was the target of 2,150 lawsuits in U.S. District Court and hundreds more in Maricopa County courts, with more than $50 million in claims being filed,[38] 50 times as many prison-conditions lawsuits as the New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston jail systems combined.[39] Allegations of “cruel” treatment of inmates as well as living conditions have been cited by Amnesty International in a report issued on the treatment of inmates in Maricopa County facilities”
How many of these lawsuits were won and how much was actually paid out..or how many were deemed unfounded? Last time you wouldn’t review the history I provided you was on ACORN and we know where that is now. If the county of Maricopa has paid out more in legal claims than any other community of its size..lets have the answers..not just accusations.
Anonplus, if you want the link to the passage, i can provide it, but i got it from the wikipedia page. I don’t know how much of those cases were won/lost. However, I DO know that the lawyers who represent the prison have got to be thrilled by the amount of work for them that Joe generates. When you’ve got “rogue” personalities in charge… basically making up the rules as they go… or imposing their own arbitrary agendas on their own staff and the clients, you get a lot of hostility and you get a lot of legal chaos. The numbers speak for themselves as he generates 50 times more lawsuits than four other large populated cities COMBINED.
Huge legal fees are a red flag. I don’t have to tell YOU that. YOU know about those things as you’ve followed SAUSD malfeasance for YEARS.
Yes, you were spot on about Acorn and your predictions that it would become an issue. Of course, I’d feel a lot more comfortable with your targeting Acorn, if you also had the same concerns about other rogue organizations like Haliburton and Blackwater, to name a couple, that have been scamming the American taxpayer out of lots of money.
We’ll just have to see if Arpaio starts to run out of steam and starts to run into more and more resistance to his bully tactics. I see that Senator McCain has distanced himself from the man. I still think Hunt is making some kind of odd decision to be asking for Arpaio’s endorsement at this point.
Art,Art,Art. It seems that hamster cage of a thought process you possess is showing again. You my friend are the racist. It’s not about “mexicans”. It about an unsustainable problem called “illegal immigration”. It is a problem we have to deal with in a humane, equitable and level headed manner. Nobody wants to do anything. Yet Joe enforces the LAW and he is a “racist”. We hear this a lot today from none other than members of our federal government. It rings hollow.
Vixen pulls up a Wiki post and according to her it’s the gospel. She doesn’t dig deep enough but if she had she wouldn’t be able to run around as though her hair was on fire. There were 50 mil in “claims”. The fact of the matter is from 04-07 Mariposa paid 3o mil in claims. Durning the same perriod, LA county Sheriff’s jail paid 100,000 million in claims. I think that settles it. As for the usual suspects New York Times, Phoenix New Times, ACLU, et al they typically have a beef any time criminals aren’t treated with kid gloves. Too bad, so sad.
As to this big “contitutional” thing that the ACLU was all over, it concerned PRE-TRIAL detainees. What was the big win by ACLU you ask? It was this: Regular perscriptions for pre-trial detainees, that people with mental disorders and on psychotropics not be placed in the tents;and,the baloney and bread in those samwiches be fresh. The barnburner of a case had nothing to do with sentenced inmates. Go figure.
As for Hunt.It looks like he is a Republican with libertarian leanings. If I am not mistaken, Libertarians don’t figure race, color or creed into the equation. They are all “individuals” under the constitution. Hunt’s only reported stance is to create a panel of activists. I doubt Art has the wherewithall to be on this panel being the racist he is and as it should be.
OOpps. I meant LA Sheriff paid 100 Million. Sorry.
Fact Check – I like your feisty comments.
I still think Hunt is mistaken to parade around with a regional “hero” rogue commander, when MOST of us want responsible taxpayer employees that make sense and measured decisions. We already had Sheriff Carona – another rogue- and he really did himself in big time. Hunt might be like McCain was… looking for a flashy gimmick to get voter attention. But as we know, that doesnt always turn out well.
I like you too Vix. I am sure there is some flash involved. Controversy always gets attention. At the end of the day, Hunt probably will just be looking for criminals (Do not pass go) and will leave alone those just here making a living, paying taxes and keeping to themselves until some real and fair reform comes around. What are you going to do? Destroy families? Give the established people every opportunity and if they don’t take it then they are gone.
Art, do you know Hunt’s record with immigrant workers when he was chief in San Clemente? That would be the most telling. Bringing Arpaio in for a fund raiser is a brilliant campaign tactic; this event will be a sell out and the hub-bub and controversy should pole-vault his name right up to the top of sheriff candidates. Whether or not Hunt buys in to the Arpaio philosophy of law enforcement is another thing completely.
Fact Check,
Well, you certainly seem well-versed in the law enforcement issues. As SAHS Teacher is saying, the event could very well play out in a very popular way.
He’s a very expensive, unprofessional leech on the taxpayers. His stunts are selfish and do not create measurable results. One would expect nonsense like his in a third world country and NOT in a nation as constitutionally proud as the USA.
Red, you did not answer my question!
A man and his two sons were gunned down. It could have been prevented, if the cops had done their job.
