Mimi Walters and Janet Nguyen are co-chairing carpetbagger Sue Perez’ campaign against Senator Correa
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The sad sack OC GOP has recruited a nutter to run against State Senator Lou Correa – and now it turns out that Sue Perez is also a carpetbagger!
“Perez doesn’t live in the 34th State Senate District. She and her husband Ed live in the 33rd, which is represented by Mimi Walters.The Watchdog spoke with Perez this morning and she freely acknowledges that she needs to move. And, according to the law, her residency doesn’t become an issue until the official nominating period, which runs Feb. 15 to March 12,” according to the O.C. Register.
Perhaps Perez can rent a room from Democratic Supervisorial candidate Lorri Galloway, who is also a carpetbagger. Galloway, who lives in Anaheim Hills, had to move in order to run for the 4th Supervisorial District.
Galloway appointed Perez’ husband Ed to the Anaheim Planning Commission. He has since returned the favor by endorsing Galloway at every turn.
Will Chris Prevatt and the other Democratic Jannies tun on Lou Correa?
But wait, it gets better. Check out who is co-chairing the Perez carpetbagging campaign. According to Jerbal at the Red County blog, Supervisor Janet Nguyen and State Senator Mimi Walters are going to take the helm of the already sinking Perez campaign. You just can’t make this stuff up!
Both Nguyen and Walters use the same Mexican-hating Republican consultant, Dave Gilliard, who is now consulting Perez. And sure enough, both Nguyen and Walters have resorted to Mexican-hating in their political mail pieces. So will Gilliard be playing the race card with a Latina candidate? Probably…how ridiculous!
And perhaps now the Democrats who shill for Janet, who are known as the “Jannies” can begin apologizing to the rest of their party, now that Janet is openly trying to take out Senator Correa…
It is not widely known, but Senator Correa was the one who stepped up to help Janet when she was facing an expensive recount during her first Supervisorial election, which was contested by Trung Nguyen. Correa brought the unions to the table and they paid for the recount. Now Janet is paying him back by co-chairing a campaign to oust him.
There are so few viable Latinos left in the GOP that they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel…and it is all for naught as Correa will win easily against the carpetbagger Perez, who is about as unqualified a candidate as you could ever hope to find.
Wow. I bet Claudio is calling janet nguyen and crying hysterically in a drunken fit begging her to stop trying to have his wife deported, and blacklisting him from any and all jobs real or imagined that he thinnks he is on line for.
You think I will get an apology from Chris Prevatt for this?
It is long overdue, but don’t hold your breath…
Janet Nguyen is a witch. I hope the Asian community see the real Janet Nguyen now. Janet you look like a man in that picture. You are an ugly Asian woman/man.
I can’t wait to see Janet Nguyen lose her next election. I will throw the biggest party in Asian town.
Janet Nguyen pay back is a bitch when you mess with Lou Correa. Asian people likes Lou Correa way more than you.
Go back to Vietname you stupid witch!
Supervisor Janet Nguyen is making a habit of supporting carpetbaggers. First, her Chief of Staff, Andrew Do, who lives in Santa Ana, for Garden Grove City Council and now Sue Perez. Not surprised!
If you look at the Fib OC you will notice that there is not even a peep about Janet chairing the campaign against Lou Correa.
I guess its too hard to speak with all that egg on their faces.
No surprise there. They spent all day attacking me and ignored the Janet story. They also failed to note that Chris Norby endorsed Shawn Nelson, which ought to finish off Tom Daly’s campaign…
I doubt that an endorsement is the end all of any campaign Art. I think it will be the usual factors like money and mail that decide that election.
In this case I think you might be wrong. The 4th District leans Republican. Norby is now the man in that area. His endorsement of Nelson is HUGE.
I really think Daly is DONE at this point. I will greatly enjoy watching him lose…
Ye gods! The same folks that got behind the Linda Ackerman juggernaut are now trying to foist this unknown carpetbagger on those of us who live in the 34th? This is even worse than the Daucher debacle.
Sad. I guess the 72nd election didn’t give anyone pause for even a moment’s worth of reflection.