Here’s how I’m beginning to see things: There are racists – thousands of ’em in this county – who can sometimes be counted on to vote; and then there are what I call “race demagogues” who hold office or run for office.
The racists just feel uncomfortable and insecure looking around and sharing space with too many folks who look differently or talk differently from them – in this county that means Mexicans. And they’re willing to believe any nonsense that gives them a good excuse for their hatred of Mexicans. For example, they’ll believe that:
- Mexicans take away our jobs!
- Mexicans use up all our social services!
- Mexicans are a bunch of criminals!
- Mexicans refuse to learn to speak English!
- And that the most important law out of all laws to enforce is the arbitrary law that keeps these folks illegal. (“What is it you don’t understand about the word illegal??” they repeat in exasperation.)
And sometimes these racists will come out to vote, if someone can get them riled up enough.
The Race Demagogues
I’ve decided to make the general assumption that anybody smart enough to hold office or run a city knows certain things even if he or she pretends not to. For example:
- Our economy couldn’t function for a day without our immigrant labor force, many or most of whom are undocumented.
- It’s very difficult – a herculean task of many years – for an immigrant worker to become legal or a citizen under current law.
- Immigrants legal and illegal contribute far more in taxes and economic activity than they use up in social services, most of which they’re unqualified for.
- The undocumented commit very little crime, and consume very little health care, being mainly concerned with staying under the radar.
- We’ll never be able to get rid of this county’s Mexicans, and gringos just have to get used to that fact.
Even though he or she knows these things though, the Race Demagogue regularly – that is, whenever the next election season approaches – rolls out some new doomed method of ridding the streets of Mexicans – possibly along with a new anti-Mexican scare story – just to get his voters out! And then later, after the Demagogue is back in office, and the streets are just as full of Mexicans as ever, there’s always someone else who can be blamed. (The Feds maybe, or the liberals.)
We can think of many Race Demagogues off the top of our head, can’t we?
No point naming them…
Allan Mansoor’s record
What has Costa Mesa Mayor Mansoor promised to his racist base over the years, and what has he actually delivered? And what is the unemployed policeman promising now, now that he’s trying to move on up to an Assembly seat in Sacramento? Gustavo did a fine rundown the other day:
Oh, Mansoor’s pretended to do things: he shut down the city’s day laborer center, but I see jornaleros still congregate in big numbers at paint stores, delivery truck spots, and other such businesses–have seen them there for years, but haven’t seen Mansoor do anything at all about it. He tried to get his police department to assume immigration powers, got a lot of undue media attention because of it, but that plan went nowhere when the city’s cops balked at the extra work. Having a migra agent in the city’s jails to screen criminals, Mansoor’s follow-up plan? Nothing revolutionary about that at all–Anaheim did that nearly a decade earlier.
Actually, Mansoor’s campaign against illegals has cost the city much more money than it has saved. The city spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars both defending against and pursuing an unsuccessful lawsuit against activist Coyotl Tezcatlipoca, all because Mansoor didn’t appreciate Coyotl’s defiance of Da Dum-Dum Mayor on the dais during a city council meeting. Mansoor tried closing down the Orange Coast College Swap Meet, a move that would’ve cost the city thousands in fees. And Mansoor rejected $40,000 in funds that a basketball league would’ve paid the city, all because the league had the word “Aztec” in it and mostly involved Mexis.
But all that’s in the past. Now what’s coming up is a run for Assembly against charismatic Vietnamese Democrat Phu Nguyen, who could be a real handful for the Minuteman Mayor. It was definitely time (last month) for a new shiny object to excite his racist base. That’s where we get:
Declaring Costa Mesa a “Rule of Law” City
What pure Mansoor! A gesture that accomplishes nothing, except for insulting Costa Mesa’s immigrants while giving Costa Mesa’s racists a bulging hard-on. And who could be against the “rule of law,” who could vote against it? (As witness Katrina Foley, the only decent councilmember, boycotting the vote.) It’s a phrase right out of a Frank Luntz focus group – you have to pick it up and examine the underside to see what it really means – which is that we don’t want “illegals” here.
