Stung by the recession and a string of scandals, the ACORN community activist organization has been shutting down in many of the communities it once worked to empower. No new clients are being signed up, said national spokesman Brian Kettenring, while the group conducts an internal investigation into how its business is conducted. The Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now had already shuttered 40% of its centers — in cities including Chicago, Salt Lake City, Atlanta and Omaha. Certainly, the economy that has dogged every sector, including Left Wing government funded astroturfing like ACORN, has hurt.
But former ACORN members say the scandals that have recently dogged the organization — including allegations of mismanagement and voter registration fraud — have been a bigger problem. The disgraced welfare rights organization filed suit over a congressional funding ban passed in September after nationwide undercover sting videos exposed ACORN’s criminal element. Then the Obama Administration showed how willing it was to stand up for the child prostitution and tax evasion principles of ACORN and allowed its existing contracts to be paid. But existing government contracts are constantly under renewal and Congress has shown moral judgement and said “no more shall pass.” Congress can set the rules for government contracts. Here’s hoping ACORN dies a slow, painful death. Good riddance.
For more information, read:
Shocking! Investigation paid for by ACORN exonerates themselves!
ACORN fingerprints on mortgage crisis began 20 years ago.
White House serves ACORN cookies at Christmas Party.
and Darrell Issa’s
ACORN Whitewash (hint: it wasn’t an actual audit)
Should we even assume that there might be a true sentence buried in Crowley’s latest eruption of bile? Well, he says that some ACORN offices are closing down, and I don’t know if that is true, but I’m just going to go ahead and assume it’s not, because it is Crowley talking about ACORN after all. I wonder if he saw (in drafts folder) that I was working on a celebratory post called “ACORN Bounces Back Stronger Than Ever!” and is attempting to go pre-emptive. It’s okay, I’ve got facts. And I’m not the cheap-ass propagandist who chants “The Pro-Rape Republican Party.”
For now, while I’m working on my responsible piece of journalism, remember to donate to this noble, hard-working, much-maligned organization here:
Glad to see this discussion take the high road, “The Pro-Rape Republican Party.” When all else fails – hide behind some good old hate mongering.
“hate monger 1.)A person who uses political beliefs or passions of any kind as a platform to express their hatred for another individual. 2.)A media personality who spreads hate under the guise of a political affiliation or a religous [sic] belief.”
BTW when you follow the link and find a reference to Ann Coulter, remember she is a ratings grubbing entertainer just like the rest…..
Hm. Vern seems to live under the simple principle if it ain’t on Air America or Katie Couric, it just ain’t so. No, scratch that. Katie Couric DID mention ACORN. With sympathy at being “attacked”. See how the Government Run Media performs to protect your neighborhood:
Want to view the city by city, blow by blow account of this sting that uncovered the criminal enterprise that is ACORN? Go here:
FACTS? You don’t care about facts Vern. Or the fact is, you wouldn’t even try this. No less than LA Times was one source for this story, a couple of months ago. Took some time for me to catch it I guess. I DO think there are better stories out there.
From now on, when you read a Vern Nelson column, think: ACORN, PROSTITUTION, TAX EVASION, SYMPATHIZER. Really.
Those of you who want to object to your tax dollars being demanded by a group that undermines neighborhoods with corruption and degradation, can click here to sign the petition to Congress.
p.s. Telegraphing those punches Vern…
You’re behind the 8-ball on this one. The courts have already found the de-funding of ACORN to be unconstitutional.
Fred, you misunderstand me, you must have read way too quickly. I do NOT say the “pro-rape Republican Party.” That would be ridiculously unfair and exaggerated. My point is that Terry calling ACORN a “pro-child-prostitution” organization is exactly the same as if I did that.
um… anon… doesn’t really bother me if ACORN continues to get money for the contracts already agreed on. I don’t expect any more from Dems. But as I said, Congress doesn’t have to agree to anymore contracts. And Democrats won’t take the political heat to try. Funding is OVER. The ACORN pedophiles won’t get a single penny more than the Dems already agreed to hand over.
“The public will not suffer harm by allowing the plaintiffs to continue work on contracts duly awarded by federal agencies, which was stopped solely by reason of [the ban],” Gershon wrote.
No more contracts will be awarded. Case closed.
“doesn’t really bother me if ACORN continues to get money for the contracts already agreed on.”
Yes it does. You were in favor of de-funding, and now that it’s been found unconstitutional, you’re singing a different tune.
remember vern likes katrina foley
And remember deadwhitemale says “Yuck!” and “Icky!” about her like the deadwhiteclosetcase he is.