Plain and simple!
Joe, is an officer of the USA, not a baby sitter for latin America!
Americans need to respect their first line of defence, or else 9/11 will happen again!
I thank Fact Check for providing some hard numbers. I didn’t have them yet but I was well on my way to research them. FYI “Wiki” is a great launching pad for facts but their “facts” can be put in by anyone from you or me to Rahm Emanuel without citation. It’s a great starting point but not one to quote.
Cop friends tell me you aren’t doing your job if you aren’t getting complaints or sued. I think that is probably more true than not, excluding cops who think they are above the law and deserve to be sued. I don’t see Arpiao in this category.
Don’t confuse “rogue” with independent. Carona was rogue-criminal. Arpiao apears to be independent following the laws someone hands him to try and enforce. If the laws are poor that isn’t his fault by following them. What is criminal is to choose to ignore them for political correctness.
As for Haliburton and Blackwater: Apples and oranges to ACORN who has been indicted in what, 14 plus states with employees convicted in how many states for voting fraud. I don’t think that is a clear comparison unless you have research indicating Haliburton and Blackwater have been indicted and convicted. They may have been but I’m unaware of it.
The issue here is Joe Arpiao and as far as I’m concerned he can support whomever he wants. He enforces law he has to work with and that does NOT make him racist. The day someone writes he refused to enforce a signed federal or state immigration law will be more of an indication he is a racist than upholding his sworn duty.
Hey Vix. Are you stalking me 🙂 You know I think this should be thought out. They got here at uncertain times. The hard workers that want to make a life for themselves are so welcome. They deserve that. What I think will happen at some point is this. If they have pledged their alligence to this country and they have worked their asses off to be productive, then those are the ones we need. They should be known for what they have done and, without a doubt, they should be welcomed. Criminals need not apply.
By the way on a lighter note: Red, i can’t spell and i can’t cook!
I have no dishes to give you:)
except: Soda bread, stew:(
Don’t confuse “rogue” with independent. Carona was rogue-criminal. Arpiao apears to be independent following the laws someone hands him to try and enforce. If the laws are poor that isn’t his fault by following them. What is criminal is to choose to ignore them for political correctness.
excellent, thankyou. I do appreciate the educated:)
Art, thanks for the great column. I will be voting for Hunt because of it.
Dear Readers,
We need rediculous comments from persons like Art Pedroza so we can distinguish between hateful, despicable propaganda and the truth.
Pedroza’s real hatred toward Sheriff Arpaio and candidate Bill Hunt is perhaps sourced in the fact that these gentlemen believe in the universal enforcement of our laws without exception. Apparently, any law enforcement is offensive to Pedroza.
These two respected members of law enforcement are blind to race, color, and creed, etc. in the enforcement of our laws. However, in the mindset of a scoundrel losing an argument, they will always be referred to simly as “racists.”
Pedroza would make the world a better place if he devoted his energy to advocating the universal application of the rule of law, rather than unjustly chastising Joe Arpaio and Bill Hunt, who have a long-established vocational history of fulfilling that hallowed mission.
I support both of these gentlemen in their aspirations to continue leading their respective Sheriff’s departments.
Jim Gilchrist, President and Founder, The Minuteman Project
Welcome to the Orange Juice, you maniac! The spelling is “ridiculous” by the way.
For some time now the media has reported that Arpaio is being investigated by the Feds for Civil Rights violations of those he has in custody. Hunt should watch this closely, for if an endictment and all its gory details results he will be painted with the same brush, having associated himself with Arpaio. This could be one of thoese classic “be careful what you ask for” situations.
#40. That’s for the alledged profiling. Good luck to them in their attempt to prove the nebulous. I hear both sides are running around with video cameras to come up with a “gotscha” video. So I would imagine there is some proof lacking there.
Mr. Gilchrist,
The reason Jefferson was an anti-federalist was for this very reason. He knew that too much power in the fed’s hands would lead to a dictatorship, that would eventually go after their own citizens. Why would a Government protect foregin nationalist’s with such force? In orange county, i am learning that the hispanic poor, grows government and makes alot of people very rich off the taxpayer. I believe that the American Government whether it is at the local or federal level are run by stakeholders and corps, who have corrupted both local and federal level government.
I believe the fight to save this country is not at the border, its at the city halls!
hey Jim; how was the trip to Cambridge?
no mention of FBI investigation against joe couldf it be because fiboc had it?
Hello Jim Gilchrist! We LOVE when local celebs drop by 😉
How many members do the minutemen now have?
Here’s a not-very-flattering article about you earlier last month in crooks/liars:
4:30 pm? How are we still on the old clock?
Sorry I could not join in this discussion further…. have other obligations. but thanks for the comments. Okay on the cooking thing, Michelle!
And because I am running out of time i have to say in regards to another thread, it is NOT a good idea to vote for ex cheerleaders and beauty queen runners- up IF there is a BETTER candidate for a government job. ditzy is not cutting it! that is all.
