ELECTION YEAR GIMMICRY: Orange City Councilmembers jump for joy after passing two resolutions blaming gardeners, nannies, and maids for the city’s budget deficit
As reported by the Orange County Register, the Orange City Council unanimously passed two resolutions last night announcing it was becoming a “Rule of Law” city.
According to the article, Councilman Jon Dumitru introduced the two resolutions “partly because illegal immigration has contributed to the city’s budget deficit.”
Although I burst out in hysterical laughter when I read that sentence, I began to seriously ask myself what kind of clowns are serving on the Orange City Council?
Then it suddenly dawned on me: since many of the so-called “Rule of Law” cities are run by clowns, perhaps we should give them the recognition they truly deserve?
So why not proclaim a city council that wastes time and energy passing these kinds of ridiculous resolutions to be officially designated as a “Ruled by Clowns” city?
In order to make this concept become a reality, I hurriedly typed up a draft resolution that could hypothetically be submitted to the next meeting of the Orange City Council.
It is as follows:
WHEREAS, in this election year, members of the City Council of Orange seek to divert public attention away from their own ineptitude at handling the municipality’s budget deficit by passing silly resolutions blaming gardeners, nannies, and maids for all the city’s financial woes.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Orange, through actions committed by members of the City Council at the Tuesday, June 8, 2010 meeting, is to become the first municipality in the State of California to be officially designated as a “Ruled by Clowns” city.
Adopted this 22nd Day of June 2010 at Orange, California.
The above draft resolution is a work in progress. If anybody has suggestions as to how it can be improved, let me know. Let’s give the Orange City Council the credit it deserves.
It’s this year’s “In God We Trust”.
You’ll see this meaningless wedge political stunt moving from city to city, and the Register will slavishly promote it as it goes to every city.
“In God we trust” the meaning is “In God we trust”.
Hard to understand for MEANINGLESS left wing whack jobs like yourself!
Good for orange!
Now lets see if they cut those stupid day care centers in three orange schools using a block grant that give’s free child care to illegal aliens!
Its about time the illegal immigrants who have children in the US, look after their own kids or pay for it!
We are not you’re ATM!
People who support illegal aliens are the only clowns I know.
should not it be a resolution of the city clowncil, not council? Anyway, good for the clowns. My friends teenage daughters are tired of being leered at and whistled at by day laborers there as they go to their school bus
I was nowhere near your friends’ teenage daughters!
And why is it that the right wingers have no idea how to use an apostrophe?
I work in Orange and am continually disgusted by the ignorance of the members of the City Council and the mean-spirited attitude of many city workers with whom I come in contact. I was at much of the meeting last night and left sick to my stomach after listening to pompus Jon Dumitru and the uninformed citizens who spoke.
I’m all for a “Ruled by Clowns” resolution. I also think those of us who work and live in Orange, who don’t believe undocumented workers are the cause of Orange’s budget deficit, should institute “No Mas Monday,” pledging not to spend a dime in the city on Mondays. Eat, shop, buy your gas in Santa Ana, Anaheim, Tustin, costing the city valuable sales tax revenue.
That Quimby point – I was gonna make the same point but my computer died in the middle of typing my comment, and then I had to run off to the Queen Meg protest.
But yes, this is very similar to the “In God We Trust” movement that swept City Councils in the summer & fall of 2008 – funny, also an election year!
Both meaningless gestures that make a slight majority of thoughtless and/or intolerant people feel like they’re better than others, while insulting or excluding a less powerful minority.
Both the sort of thing that would give thoughtful Democrats pause (“why exactly do we need to do this, what does this change or help?”) so that Republicans can later say “Why do you hate God? Why do you hate the rule of law?”
Sorry, I would include Greens and Libs with the Dems there too if there were some in office, they’d be targeted just the same. And I think this clown-rule resolution is a good one. Did Orange also go with “In God We Trust” in the last couple of years? If so, that should also be mentioned in the clown resolution.
this title is already taken . it belongs to the santa ana city council . followed by the other clowns the l.a city council who voted today to fight the a.z law in a lawsuit WITH TAX PAYER MONEY . HOW ABOUT TAKING CARE OF YOUR OWN PROBLEMS ..
the great one
Posted June 9, 2010 at 12:52 PM
this title is already taken . it belongs to the santa ana city council . followed by the other clowns the l.a city council who voted today to fight the a.z law in a lawsuit WITH TAX PAYER MONEY . HOW ABOUT TAKING CARE OF YOUR OWN PROBLEMS ..
Then great one, don’t comment ,blog, support or pay attention to Santa Ana, Costa mesa,,Orange , Arizona and everywhere that is not your home. That is, if you really believe what you said. In realty you want others to but not you.
Tea Baggers apply everything exclusively including the constitution.
I am new to this blog and I find it confusing. While the draft resolution is perfectly clear, the ensuing commentary seems to suggest a blurring of the lines between the city council and the school board. I am under the impression that the city council is run by clowns and that the school board is run by god. Isn’t there a clear delineation between city and school board?