Maybe Allan forgot that there was more going on in Costa Mesa than his upcoming campaign. The city was in fact in tense, complex negotiations with the state and various business partners over purchasing the OC Fairgrounds, to keep it out of the hands of private developers. Hundreds of us – yes, us – had been working hard on this issue for up to a year. And for Mansoor to pull this stunt at the time he did was like taking the proverbial Turd in the Punchbowl.
You see, there are Hispanics up in Sacramento. And they are not powerless like the Costa Mesa workers Allan likes to kick around. They are legislators, whose approval Costa Mesa needs to pull off the sale. And now they are balking because of Allan Mansoor’s Race Demagoguery.
Hey, this story is getting too long. Why don’t we take a break here. After all, we have all summer and fall to talk about Allan Mansoor sabotaging the purchase of the Fairgrounds. Let me just say – since anything could happen in the next week – I hope the Hispanic Caucus makes Costa Mesa sweat for a while. But only for a while – because Orange County and Costa Mesa are so much bigger than Allan Mansoor and his stooges Bever, Monahan and Leece, who will all be gone sooner than they think.
[Next up: Let’s look at why I think Mansoor MAY be sabotaging the Fairgrounds purchase on purpose. Well… he’s not smart enough really. But perhaps a little guy behind him pulling his strings, name of Riggy?]
Is Mansoor smart enought to know what was going on around him? Corrupt or stupid is always the question, and with Mansoor it’s likely to be both.
There are a lot of interesting questions about Mansoor’s role in the Fairgrounds fiasco. For example, the picture above is from the Clubhouse Fundraiser, where Dick Ackerman not only shook hands, but gave Mansoor a $500 campaign contribution from his law firm on June 2,2009. Ackerman’s law firm was hired by Dave Ellis and his Fair Board cronies to push the sale through the legislature in the dead of night.
Did they talk about the Fairgrounds that day? Look where that fits into the timeline, and also note that Righeimer”s first contribution to Mansoor’s campaign of 1,000 came on June 3rd, under the name LMC management, where Righeimer is a partner.
June 2 – City of Costa Mesa passes a resolution which says “Now, therefore, be it resolved, that based on the preceding, the City Council hereby opposes the Governor’s proposal to sell the Orange County Fair and Event Center and also opposes any proposals by the State to relocate or close the facility in order to reduce the state’s budget deficit. Be it further resolved that the City Council encourages its residents and members of the business community to contact the Governor and members of the State Legislature and demand they remove the Orange County Fair and Event Center from the proposed list of state properties to be sold..
June 12 – Jim Righeimer, Costa Mesa Planning Commissioner, publishes a column where he says Costa Mesa should buy the Fairgrounds. Link to June 12 Rigonomics
June 22 – Fred Aguiar hosts an interactive webinar “about how the state can take action to unlock some of this value (real estate equity.)” Revenues From State Properties: Extraordinary Times Require Extraordinary Measures –
July 2 – ABX 4 22 introduced. The bill does not say anything about selling the Orange County Fairgrounds.Download Abx4_22_bill_20090702_introduced
July 15 – Unnamed Costa Mesa official says “they could support a handover to a nonprofit that preserved current use” in an Orange County Register article. County Might Consider Helping to Finance Fairgrounds Sale
July 15 – Fairboard meets and agrees to support sale of Fairgrounds
July 21 – Articles of incorporation are filed for the OC Fair and Event Center Foundation. The address given, 445 S Figueroa St, 31st Floor, Los Angeles, CA, is the address for Nossaman, Guthner, Knox & Elliott, the law firm which employs Dick Ackerman
July 23 – ABX 4 22 is amended at about 9 PM at night to include the sale of the Orange County Fairgrounds. The bill is brought to the floor of the Senate. Assemblywoman Diane Harkey objects to the bill because she has not been told anything about anyone in Orange County wanting to sell the Fairgrounds. She is told that the “people of Orange County want this.” The legislative analyst uses an article from the July 15 Orange County Register for support for selling. The article says that Costa Mesa supports selling the Fairgrounds. The bill passes the Senate and moves to the Assembly, where the story is the same
The great park in Irvine is ready to host all future county fairs. Even the city of Tustin has a place to host the fair. Is it time for a change?
