“We need good leaders to improve our schools,” states Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s new door hanger. OK, I’ll buy that – but then he goes on to endorse two complete failures for the SAUSD School Board – incumbents Rob Richardson and Jose Hernandez. No bueno Jose!
Solorio is also backing Mark McLoughlin – the guy who co-chaired the fraudulent Measure G campaign. Seriously? This guy is supposed to be better than Lynette Verino, for the Rancho Santiago Community College District’s Board of Trustees? On what grounds? No thanks! McLoughlin is just another Pulido hack. The LAST thing we should do is vote for him!
I am so very disappointed in Solorio. This is the best he can do as a community leader? The only pick he got right was Gloria Alvarado for the SAUSD School Board. Feel free to disregard his other picks!
In related news, SAUSD School Superintendent Jane Russo and several of her cabinet members have donated money to Richardson and Hernandez, according to the latest campaign finance reports. Not cool. This ought to be illegal! I am also told that many other administrators at the district are being pressured to fork over $99 each to both Richardson and Hernandez. Extortion!!!!
Doe Mr. Solorios views about candidates really matter to voters? Is he that important?
Who cares who Solorio supports. After being in the Assembly where will he go? Nowhere. He will be a fool to try to challenge Janet Nguyen in two years. Challenge Correa in two years? I doubt it. Maybe the OCTA will take him back.
Richardson and Hernandez are in trouble. How can you tell? They’re taking shots at the other candidates. I guess it’s not in the bag for these two.
The time has come to vote NO for Richardson & Hernandez.