Scott Baugh loves his fellow consultants and lobbyists…
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So, is OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh really looking for a revolution? Or is he just spinning using tea party terms?
Tonight Baugh unloaded on RINO’s at the OC GOP Central Committee meeting, but I am not buying it.
“I am tired of politicians who campaign based on the advice of consultants rather than the conviction of their hearts,” Baugh said, according to Total Buzz.
Baugh called for a number of changes, including:
- Not giving OC GOP endorsements to anyone who takes money from unions
- No OC GOP endorsement unless you endorse the “paycheck protection” ballot measure
The funniest quote of the night came from Jon Fleischman, who supported the carpetbagger Linda Ackerman, against Chris Norby, in the special election to replace pervy Mike Duvall. Fleischman said, “We’re saying that the party’s policies have too long been decided in backrooms. It’s time to take it out of the backrooms.”
LOL! Who is this creep kidding? He is the one in the backroom!
Baugh also ripped George W. Bush. Excuse me but didn’t Baugh campaign for Bush? What a joke!
So, is Baugh going to support former State Senator Joe Dunn’s proposal to rein in County lobbyists? I doubt it…
They can have their revolution any time they want by simply refusing to take campaign contributions from the unions, corporations, and their lobbyists and PACs. Greens have already done this, of course, but if voters find the platforms of other parties more to their liking they can take matters into their own hands by supporting only candidates from their party of choice who refuse this money as well.
The only revolution that has happened it Orange County is the Ron Paul revolution. Their Fake Tea Party ran by elitists is not going to save them.
This was a speech designed to keep the conservative branch of the local GOP happy but Scot wasn’t serious about anything he said. Did you hear him call out the liberal New Majority in Orange County for supporting squishy RINO’s election after election? Of course not, Scot needs those New Majority members to buy tables at his Flag Day dinners and use his lobbying services for his businesses. Did you hear Scot call out RINO’s like his long time friend Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle who routinely supports Democrats and liberals? Of course not, they are old buddies from Sacramento. Did you hear Scot apologize for his dogged support of disgraced former Sherriff Mike Corona? Of course not. Scot says that candidates who are endorsed by Unions will not get GOP support? Police Unions? Fire Unions? Really Scot? How will Republicans , led by the likes of Jack Anderson WHO IS a union member with a big fat pension, say they are tough on crime with the Police and Fire do not endorse them? And just how exactly are you going to control that? Here’s how it will work. Candidates will tell the Central Committee they do not want the Unions support and with a wink and a nod, Independent expenditures will be made on their behalf after the endorsement period is over, closer to the Election Day. Candidates will say oh shucks fellas, I told them I didn’t want their support but they sent out those darn mailers and I can’t stop them! This was nice little red meat speech with no specifics designed to make the blue haired ladies from Corona Del Mar squeal with delight and keep them manning that GOP booth at the County fair but there will be no change coming until Scot and his leadership are replaced. Scot and crew were so desperate that they had to use non-Republican Tea Party members to try to infuse some energy into a membership that is sick and tired of the hypocritical local GOP in Orange County. The party is run by lobbyists like Baugh, Proballsky, Schroeder, Lewis, Holder, and others who put $$$ ahead of principle election after election.
Yep. Remember that Red County publisher Chip Hanlon ripped Paul last year. That is what they really think of him. To hear them talk about revolution now is beyond laughable…
When are you going to start writing for us? You would be most welcome! Email me at
The party should court the RINO’s instead of driving a wedge further between them. There is a stampede to registering independent in part because of the polarized situation reflected in Baugh’s remarks as reported here. Both parties are losing registrants in droves and that really creates an opportunity for a Repub. party that would welcome moderates and not label them RINO’s, etc. Sounds like a death spiral to me.
Are you kidding me? The Police and Fire PACs routinely back repuglicans, beats me why. They are unions and seldom back democratic candidates.
This Clown Williams was at the OCGOP Central Comm. meeting. Will Scotty Baugh do anything about this waste?
The OC GOP is a corrupt organization full of self serving individuals.