You know, worse come to worst, that may be what ends up happening.
Some paranoid people have thought that was always the plan.
is gringo a derogatory term the we….cks use for whites?
When the Americans invaded Mexico their troops often sang a song that started with “Green grow the flowers…” They came to be known as “Gringos.”
No man, gringos is what we call ourselves, no problemo!
What wetbacks call us is “gabacho.” Bone up on yer Gustavo!
Are you for reals a dead white guy?
Green grow the flowers…is an Irish song!
“Is Mansoor smart enought to know what was going on around him? Corrupt or stupid is always the question, and with Mansoor it’s likely to be both.”
MQ says:
He is the most popular Mayor Costa Mesa has ever had and he is becoming a very popular man in this State….. Why?
“He stands up, for not only the residents of Costa Mesa, but also he stands with most of this Country’. We are all truly sick and tired of being harassed and bullied by Hispanic activists… Chapman hills elementary – in there news letter just issued a warning to parents regarding massive gang problem in Orange Country malls!
Hispanic gang members are the fastest growing criminal element in Orange County!
Illegal immigrants are bringing all the problems of Mexican society here!
Would we rather lose a fair to gain our state back again?
Green grow the flowers…is an Irish song!
Duh, we all know that, Quinn. Don’t you know the story of the San Patricios? Wikipedia them. The original gringos. The Irish and Germans in Texas that fought alongside Mexicans… mainly because they didn’t want to be part of a slave-owning nation.
Probably not YOUR kind of micks though.
Yeah, like Mansoor getting elected to the assembly is going to make him suddenly effective.
He hasn’t been able to “do” anything in the city of Costa Mesa except polarize the city, jeopardize law enforcement, run up half a million in legal costs, not to mention “blowing up” the fairgrounds deal that has been a strong fought non partisan issue that has been raging for over a year.
The only reason he did his “Rule of law” demagoguery was to ring the Pavlovian bell for the white ethnocentric low information “sheople” that make up his “Base”.
So great , we get this” do nothing” government public employee wanting to get a promotion.
All at the expense of the people he is paid to represent, for his personal poilitical gain.
Just so he can go sit in a Speaker Perez assigned “broom closet” because” he doesn’t play nice with others”.
I would rather I have a politician in Sacramento that actually can get something done.
If I wanted to just make a statement I can buy a bumpersticker.
You are racists if you support this belief.
MQ wrote,
” Why the hell do you think people want the Mexicans ( NOT LATINOS) out of their neighborhoods so much? It’s really not about the legal status of these people so much as it is about the fact that they bring with them a lot of bad elements… crime, bad schools, welfare, dead beat dads!”
These are facts:
All available data show illegal Mexican immigrants produce more than they consume.
From Wikipedia:
Illegal immigrants arriving in recent years tend to be better educated than those who have been in the country a decade or more. A quarter of all immigrants who have arrived in recent years have at least some college education.
Mexicans are having a very negative effect on the quality of life in CA and across the US. I moved to CA 10 years ago and I have seen social services exploited, crime over the top, and our neighborhoods brought down to “Mexican Standards.”
Illegals are costing our country billions of dollars and our politicians continue to sell us out for votes. It’s not about compassion, it’s about liberal’s wanting easy votes, nothing less and nothing more.
Mr Mansoor is a rare person who has the conviction to support what’s right. He has my vote and my contribution.
No I’m not a raciest… Just a concerned citizen who is “fed up” with what our elected officials who have long since abandoned the will of the people. Watch November as they are “sent packing” and are replaced with individuals who have a better understanding of what the true Americans want.
the polarizing and divisiveness all came about because of masses of illegal aliens. before the invasion and then coloniztion of la and sa this issue was not on the radar thus: illegals caused all this . any arguments?
Well, deadwhite, that would be one of those very deceptive, very partial truths. Because what caused the “illegals” to be here?
They’re here because we need them dude. Get used to it. We need their labor, and we need them paying into the system. It’s just people like you that can’t go with the flow, adapt to change. I’m guessing your’e an old guy. Have you seen my latest?
