Did Latino voters put Sheriff Sandra Hutchens over the top? I think it was a factor. She trashed racist Bill Hunt, who now presumably will have to move to Arizona and perhaps become Joe Arpaio’s personal driver.
Hutchens ended up with 51.9% of the vote. Hunt only got 28% of the vote. Adios Hunt!
This is a huge victory for Orange County Latinos.
As for Craig Hunter, he will return to serving as Anaheim Deputy Chief of Police. He is a great guy and he is next in line to take over that department. We wish him the best!
About Zorro
Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim.
Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.
According to Dan Walters in his column in the Register today (June 9) the voter turnout among Hispanics who are eligilbe to vote is far below that of the anglo voting population (and of course in this election the overalll turnout was abysmal in any event). Think you are grasping to attribute Hutchens’ apparent victory to any one particular ethnic group. As for Arpaio, judging from the photo it struck me that his charming personality may be reflective of what is called short-man’s syndrome.
fool me once,
You may be right. However Latinos will be gloating today no matter what. Hunt is done!
Fool me once:
My suspicion is that the votes Sandra Hutchens got from “Hispanics,” as low as it might have been, was just enough to push her over the 50% threshold and give her the margin of votes she needed to avoid getting into a runoff with Bill Hunt.
Although I’m no fan of Hutchens, I’m quite happy to see that Hunt was blown completely out of the water. It appears that the his decision to openly welcome immigrant bashers, racists, and bigots of all stripes into his camp backfired against him.
I would not say Done!
As crime continue’s to get out of control in Orange County and citizens continue to become more and more frustrated at the ever growing poor population from the south of the border, if not HUNT someone else will become very popular when it comes to defeating the ever growing problem that is illegal immigration!
The FACTS contradict the fear-mongerers…CRIME has been decreasing including in Orange County.
Unfortunately, hate- and fear-mongerers will continue to inflame the issue or the passions by “the sky is falling” mentality to suit their personal and dubious agendas.
1) “Cities across Southern California report drops in violent crime in 2009”
“The statistics show that violent crime nationwide fell 5.5% last year, compared with figures reported the previous year. But the [DECREASE] was even bigger in areas of [ORANGE COUNTY] and the Inland Empire, where some cities reported double-digit drops in the number of murders, robberies, forcible rapes and aggravated assaults.”
2) Per FBI statistics:
Crime Down Year over Year:
Crime Down by Region:
3) Crime down overall in AZ except in Maricopa County…where Sheriff Arpaio is distracting resources from fighting TRUE crimes. Crime went up 70%, murders increased by 166% while his budget was quadrupled.
4) “The time for comprehensive immigration reform is now. As we have seen time and time again, efforts to overhaul our broken immigration system have taken a back seat to dramatic escalations of border enforcement including placing troops on the U.S. border to serve in a function for which they have not been trained,” said LULAC National President Rosa Rosales. “What is shocking is that this escalation is coming at a time when border violence and unauthorized border crossings have declined. If we want to solve the challenge of undocumented immigration, it is clear that enforcement alone will not work.”
The truth is that over the last two decades, the United States has spent billions of dollars on border enforcement. Since 1992, the annual budget of the U.S. Border Patrol has increased by 714 percent. At the same time, the number of Border Patrol agents stationed along the southwest border has grown by 390 percent. Interior enforcement has expanded as well, and detentions and deportations are at record levels. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the violent crime rate in Arizona has been declining since it peaked in 1993. It is now lower than it has been since the early 1970s. In the Tucson Border Patrol sector, apprehensions of persons crossing illegally have fallen from 600,000 in 2000 to 241,000 in 2009.
“Governor Brewer is persecuting millions of Arizona families in a desperate gamble to win the Republican primary for Governor,” said LULAC National Executive Director Brent Wilkes. “If she was serious about solving our immigration problem, she would urge her fellow Republicans in the Senate to sit down at the table and do their job and pass a fair and effective immigration reform bill.”
Mr. F..
Again, you skirt the truth…. Violent crime is up in Santa Ana. Ask the residents!
I’m not a fan of Hutchens, but we don’t need a lunatic like Hunt running the OCSD. The department will continue to operate so people need to shut their traps about her. She’s elected now. The Hunt Cult needs to realize that this joker never came close. It’s over…Hunt needs to stop running against Carona. LOL!