And, who can argue with the truthiness regarding the term, “In god We Trust?” Given the forensic evidence of god being a delusion, we may also assume the “we” is representative of most Americans. Therefore, Most Americans Trust Delusion. Corporations, the de facto government of the U.S., depend on that premise to advance their paradigm of continuous growth. The electors they buy, support the slogan. The lobbyists they hire to write the laws define the slogan. They use lowest common denominator citizens in uniform to enforce the slogan.
Wasn’t it the great mass murderer, duly deluded Abe Lincoln, who envisioned America as one nation, a colossally mistaken notion carried on to this very day in mainstream America, who uttered the fallacy: a government of the people, by the people, for the people? Isn’t it true he was just seeing a land of people like himself, deluded? I think what he really intuited was government of the deluded, by the deluded, for the deluded. His backwoods vision has proven itself over and over again since his untimely demise (five years too late).
The manifestation of Lincoln’s folly, delusion, is evident in every nook and cranny of our government. Why should Orange be any different? Orange is orange, not brown. Send in the clowns! I support the resolution as stipulated above.
I’m sorry, but the City of Orange cannot be given the “ruled by clowns city” title. The City of Los Angeles has overwhelmingly been awarded by that title under the leadership of Mayor Antonio Villa-re-Bozo.
Are you kidding me?
Any city that declared themselves sanctuary cities are the clowns in my opinion.
Get out illegal nannies, gardners and other so called FILTH!
“Get out illegal nannies, gardners and other so called FILTH!”
MQ says:
See this is where I get upset….. People whether they be illegal or not are not filth!
I need to correct you on that, because you then reduce yourself to the whack job elitists who think everyone is just filth and need to be taken care of…. The underserved vulnerable and weak in their eyes are just filth.
People like Pam most likely hires illegal immigrants as cheap labor and therefore they see illegal immigrants above the law… after all they are just FILTH!
Get It…. Don’t get confused who the really bad guys are!
Yes, why is it that white anglosaxon racist intolerant hate-mongers don’t know the difference between you’re and your???
I’m a Mexican lady working as a legal translator in Mexico City, and I have better English than Ms. Michelle Quinn has.
And better feelings toward my siblings, including Ms. Michelle, God bless and change her heart of stone into a heart of flesh and love so she doesn’t feel superior to anyone and see her siblings as members of a single race, which is the Human Race.
Wasp laborers also whistle at beautiful teenagers, just so you know.
Also here in Mexico City.
Sra. Cervantes, tienen ustedes muchas idiotas, racistas y payasos como tenemos aqui? Ojala no. Gracias para leyer y perdona mi mas-o-menos espanol.
I’m a Mexican lady working as a legal translator in Mexico City, and I have better English than Ms. Michelle Quinn has.
MQ says:
Well can you come here and teach some illegal immigrants parents to speak English… I would greatly appreciate it!
“And better feelings toward my siblings, including Ms. Michelle, God bless and change her heart of stone into a heart of flesh and love so she doesn’t feel superior to anyone and see her siblings as members of a single race, which is the Human Race.”
MQ says;
Since I last checked my heart was beating, if it were stone, I doubt it would be MOVING!
Yes, It’s perfectly fine to you that Millions of people from YOUR country can walk into this country without being authorized too. I suppose after all it’s the only real source of revenue for YOUR sad pathetic excuse for a nation.
What about the thousands of people who have waited 5-7 years to legally apply… who then feel’s more superior?
“Wasp laborers also whistle at beautiful teenagers, just so you know.”
MQ says:
I am not surprised, since the legal age to marry in Mexico with consent from the parents is fourteen…
I love the Human Race, but just as in any family there are family members who just are a right pain in the ass!
“white anglosaxon”
MQ says:
It seams to me if you had more of us in Mexico, it would not be such a pit….Now would it!
And since your COUNTRY keep’s sending you’re poor to a country made-up of mostly Anglo’s. YOU need us more than we need you!
So since you are a legal translator, I suggest you learn the difference between a legal vs illegal resident.
What I have found out since I have been in this Country that the upper class in Mexico are right prats like yourself… have some compassion for your poor in Mexico and ask your Government to treating them as human being’s instead of waste!
You’re a pain in the ass!
Your head is bigger than your heart!
Yes, a few wee typo’s at the end and maybe some spelling mistakes…. So sue me!
Ms. Marisol:)
Come on now, if the people arguing over these people coming to America to be free, would just empty their pockets and bank accounts, sell their cars and homes and use all those fund to pay the costs and fees owed by these freedom seekers so their status can be cleared up. Everyone will be happy as clams.
Even the unpasted amnesty bill requires these refuges to pay thousands of dollars to clear up their status.
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here, everybody’s gonna jump for joy…at first I thought Mighty Quinn was just another ignorant, illiterate Orange County lass. But, upon further evaluation, I think she is just drunk.
Eskimo’s and Marsians are ok by me. Just as long as they don’t become welfare recipients!
I am glad you are such a fan although I hate to break your bubble. I am not an Eskimo. I also doubt there are many Eskimo’s with the last name: QUINN!
Everyone is going to
At first,
Before you insult someone’s grasp of the English Language. I strongly suggest you check out your own grasp first!