Jerry Amante’s unfortunate, totally unfair attack on Steven Choi

This is a disturbing development, and I thought it best if everybody read it here first, in what’s pretty much friendly Choi territory.   A complaint has been brought to DA Rackaukas (rather nakedly at the behest of Choi’s opponent Jerry Amante, under the name of Jerry’s Tustin council BFF Doug Davert) accusing Dr. Choi and his family of carpetbagging perjury and voter fraud! Given Jerry’s and Doug’s close connection to slimy Sacramento hit-firm Gilliard-Blanning-Wysocky, 70th AD Republicans should all be expecting a garish mailer first thing Monday, the day before vote-by-mail ballots come out.

I hesitate to bring any more publicity to these no doubt meritless charges, except that I think doing so here and now will enable my co-blogger Art to clear his friend Choi’s name.  It’s best to get these issues out of the way and behind us now – it would be disastrous for them to pop up later in the general election!  There are some – no strangers to this blog even – who consider perjury over residence a grave, disqualifying offense! (Even if it IS true that no OC politician has been punished for this infraction since approximately forever.)

I shudder to think that this little dust-up could end up helping the despicable Jerry “Toll-Road” Amante, who has been painfully keeping his tax-hiking nature in check as long as his campaign continues, essentially holding Tustin’s water department hostage and driving it to bankruptcy.  Hence it’s best for Tustiners if his campaign ends in June and he can return to his usual pastime of regularly raising tolls on OC commuters.  (And how mean is it that Jerry wants to put Dr. Choi’s whole family in jail?  How would he feel if someone went after the English Springer Spaniels that he and his wife Nancy cart around to their poncy dog shows?)

I also worry about Dr. Choi, who seems to be an innocent, trusting soul known to wander around public events wearing signs that people slap on his back. I am certain that the mumbling educator would never knowingly commit an election violation punishable by “imprisonment for up to three years and being permanently barred from holding public office.”

What would be most lamentable of all is if this set-to between Amante and Choi ended up redounding to the benefit of the execrable Don Wagner, who – Art is absolutely correct – is an inveterate knuckle-dragging “social conservative,” a fanatic adherent of the Orwellian-named Education Alliance and a firm believer in bringing spanking into our schools. In any case, with things heating up as they are, this blog will do its best to keep you up to speed on the Food Fight to determine who will Face the Formidable Ms. Fox!

On a more serious note,  the slimy Sacramento hit-firm Gilliard-Blanning-Wysocky is a coven of bungling incompetent asshats!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.