EMERGENCY – Four Faxes to save the Fairgrounds!

harmanOkay, please pay attention.  It’s make or break time for saving the Orange County Fairgrounds, and it all depends on what YOU do today and tomorrow.  Katrina Foley and her contingent just returned from Sacramento, and the Fairgrounds could be saved THIS WEEK if we all move fast.

Remember José Solorio’s AB 1590 to stop the sale, and how I said that it won’t be voted on till January which COULD be TOO LATE?  Well, thanks to the hard work of Katrina, Alan and Wendy, the Legislature is on the verge of agreeing to hold an URGENT VOTE ON AB 1590 THIS WEEK – but these FOUR REPUBLICANS need to be convinced that enough citizens are demanding that – and they NEED TO BE FAXED TODAY (and tomorrow.)

Call them as well if you have the extra ten minutes, but FAXES are much more effective (and it’s way too late for letters.)  And as usual I have done most of the work fmimior you here – you can do this in fifteen minutes from your computer, and for free, even if you don’t have a fax machine, through the service FaxZero.com.

Okay, the four key Republicans we are faxing are Senators Tom Harman (Costa Mesa, above left), Mimi Walters (Laguna Beach, above right), and Bob Dutton (Rancho Cucamonga, below right – I know that’s not OC but he is the Vice Chair of the Committee that will be deciding whether to hold this urgent vote) as well as Assemblywoman Diane Harkey (Dana Point, below left.)  By the way Harman and Walters say they “haven’t heard from that many voters on this,” but if you do this today, all will be forgiven between you and me.harkey

You don’t even need to type up a document; go to https://faxzero.com/ and you can just enter text there.  This service is foolproof and I know you’re no fool, because if you were you’d just be sitting on your hands thinking “Somebody else will save our Fairgrounds.”   (That’s what fools do.)   In the text box just ask him/her to hold an urgent vote this week to pass AB 1590 and stop the sale of our Fairgrounds, add as many sentences as you like telling them why, add your name and address (it doesn’t matter if you’re not in their district, DO ALL FOUR!)  After you  finish filling out the form they’ll send you an e-mail where you confirm it’s you sending the fax; just one more click and off it goes!!!  HERE ARE THE FAX NUMBERS:dutton

Senator Dutton: 916-327-2272
Senator Harman: 916-445-9263
Senator Walters: 916-445-9754
Assm. Harkey: 916-319-2173

Gee – that was over quick.  What to do with all that positive constructive energy you now have coursing through your veins, after accomplishing such a worthwhile task to save our Fairgrounds with such ease?  Okay then, go ahead and call them.  It will only take ten minutes and can only help – call them and make sure they get their faxes, and that they know Orange County voters have risen up to save their Fairgrounds.  PHONE NUMBERS:

Senator Dutton: (916) 651-4031
Senator Harman: (916) 651-4035
Senator Walters: (916) 651-4033
Assm. Harkey:  (916) 319-2073

There you go.  This is really the home stretch – an urgent vote on AB 1590, make sure it passes with 2/3, make sure the Governor signs it, and then we will be talking about a celebration, and you’ll be invited.  DERAIL THE SALE!


About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.