The USA with low birth rates has strategized to bring in this population to increase the birth rate necessary to strengthen the economy and to support the aging USA population.
The USA has decided to do this with Mexicans because they are near.
Britain, France and other European countries with similar issues of domestic low birth rates have recruited large Middle Eastern immigrants to elevate their birth rates to strengthen their economies and to support their aging population because Middle Eastern immigrants are near to them.
China and India for example have large young populations . No need to recruit immigrants. True they discourage births. When their youth ages and no births are present to support their economy and to support their aging population then you will do what the USA, France and Britain are doing.
Art – Are you just plain stupid or do you really believe this? Europe is broke trying to support the illegals. Just how many non English speaking car wash and lawn workers do you think we need. Also is there something you don’t understand about the word “illegal.” It means law breaker!
Europe is broke because of union greed. We have the same issue here.
With the downturn in the economy it has become the fad to blame Mexicans.
Mexicans have nothing to do with the ruin of our economy. The fault for that lies with Wall St., the White House (Bush and Obama) and the U.S. Congress.
As for breaking laws, I am sure you know that Congressman Rohrabacher’s wife got busted by the FPPC. And Assemblyman Van Tran’s wife was indicted for insurance fraud. I suppose you are giving them a free pass?
why the anger you ask? where is my anger? I asked a question. and Vern, no, I won’t “go with the flow” when it imperils my country. Did France Go with the flow with Germany and benefit? I want to reverse the flow and I am not benefitting. Illegals have ruined pay structure for two of my businesses because they don’t carry insurance and pay worker comp and can underbid me. No benefit to me or my legal workers. I guess the new paint job I got on my car after being hit by an illegal was a bargain since it only cost me 250 dollar uninsured deductible but other than that my loss of property value since the hoards moved in has offset that many times.
one other thing: “the USA has decided to do this…..” Apparently the majority of the USA did not get to weigh in on this strategy and probably the same in Europe with the Muslims. Some Obama pipe dream where deadwhitemales like me-a native American- will be passed over for invading foreigners because it gives him and his fellow crooks power. geez…..let’s get tuff now and have this out NOW before we are outnumbered. an amnesty will be the final nail in the coffin of the USA as we knew it, when we were great.
That’s a very interesting take. As someone who has been discriminated against for not being Latino I see things a little differently. One night a friend and I decided to take a short cut to the local convenience store. As we walked down a public street in Costa Mesa we were stopped by several individuals who told us white people are not allowed on this street. They threatened to beat us up if we tried to continue. We chose to turn around and take the long way. We were also asked what gang we were affiliated with but neither us run with any gangs or gang members.
Another time a friend and I were riding bikes at a local school on the weekend. We briefly were separated. When I doubled back looking for my friend I found two Latino males holding him up 2 feet off the ground against a wall with a knife pressed against his neck. My friend is a short Asian guy so they must have figured he was an easy target. When they saw me they held a knife out and had me turn my pockets inside out. They then tried to steal our bikes. My friend used a little quick thinking and we locked up our bikes to a pole and ran before they could. They stole my friends wallet, $20, and some baseball cards. This happened several years ago in Costa Mesa.
What happened to you could have happened in any poor area. It isn’t Latinos to blame, it is poverty. And most likely the attackers were citizens.
These attacks are no reason to malign an entire people.
inoc those people you saw doing those crimes where immigrants .
grate one,
How would you know that? Aren’t you an immigrant too? Are you out robbing people? Or are you just a serial grammar abuser?
What happened to you could have happened in any poor area. It isn’t Latinos to blame, it is poverty. And most likely the attackers were citizens.
These attacks are no reason to malign an entire people.
MQ says:
Thats the biggest load of crap!
Several things happened to me in Costa Mesa as a poor immigrant coming to this country… I saved up for several weeks to get a bike so I could ride a bike to work instead of walking… I had it one day. At 6am I saw to Hispanic Males putting my bike in their truck and laughed when I tried to stop them.
Also my husband and myself where surrounded on Placentia and harbor by 6 gang members and the only reason they let us go – we where Irish.
If we had of been Americans we would have been in real trouble…
There are very good hispanic people from south of the border, but then again there are a lot of very one people flowing into this country from south of the border as well!
