Career Democratic politician Tom Daly is having another fundraiser on Feb. 25, but what is more interesting is the absolute lack of Latinos on his campaign committee.
The 4th Supervisorial District has a slight Latino majority. And there is a Democratic Latina in the race – La Habra Councilwoman Rose Espinoza. But the Usual Blue Suspects are lining up behind Daly.
This is typical in Orange County. Our local Dems love great white hopes. Remember Tom Umberg?
Daly also appears to have finally purchased a website,, but the ding-dong didn’t buy all the URLs that he should have. He already lost control of No bueno!
Not much to Daly’s website yet, but he sure likes those young ladies!
To make matters worse, there is nothing up on Daly’s website. It is as such just like him…nothing there to see folks.
I wonder how local Dems feel to be in bed with John Lewis? Awkward!
Here are the details regarding Daly’s event. Note that you have to pay a minimum of $250!
Thursday, February 25th
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
The Catch Restaurant (at its new location across from The Grove)
2100 East Katella Avenue, Anaheim
$1700 Campaign Sponsor $1000 Event Sponsor
$500 Event Host $250 Per Person
Please make checks payable to Daly for Supervisor 2010
700 N. Westwood Place, Anaheim CA 92805
Reply to (714) 991-3443 or
He does like Latino woman. He flirts with them all the time. Also on the invitation is a guy name Stan oftelie and just in case you don’t know his son works for Tom Daly in Archieves. Such a Joke!
If you feel there is legitimate humor in Mr. Oftelie’s son working in “Archieves,” so be it. However, feel free to use your name in your comment.
Tom Daly and Renee Ramirez you guys got to stop campaigning at the office.
Renee your trying to hard to be nice to all of us at work. It’s too late we know the real you.
You’re right, that is weird. 48 putatively Democrat names from OC, and not a single Latino. (Unless Berardino is a latin name.) There’s gotta be something up with that.
Not only though is there Rosie, but don’t forget Lori is Latina.
Berardino is Italian. And Galloway is a Filipina.
The only Latina in the race is Rosie.
I guess Daly figures he can write off the Latino vote…
I see the names of several well entrenched lobbyists in this list. These are folks who make their living by influencing the Supervisors to vote on behalf of the lobbyist’s clients. These lobbyists sometimes get a flat fee for their work, soemtimes when a big dollar contract is at stake they get a percentage of the total contract amount if the Supervisors vote the “right way”. This can be a payoff well into six figures. Lobbyist names I recognize include Ashland, Erskine, Lewis, May, Oftele, Overby, Reed, Reinhardt, Slagle, Steiner. Dan Young of course is with the Irvine Company, and Nick Beradino with the Orange County Employees Association. These two organizations weild considrable clout with the Supervisors. Clearly, special interests abound on this list of endorsements – interests that have a major finanical stake in how the County Supervisors vote on numerous issues. Influence aside, Daly has assempled an influential, and thus powerful, list of endorsements.
“This is typical in Orange County. Our local Dems love great white hopes”.
Maybe its because Santa Ana has mostly a latina leadership and their is no HOPE in Santa Ana…
Wise up Art, you really need to get off the ethnocentric boat!
I bet i would bring more prosperity to Santa Ana not because of my skin colour, but because i am an A type personality.. ”
“nothing but the best will do”.
are there any orientals or redskins on his committee? doubt it
“I bet i would bring more prosperity to Santa Ana”
And I am sure that I would bring more prosperity to your trailer park.
That’s what I thought. The roaches are flocking to Daly.
BTW, Ashland is also one of Chairman Janet Nguyen’s county commissioners.
We the Latinas for daly support Tom in any way we can..and I mean ANYWAY we can. You are so very wrong about nuestro Papacito Tommy. El AMA Latinas and has Mexicans on the list..kind of. Dan Young, Irvine Company President, used to live in a Mexican Barrio near Saddleback High School before he moved to his Mansion in Cota De Caucasian about 20 years ago. Doesn’t that mean something to you people? I think Tom’s ex-wife, (the one he left for that super caliente little Iti mamacita who was a Randy Smith Lobbyist) was 1/16 Puerto Rican! When you have the Latino support that Tom has you don’t have to brag about it on these invites and maybe offend the Gringo supporters. I understand that and I am not offended in the least! Con mucho carino! Latinas for Daly!
“And I am sure that I would bring more prosperity to your trailer park”.
I doub’t it, I don’t think my neighbours would be too please having to extra size their door’s so you could visit!
“Dan Young, Irvine Company President, used to live in a Mexican Barrio near Saddleback High School before he moved to his Mansion in Cota De Caucasian about 20 years ago. Doesn’t that mean something to you people?”
Yeah it tells me he was smart and he worked his butt off. What it tells me about you, “your jelous” you have a problem with pasty faces too ( I am not surprised it seams elitist Mexicans (I will not lump all latinos in) seam to just dislike us Whities… Maybe if you work your but off you can move to Coto too or is their too many CAUCASIANS for ya!
Ms. Quinn,
If they are as intelligent and articulate as you I doubt they can spell “door” even if I spot them the d and the r.
FYI: d is upper case!
How old are you?
Very disturbing to see Lucy Dunn and Stan Oftelie from this Orange County Business Council on this list of losers — normally these people have their nose firmly implanted up a RINO’s butt. That speaks volumes.
Forget about all the lobbyists on the list or lack of latinos. Did anyone see the Parker Kennedy endorsement coming?
Why is it distrubing because you know that she, like o so many supports illegal immigration and has all sorts of little events for LATINOS…
You all just don’t get it… Latinos are used to start non-profits, fill beds in hospitals and be served as the underserved and the vulnerable… The lucy Dunns go to dinners and open shelters for latinas, not support them as leaders!
wise up latinas, the fact that you run to pick up your cal-works check is good for business for a lot of very rich folk. Every time your kid gets that report card that they are still in ELS classes makes alot of people smile… Latinas (mostly Mexicans are used on both sides of the border).
so what! Where is your beef!.
Michelle Quinn,
Are you familiar with concepts like “overgeneralizations” or “sweeping statements” or “oversimplifications” that lump entire groups of people into a gross overstatement?
And if you ARE familiar with those concepts, why is it that you can’t stop yourself from doing those things with disturbing frequency?
I don’t know about Tom’s wife being SUPER CALIENTE ITI MAMACITA when they first got merried, but have you seen her lately? NOT SUPER CALIENTE ITI MAMACITA ANYMORE!!