Don Wagner’s backers are a Who’s Who of lame Republicans

I decided to have a look at Republican Assembly candidate Don Wagner’s website tonight – and found it to be about what I expected.   He sounds reasonable on some issues then goes nuts on immigration and comes off sounding like some sort of religious fanatic.

But the worst was to come.  I clicked on endorsements and while I recognized a few decent people on that list, most of it was populated by a Who’s Who of awful Republican hacks, inlcuding:

  • U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher – a total loon who bashes Mexicans even more than Whitacre and his boys do
  • Michael Schroeder.  Nuff said.
  • Hugh Hewitt – one of the lame OC Children and Families Commissioners who gave thousands to Matt Cunningham, for ridiculous services including blogging and writing on Facebook.
  • Tom Fuentes.  Ousted as OC GOP Chairman but still wreaking havoc on the South OC Community College District Board of Trustees.
  • John Williams, the corrupt OC Public Administrator/Guardian.  Figures.
  • Costa Mesa Councilwoman Wendy Leece.  An ally of Mexican-basher Allan Mansoor.
  • Jim Righeimer, the next lame Costa Mesa Councilman
  • Alexandria Coronado, who was ousted from the OC Board of Education by the voters in this year’s primary.
  • Ken Maddox, the Capo Trustee who is facing a recall
  • And the Family Action PAC, which is actually into preventing actions that cause families.  But as Sarah Palin’s daughter showed us, abstinence doesn’t really work, does it?

Wagner is running against Democrat Melissa Fox.  She doesn’t list her endorsers but click here to see her website.  His other opponent is Libertarian Debbie Tharp.  Click here to see her website.  Either one is preferable to Wagner, although I prefer Tharp of the two.

About Art Pedroza