I echo Pokey—no fan of Hutchens, but glad Hunt didn’t get in. If he hadn’t clowned around with Arpayaso and Coe, I do believe Latinos would’ve given him a shot. Pero el pendejo had to go with the Know Nothings…
Now Billy Boy can go back to representing gang bangers & pedophiles!
I’m willing to bet Barbara Coe is still drunk from last night.
LOL BYE BYE BILLY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fool me once,
“Think you are grasping to attribute Hutchens’ apparent victory to any one particular ethnic group. ”
This being the case. The non Hispanic(Mexican) vote was responsible for defeating Hunt along with his anti Mexican propaganda.
No one is skirting the issue of Crime, we must fight all crime.
But fear-mongering is not a solution to crime, but may in fact lead to increased Hate Crimes, which has been in an increase.
1) However, Per the FBI for SANTA ANA:
Overall Violent Crime DECREASED by 11% in 2008 to 1,726 FROM 1,947 in 2007, although “Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter increased from 23 to 30.
FBI Violent Crime data for 2008
FBI Violent Crime data for 2007
2) Also, Hate Crime data for 2008 & 2007 show an increase in Hate crimes.
3) According to Heidi Beirich Director of Research and Special projects for SPLC, “Today’s anti-immigrant movement has Latin Americans in its sights. Nativist groups contend, with little and no empirical evidence to back them up, that Latin American immigrants contribute disproportionately to a host of societal ills – from poverty and inner city decay to crime, urban sprawl and environmental degradation. Nativists view Latinos as destroying American society and replacing it with an uncivilized and inferior foreign culture. Many also believe there is a secret plot by the Mexican government and American Latinos to wrest the Southwest away from the United States in order to create “Aztlan,” a Latino nation.”
Following the voting patterns Hunt and Hunter should have been in the majority….but combined they only grabbed 48% of the total votes
That’s even with Republicans outvoting Dems in this primary almost 2-1……looks like most OC repubs weren’t buying that brand of “crazy”……..
maybe we don’t want everyone carrying around concealed weapons……….who knew?
What I perceived as a pattern was three Republican candidates who made hardline immigration enforcement a key plank in their policy – to distinguish themselves from their rivals – going down in flames: Bill Hunt, Tan Nguyen, and Little Poisoner.
I hope that means that, even in GOP circles, kicking out Mexicans is not the high priority it seemed. I hope this augurs well in November’s Phu-Mansoor contest, as all Mansoor HAS is the immigrant card.
francisco 1st thank you for your service . i belive you served in the military . but lulac and la raza and all those others group want and support open borders and illegals
great one,
“but lulac and la raza and all those others group want and support open borders and illegals”
Where did you read this?
Who is “la raza”?
Because you believe this and you believe these groups are Mexican in membership then your position is damn all Mexicans?
Clear example of hate driven logic.
great one,
What are your thoughts regarding wet foot/dry foot policy for Cuban immigrants? Isn’t this an open border policy? Should we call for an end to this? What if we create a similar policy to this for Mexicanos and others, would you support it?
Nothing here is going to stop the sentiment of an entire nation that illegals are draining the life blood from southwestern U.S. The illegal La Raza’s here are out numbered 20-1 and as it should be. A funny video from, no less, a democrat friend 🙂
elian . BIG GIANT DIFFERENCE .. for starters mexico is right next to cali ,az, . you could get their by foot . cant do it coming from cuba . . also mexico has free elections . you get to vote who you want to run the country . cuba NOT . . mexico you own your home you want to leave the country you get caught they send you back . you still have your home . you get to try it again . . cuba you try and cross the ocean and if you dont make and get sent back . . you get arrested , shot , and your home is gone . . BIG GIANT DIFFERNCE .
@ the grate one
So by your logic we SHOULD have an open border policy for anyone coming from countries that 1) don’t have free elections, 2) don’t have a geographical land-border to the US, and 3) have homes?
That sounds like A LOT of the world to me. Great immigration policy; I can see you have thought this one out.
DOC CMON you cant be serious . you think lulac and LA RAZA . DONT WANT OPEN BORDERS .. i KNOW YOUR SMARTER THAN THAT .
