Amezcua says Pulido isn’t helping our youth – but is that really true?

Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua finally offered a glimpse at one of his campaign ideas, with this comment that was posted today on Facebook ( I am posting it verbatim):

We are exchanging ideas wit voters concerned that the current mayor isn’t working with the school district to create greater opportunity for our youth.

What the heck is he talking about?  Why is Amezcua attacking Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido on education of all things?

Don’t forget that Amezcua QUIT the Rancho Santiago Community College District’s Board of Education.  And, as we exposed here, it is likely that he quit because he broke the law by running for the RSCCD’s Area 1 even though he really lived in Area 3.

Our city is struggling to find ways to close our massive budget hole, and Amezcua now wants Pulido to expand his duties to include education?

And what does Amezcua mean by “greater opportunity for youth?”

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About Art Pedroza