We can do this! Two weeks left to Derail the Sale…

correaHello again! I’m going to be asking you to send some (free) faxes to some of our state senators and assemblymen again, but first I’ll lay a little news on you, let you know where we stand in the historic struggle to hang on to our Fairgrounds:

1. It helps to know we have TWO WEEKS to make sure our representatives vote yes on Jose Solorio’s AB 1590 to stop the sale – the vote in the Assembly is scheduled for the second week in January, and we still have eight or nine Orange County politicians to convince, so let’s make every day count!devore

2. Obviously Solorio is on our side – and remember to thank him whenever you see him! Also Jim Silva, assemblyman of Huntington Beach who was always against the sale, has signed on to the bill. Word is now though that VAN TRAN of Fountain Valley, who had agreed to co-sponsor the bill, now appears to be looking for a way to weasel out – so we are adding him back on to the list of folks to fax!

3. We hear froharmanm reliable sources that Senator Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Niguel) is planning to recuse herself on the issue due to some conflict her husband has; it will be interesting to find out more details about that. So she’s not a yes vote or a no vote, but at least that narrows down the legislators we need to focus on.

4. And those are: FOUR SENATORS:  Lou Correa (above left), Tom Harman (below left), Mark Wyland and Bob Huff.  AND SIX FIVE ASSEMBLYMEN:  Chuck DeVore (above right), Diane Harkey (below right), Curt Hagman, Jeff Miller, Tony Mendoza, and the backsliding Van Tran.  We’ll focus on each of these ten targets over the next two weeks, BUT FOR NOW, FAX AharkeyS MANY OF THEM AS YOU CAN.  UPDATE – Diane Harkey is on our side now!  Thank her if you’ve got a minute, at 949-347-7301

Even if you don’t have a fax machine, you can send two free faxes a day, and as many as you want for $2 each, by going here: https://faxzero.com/ You don’t even have to prepare a document first:  they give you a text box to write your message, which can be very simple today – Please vote yes on AB 1590, to stop the sale of the OC Fairgrounds!

I’ll put the ten Fax numbers at the end of this post  (“over the flip”) but first let me repeat this from my last post:  I know many of you already sent a few faxes a couple weeks ago, but don’t forget: lobbyists for the rich and powerful  don’t make one call or e-mail and walk away with their fingers crossed.  THEY ARE IMPLACABLE BADGERS, AND WE MUST EMULATE THEM. Click for the fax numbers:

Senator Tom Harman  714-957-4560
Senator Lou Correa 714-558-4111
Senator Bob Huff 909-598-6459
Senator Mark Wyland 949-489-8354

Asm. Chuck DeVore 949-863-9337
Asm. Van Tran 714-668-2104
Asm. Jeff Miller 949-598-7170
Asm. Tony Mendoza 562-863-7466
Asm. Curt Hagman 909-627-1841

AND starting Tuesday, we’ll give them each special treatment! Stick with me, and we’ll make this thing happen!!!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.