Funny thing, Hunt has been on defense teams who have represented Mexicans and even illegal immigrants. Yet, you call him a racist because he follows the law. I understand your plight, but it’s wrong, and your reasoning is wrong. If anything, I’d say that the author of this article is racist.
GREG he is . if you dont agree with him . your a racist . if you want to follow the law . your a racist hater . if your against illegals you hate mexicans . . welcome to pedroza land
ww i belive you are a little ignorant and maybe a tad jeoulous . you left out the the getting arrested and put in jail part . how convinent of you . i can see you really thought that one out ..
oh ww to your great observation .is their a country close to the u,s that meets your standars to your issue . hmmmmmmmm i cant think of any
the great one
Posted June 9, 2010 at 10:32 PM
DOC CMON you cant be serious . you think lulac and LA RAZA . DONT WANT OPEN BORDERS .. i KNOW YOUR SMARTER THAN THAT .
Where did you read this?
Who is “la raza”?
Because you believe this and you believe these groups are Mexican in membership then your position is damn all Mexicans?
Clear example of hate driven logic.
Posted June 10, 2010 at 4:18 AM
@ the grate one
So by your logic we SHOULD have an open border policy for anyone coming from countries that 1) don’t have free elections, 2) don’t have a geographical land-border to the US, and 3) have homes?
That sounds like A LOT of the world to me. Great immigration policy; I can see you have thought this one out.
Their issue is against Mxicans not the rest of the world.
MQ,the great one and other supporters of theirs believe the psot below.
MQ wrote,
” Why the hell do you think people want the Mexicans ( NOT LATINOS) out of their neighborhoods so much? It’s really not about the legal status of these people so much as it is about the fact that they bring with them a lot of bad elements… crime, bad schools, welfare, dead beat dads!”
And at the end of the day it could be:
Sheriff Hutchens was just the better candidate!
and the doctor , pedroza , and the activist belive california was once mexico and it belongs to them . so they want the reconqista movement to move on . and also open borders forget the law . if you belive in the rule of law . YOUR A RACIST .
the great one
Posted June 10, 2010 at 12:23 PM
and the doctor , pedroza , and the activist belive california was once mexico and it belongs to them . so they want the reconqista movement to move on . and also open borders forget the law . if you belive in the rule of law . YOUR A RACIST .
Where (examples) have you read or heard me say this. Your are dishonest and a liar.
YOU WALKED RIGHT INTO THAT ONE DOC .. EXACTLY LOOK AT YOUR PRIOR POST .. MQ AND THE GREAT ONE BELIVE WHAT MQ WROTE ABOUT MEXICANS ON JUNE 10 4:18AM POST . oh your a mind reader now . when have I SAID THAT .. IM JUST SHOWING YOU WHAT A HYPOCRIT YOU ARE .. i agree alott with michell but somethings i dont ..but you already linked me in with that thinking . i wrote that to bait you in and you took it line n sinker .
the great one
Posted June 10, 2010 at 2:36 PM
YOU WALKED RIGHT INTO THAT ONE DOC .. EXACTLY LOOK AT YOUR PRIOR POST .. MQ AND THE GREAT ONE BELIVE WHAT MQ WROTE ABOUT MEXICANS ON JUNE 10 4:18AM POST . oh your a mind reader now . when have I SAID THAT .. IM JUST SHOWING YOU WHAT A HYPOCRIT YOU ARE .. i agree alott with michell but somethings i dont ..but you already linked me in with that thinking . i wrote that to bait you in and you took it line n sinker .
the great one,
I believe your post below supports WHAT MQ WROTE ABOUT MEXICANS ON JUNE 10 4:18AM POST. There are other examples if you want me to post more.
the great one
Posted June 5, 2010 at 4:47 PM
horra for dana . he went down there to try and stop the mexican gov from giving out . matricular cards . they where giving them out like candy and catalina all of sudden had a mexican invasion… pedroza the supporter of illegals and law breakers im sure is in favor of . in sure they dint want to turn lovely catalina into santa ana in tis current condintion .
thank you doc . i knew you where a smart guy . . maybe not.. have you looked how bad s.a . is but point out where i say bad elements , deadbeat dads , crime and schools . look at the numbers its something called facts .
great one ,
So then enlighten me and explain to be what you mean by ” turn lovely catalina into santa ana in tis current condintion .”
