Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua finally offered a glimpse at one of his campaign ideas, with this comment that was posted today on Facebook ( I am posting it verbatim):
We are exchanging ideas wit voters concerned that the current mayor isn’t working with the school district to create greater opportunity for our youth.
What the heck is he talking about? Why is Amezcua attacking Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido on education of all things?
Don’t forget that Amezcua QUIT the Rancho Santiago Community College District’s Board of Education. And, as we exposed here, it is likely that he quit because he broke the law by running for the RSCCD’s Area 1 even though he really lived in Area 3.
Our city is struggling to find ways to close our massive budget hole, and Amezcua now wants Pulido to expand his duties to include education?
And what does Amezcua mean by “greater opportunity for youth?”
Click here to read the rest of this post.
I think that perhaps Alfredo should consider running for school board if he is so concerned about the young people of this community. We need to replace the whole Santa Ana School Board and I for one think Al would make an excellent candidate for that body.
Mayor Pulido does a lot of work behind the scenes that he does not seek any publicity or recognition for that helps bring corporate support for programs in our community. I think that when you combine Mayor Pulido’s leadership with the progressive councilmembers like Alvarez, Sarmiento, Martinez and Tinajero we will see more positive things for our youth going forward.
Actually, Councilmember Benavides has done more for the youth of this city (Santa Ana) than any of those you mention.
Do share.
Other than honoring “haters” and kissing up to the “usual suspects” I am not to aware of Councilman Benavides actions in the community.
Please educate myself and the Juice readers.
Sin Mill
Do share?…… Hmmmmm
My professor in Czech Air force Academy use to say: If you are stupid ask and if you do not know inform yourself.
I have seen community centers for children in his ward and am impressed.
The problem with you Sin Mill is that you are unrepentant hater.
Pulido y los Dinos? Ok, so Amezcua’s campaign is shooting blanks at this point and aiming at the wrong targets in your estimation. Where should he be focusing his critique where you would see validity?
The problem is that Amezcua’s attacks have been lame and inaccurate. It seems that he has a very poor understanding of what the issues are.
Plus it has to be difficult to attack a Council that has actually been getting things done over the past two years.
Amezcua needs to be specific and tell us what his vision is for Santa Ana. Right now all he is doing is regurgitating Usual Suspect talking points.
The biggest issue is our city budget. How do we get out of the hole we are in? So far Amezcua has had nothing to say about that – or anything else for that matter.
I am astounded at how ridiculous the Amezcua campaign has been so far.
Wonder how many youth have taken of the Summer employment programs. Wait, are there any? What is the unemployment rate for youth? This will give us an idea if we are doing things for youth.
I agree Art. This guy is not ready for prime time. I think he should run for school board or get on a City board and learn more about the issues racing our city.