Should the City of Orange be Officially Designated as a “Ruled by Clowns” City?

ELECTION YEAR GIMMICRY: Orange City Councilmembers jump for joy after passing two resolutions blaming gardeners, nannies, and maids for the city’s budget deficit

As reported by the Orange County Register, the Orange City Council unanimously passed two resolutions last night announcing it was becoming a “Rule of Law” city.

According to the article, Councilman Jon Dumitru introduced the two resolutions “partly because illegal immigration has contributed to the city’s budget deficit.”

Although I burst out  in hysterical laughter when I read that sentence, I began to seriously ask myself what kind of clowns are serving on the Orange City Council?

Then it suddenly dawned on me: since many of the so-called “Rule of Law” cities are run by clowns, perhaps we should give them the recognition they truly deserve?

So why not proclaim a city council that wastes time and energy passing these kinds of ridiculous resolutions to be officially designated as a “Ruled by Clowns” city?

In order to make this concept become a reality, I hurriedly typed up a draft resolution that could hypothetically be submitted to the next meeting of the Orange City Council.

 It is as follows:


WHEREAS, in this election year, members of the City Council of Orange seek to divert public attention away from their own ineptitude at handling the municipality’s budget deficit by passing silly resolutions blaming gardeners, nannies, and maids for all the city’s financial woes.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Orange, through actions committed by members of the City Council at the Tuesday, June 8, 2010 meeting, is to become the first municipality in the State of California to be officially designated as a “Ruled by Clowns” city.

Adopted this 22nd Day of June 2010 at Orange, California.

The above draft resolution is a work in progress. If anybody has suggestions as to how it can be improved, let me know. Let’s give the Orange City Council the credit it deserves.

About Duane Roberts