If you do not associate Santa Ana with “bad elements , deadbeat dads , crime and schools ” then what is wrong with Santa Ana?
i am not the only one who thinks this . drive by santa ana doc and look what you got . you live there so you i hope you see it . people who drive into that city see what is going on there . its a third world city . its schools are failing . every day i read the o . c register what do i see . a shooting ,guess where . s.a . . . now dont tell me this goes on in all cities . . you drive in there no one speaks english . im probally now at racist or bigott stage by now . . and it caters to illegals who are not suppose to be here ..
the great one ,
“i am not the only one who thinks this ”
so you do think and support MQ’s Belief.
MQ wrote,
” Why the hell do you think people want the Mexicans ( NOT LATINOS) out of their neighborhoods so much? It’s really not about the legal status of these people so much as it is about the fact that they bring with them a lot of bad elements… crime, bad schools, welfare, dead beat dads!”
” IM JUST SHOWING YOU WHAT A HYPOCRIT YOU ARE .. i agree alott with michell but somethings i dont ..but you already linked me in with that thinking . i wrote that to bait you in and you took it line n sinker .”
I was right, you are dishonest and a liar.
The situation you describe in Santa Ana is not due to Mexicans producing a third world city. It is mismanagement of the city to create third world appearing neighborhoods for their economic and political manipulation.
It has been created as a poster child city for people like you haters to present as proof of your propaganda.
Manning should have completed the third and long.
Dwight Feeney missed the inside block that would have STOPPED Bree’s dead.
The Saints got a good call on the two point conversion.
In The END THE SAINTS WON. So did Hutchens.
Put your shit back in your pocket on this one GREAT ONE and move on.
This had less to with race than it did with voter apathy. MOVE ON TO WHERE YOU CAN AFFECT CHANGE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE!
i dont have too try its right in front of your eyes . you just happened to look the other way or say its not there . and kenlay santa ana is a lost cause . we got orange , costa mesa , yorba linda now also supporting the a .z law look at the cities who dont . the illegal alien santury cities . l.a . s.a .. this had less to do with race . im not the one who screams racist every time someone does not agree with illegal aliens . i leave that up to you know who ..
MQ wrote,
” Why the hell do you think people want the Mexicans ( NOT LATINOS) out of their neighborhoods so much? It’s really not about the legal status of these people so much as it is about the fact that they bring with them a lot of bad elements… crime, bad schools, welfare, dead beat dads!”
MQ says:
I stand by the above words completely!
People don’t generally know or care who is moving next door to them. They just care about the fact that they will be good neighbors. It is without a doubt the fact that illegal immigrants not only bring crime and drugs, but also one of the reason’s ( not completely the reason) schools in the area become title 1 pits… Show me a bad school and around it will be a bad or decaying neighborhood!
It’s a fact that YOU doctor will work in Santa Ana, but you live in OPA!
So, who is the hypocrite?
I can say with all honesty – I would NEVER live in a neighborhood that has a large population of spanish speakers from Mexico/central America, Because most likely if they do not speak English “they are ILLEGAL” and most likely the schools around the neighborhood are crap!
I am not one for a dishonest answer, I am neither afraid to speak the truth, nor do I feel it is necessary to save face!
As TGO, told you “we do not always agree”. We are independent thinker’s!
We are also against a collective population that will not allow the independent thinker to voice opinions and concerns that effect this country and its future!
As TGO and I both know – the collective populations leads to a socialist mentality…That is NOT something we want or will allow to develop in the one country that has avoided the socialized hell that has destroyed so many countries!
I take my future and my children’s future very seriously and no one population no matter the color or origin can threaten the very culture and values that have made this country GREAT!
The beaner vote put Hutchens over the top?? Hahahahaha, what a joke!!! Hutchens won cause she has name recognition compared to Hunt who doesn’t have name recognition and little money to campaign. You beaners keep thinking ya’ll put Hutchens over the top…LMFAO!!! She just as anti-illegal alien as Arpaio, she still support the 287(g)!!!
Hunt didn’t even carry one city in Orange County.He will never be elected Sheriff