I moved from Costa Mesa because I did not feel very safe there!
“Thats the biggest load of crap!”
How does your story contradict Pedroza’s comment. It doesn’t. Your interest is only to spew propaganda.
You would get killed in Ireland if you go into a protestant neighbor and you say you are catholic. I guess you are safer in Costa Mesa.
Also my husband and myself where surrounded on Placentia and harbor by 6 gang members and the only reason they let us go – we where Irish.
If we had of been Americans we would have been in real trouble…
“we where Irish.” Are you not Irish now?
“If we had of been Americans we would have been in real trouble…”
Interesting, MQ does not consider herself American. MQ actually identified herself so to her tormentors in in order to get out of trouble. She affiliated herself with not American illegal immigrant gang members?????
MQ tries to fool readers into thinking she is American and a American patriot(Tea Bagger).
Dr. I am very much Irish, who choose to come to this great country and ask permission to stay here and earn my citizenship. I do very much consider myself an American, and my children will NEVER fly an Irish flag above their own flag!
I took an oath, I suppose you did not!
And as in many of my posts I have very much made it clear that I am an immigrant from Ireland who is very upset that the American people who show the world nothing but compassion that I do not like how the MEXICAN government and Illegal Immigrants and YES some very unethical Americans are abusing, misusing and degrading the American people.
And on a personal note, I am sick and tired of paying for Mexico’s incompetent government!
“Dr. I am very much Irish, who choose to come to this great country and ask permission to stay here and earn my citizenship. I do very much consider myself an American, and my children will NEVER fly an Irish flag above their own flag!”
“Also my husband and myself where surrounded on Placentia and harbor by 6 gang members and the only reason they let us go – we where Irish.
If we had of been Americans we would have been in real trouble…”
You contradict yourself. Apparently you are an American or Irish only when it is convenient for you.
You are a pathetic hypocrite.
” and my children will NEVER fly an Irish flag above their own flag!”
Unlike their mother. You used beign Irish to same your ass from the gang members. Not as proud of being an American as you say you are.
Never say never when it comes to children, You should know better than to make this statement. Piss them off and that will be the first thing they do.
I don’t care what this idiot says in his “Race Demagogues” people holding office do not all know or speak the truth,
*It is a fact that illegals consume more social service funds then Legal American Citizens.
*This guys bullshit that “our economy couldn’t function for a day without our immigrant labor force, many or most of whom are undocumented” is ridiculous! Do you have any idea how many Legal citizens would have jobs if we made a sweep across the nation and tossed out all the illegals? And yes, we legal Americans would take those jobs picking crops, cleaning rooms, working the fish plants, serving at fast food restaurants. We did them before we were invaded and we want to do them now.
*Most illegals are not “staying under the radar” they are rushing over the border in droves to get free health care and pop out those anchor babies. Now that’s a law that should be repealed!!
* Our local newpaper is full of crimes, most of which are being committed by the illegals who are beginning to out number true Americans.
The reason people are hiring so many illegals is because they can pay them below minimum wage and they pay them “under the table” so nobody is paying taxes. Even the few businesses who actually pay taxes for its illegal workers do NOT pay for all of them, just enough so they are looked at to hard by the Feds. It is well known in our town several businesses who give the illegals a fake pay stub claiming they paid them minimum wage but they only pay them half that and that is why the illegals have the jobs in the first place, it is not because Americans won’t do the work, it is because these companies don’t want to pay the legal minimum wage.
Illegals send huge amounts of the money they earn back to Mexico so they aren’t spending it here helping our economy that is for sure.
It is a fact that illegals do not pay anywhere near their fair share in taxes because they are working illegally and generally under the table. So they are taking from every American. Their kids get free health care and education that they do not contribute financially to at all. Our schools would nopt have the budget crisis they have now if we tossed out all the children with illegal parents. And why are we taking extra money to teach their kids English as well as offering free English as a second language classes and spending billions to print everything that should be written in English, (because this is America and that is the language we speak) also in spanish…. Why are we catering to illegals who by their mere presence are ruining our economy and taking away from our childrens educations, taking our American jobs, over burdening our social service organizations????