More on the FBI Probe, developing:
Report: FBI Probing Controversial Arizona Sheriff For “Investigating” Political Foes
Zachary Roth | November 2, 2009, 1:12PM
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the hard-line anti-immigration Arizona sheriff, is being probed by the FBI for allegedly using his authority to retaliate against political adversaries, sources tell a local TV station. One of the key cases cited by Phoenix-based KPHO is one we told you about recently, in which a husband-and-wife team of big-name Washington GOP lawyers was briefly recruited to try to build a case against a local official who had clashed with Arpaio.
In response to the KPHO report, Arpaio bizarrely lashed out at … David Iglesias, the former U.S. attorney who had dared offer an expert opinion to the station.
Arpaio — the Maricopa County sheriff who has used press-friendly stunts like forcing prisoners to wear pink underwear to build a national reputation — recently had his authority to conduct immigration raids scaled back by the Justice Department.
But the reported FBI probe could turn into a far bigger headache. KPHO reports that it has examined more than two dozen complaints against the sheriff from business owners, government workers, mayors and law-enforcement officials, who allege that after they spoke out against Arpaio, they found themselves the subject of investigations by his office — none of which have resulted in convictions, and many of which never even led to charges being filed.
KPHO cites numerous such cases, many of which have made local headlines in the past. But one prominent one is that of Don Stapley, the county supervisor who, after pushing for audits of Arpaio’s office, found himself arrested by sheriff’s deputies in September. The sheriff’s office has alleged violations of campaign-finance laws, but no prosecutor has taken the case. And last week, county officials short-circuited an effort to turn it over to Washington GOP power couple Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing.
horray for sheriff joe and bill hunt , bring joe to santa ana and watch them = illegals run for the hills . because he does his job . of course if you go after illegals the reconquista leader predoza calls you racist . ITS THE LAW . IF YOU COME HERE ILLEGALY YOU GET DEPORTED . pedroza = if you come here illegally you get free services , free health care , that makes lots of sense ,
Dang! Vixen you got me again! Well almost. As always there is two sides to a story. KPHO(AKA CBS) has a corner on biased reporting as evidenced by their selective appointment of expert “Ringers”. This release gives me pause on anything I now hear from KPHO:
The Headline… Sources: FBI Investigating Joe Arpaio Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Actions ‘Absolutely Unacceptable,’ Former US Attorney Says Channel 5
The Truth…
There were a number of blatantly false and incorrect assertions in Thursday night’s incredibly long and laborious TV story on Channel 5 in which the reporter insinuated that Sheriff Arpaio and his office are breaking the law by “investigating anyone who criticizes the Sheriff.”
Rather than dignify the reporter and his piece with a lengthy response to assertions made, we will simply respond with a few ‘facts’ of our own.
Their expert interview who insisted that an indictment be sought against Sheriff Arpaio also said that no where in America should Arpaio’s tactics ever be tolerated. His name is David Iglesias. This is the same attorney who was fired in 2006 by the US Attorney General for several different reasons.
Iglesias was criticized for looking the other way in an investigation involving ACORN, an organization that embraces illegal immigration and is currently under intense scrutiny and investigation by the US government for fraudulent schemes.
Paul Charleton, a colleague of Iglesias and was often quoted in the Channel 5 piece, was also a U.S. Attorney fired in that same 2006 house cleaning by the U.S. Attorney General. Now he is the attorney of record for Don Stapley in his fraud investigation which obviously leaves Charleton as an impartial and bias observer of the facts.
Channel 5 has a few reporters and photographers working there who have an axe to grind against this Office. That’s fine. But when it shows up as obviously as it did in last night’s report, it underscores why many today feel that fair and impartial journalism has gone the way of the dinosaur.
I bought a couple of tickets:)
I really look forward to meeting the sheriff and Mr. Hunt.
Lets all go together: Red,Sean,Dr,Art, and yes you too vern. We can all have are pictures taken together with the big guy. But on one condition!
Sean, Art, Dr, and Vern must wear pink underwear:)
So get on the treadmill guys.
And as far a the FBI probe. I would not worry too much, if they try to pin something on the Sheriff, it will prove to the American people, that something is very wrong with their Government, who refuses to allow one of their own to protect this country!
I bought a couple of tickets:) Really? REALLY Michelle? because if youu did, you uhav to promise to take some pictures and email them so we can post them, okay?
Fact Check, Your guy sure is in the crosshairs of a number of people.. The Phoenix New Times has an entire archive devoted to Arpaio. They even have a whole section on all the CITIZENS killed while incarcerated.
Kind of reminds me of the Mijares/SAUSD thread that signaled his final downfall as things fell apart. You know what they say, where there is smoke, there’s most likely some fire. Carona was considered untouchable, until he wasn’t any more. They will get him on some kind of money malfeasance, I would guess. While he’s busy handing out moldy balogne sandwiches to the inmates, someone somewhere is making a profit on that, is my guess.
Oh man.I’m so scared right now I can’t tell ya. The Phoenix New Times? Not the Jane Fonda lovers. Not those anti- Vietnam guys from the 60’s. I’m absolutely terrified. Somebody help me. Please!