Karl Rove helped bankrupt our country, but now he is laughing all the way to the bank…
Leave it to the tone-deaf folks at the Republican Party of Orange County to bring no less a villain than Karl Rove here to Orange County to celebrate the grand opening of their new headquarters. Barf!
Rove, who is fresh off his recent divorce, was of course the top advisor to former President George W. Bush. Rove was also very much against gay marriage even though he ultimately showed his own lack of respect for marriage by dumping his wife.
Maybe Rove will be trolling for a new chica while visiting Orange County? Attention all you birther hoochie mamas – go get your botox treatment NOW!
The OC GOP headquarter opening celebration is set for March 27, from 8 am to 10 am, at 1422 Edinger Ave., in Tustin. There will be overflow parking available at the AT&T building. Click here to see the OC GOP’s web announcement about this event.
Rove will be selling copies of his book, entitled, I kid you not, “Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.” Barf again!
In this book, Rove finally admits to having told columnist Robert Novak that Valerine Plame Wilson worked for the CIA. At the time Rove lied to everyone about that. In the book he says President Bush was somewhat annoyed when Rove finally admitted to the subterfuge.
“What’s the moral of this tale? A top White House official can lie about a national security investigation with impunity and then go on to make money writing a book showing that the president didn’t care about this lie. Don’t share this lesson with your children,” writes David Corn, over at Politics Daily.
Yep. That’s the guy the OC GOP is bringing to Orange County to celebrate their grand opening. What a joke…
Ur an idiot. Thx for showing ur brilliance as a reporter by simply spewing out crap we hear on msnbc all day. Get a life loser.
Ur the idiot Edwin. You’re not supposed to be at this story. You’re supposed to be talking to me, Vern Nelson. The Orange Juice story your idiot friends are upset about is over here:
See you there?