How the DPOC can get its groove back

ATTN DPOC – Matt Cunningham isn’t your friend.  Stand up to him like Sean Mill did!

A commenter criticized me today for having said that the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) was lame.  Well, I have indeed said that.  But that doesn’t mean I have any particular enmity for the DPOC.  What it means is that, in my opinion, the DPOC has been generally rather dysfunctional and not all that successful. 

Let’s look at the scoreboard for a moment: 

The Republican Party of Orange County holds ALL the congressional seats, with the exception of the the seat held by Loretta Sanchez.   Her seat is in Orange County’s blue donut hole – primarily in Santa Ana and Anaheim with a bit of Little Saigon tossed in for good measure.

The Democrats hold only one Assembly seat and one State Senate seat.  Both are in the blue donut hole.  They have no seats on the O.C. Board of Supervisors.

There are a lot of local elected Democrats, but not as many as there could be.  Too often the Democrats simply fail to mount challenges.  Or they run too many candidates and split their vote. 

Case in point, the Garden Grove City Council elections in 2008.  The Democrats had several good candidates, but too many as it turned out.  Republican Supervisor was able to get her carpet-bagging then-Chief of Staff, Andrew Do, elected.

The Liberal OC helped reelect Carlos Bustamante.  Now he is campaigning for his fellow Republican Van Tran, against Loretta Sanchez

Look at the Santa Ana City Council elections in 2008.  The Democrats failed to recruit a candidate to run against the only Republican on the Santa Ana City Council, Carlos Bustamante.  I ran against him as an indepedent, only to have the Liberal OC bloggers join forces with Red County editor Matt Cunningham and evil GOP consultant Mike Schroeder, as they ran hit pieces in the mail against me.  Bustamante won and now he is openly campaigning for Republican Van Tran, who is now challenging Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

How about this year?  The Democrats had too many candidates running against Republican Shawn Nelson for the 4th Supervisorial District.  And the unions got behind Republican Harry Sidhu, to make matters worse.  Nelson easily won in June.

And the Democrats failed to mount any challenge against Supervisors Pat  Bates and John Moorlach.  Nor did they challenge O.C. District Attorney Tony Rackauckas.

So how can the DPOC get its groove back?

  1. Never leave a seat uncontested.  Run someone.  Anyone.  Don’t let the GOP get any free passes.  Force them to spend money!
  2. Local offices matter, due to term limits in the State Legislature.  As legislators term out, local elected officials have to step up.  Don’t let the Republicans intimidate you!  Run for every local office!
  3. Don’t run too many candidates and end up splitting the vote.  One strong Democrat might have given Shawn Nelson a hard time this June.  But three weak Democrats just killed each other.
  4. NEVER endorse Republicans.  Ever.  Don’t recruit lame Republicans to run against entrenched machine Republicans.  It was highly stupid for labor to get behind Mexican-bashing Dave Shawver a few years ago, against Moorlach.  I am offended to see labor get behind Republican John Leos in Anaheim, when there are good Democrats in the race.  Recruit a Democrat or stay out!
  5. Remember that the Republicans are not your pals.  Don’t Facebook friend them.  Don’t give them any softballs.  They are the enemy, pure and simple.  Take aim and finish them off, don’t get chummy with them.  Stand up to rats like Matt Cunningham, as my colleague Sean Mill did a few months ago, for which he was vilified over at the Liberal OC.  The Republicans are the enemy.  Cut them no slack!
  6. As far as I can tell the DPOC doesn’t offer translation on their website.  Take a look.  I didn’t see any such widget.  The Google Language tool widget is FREE.  I use it on all my blogs.  It is inexcusable not to add this widget to the DPOC website, right away.  Minority voters can figure out lip service when they see it.  Be real.  Be sincere.  Make it easier, not harder for minority voters to support your party and candidates.
  7. The DPOC website is hard to navigate.  It badly needs to be redesigned.  It should include some sort of “OC GOP Watch” feature where the hatred and ridiculousness of the OC GOP is visited on a daily basis.
  8. Don’t antagonize independent voters.  That is a stupid idea.  You cannot win legislative seats without them!  Allowing the psychos at the Liberal OC to sue me, when I consistently rip Republicans, is beyond moronic.  Don’t attack independents. Get them on your side!  You already let them vote in your primaries.  Reach out to them, you need them more than they need you.
  9. Run more young people for your Central Committee!  Only one candidate ran in the 69th A.D. in June.  That is inexcusable!  You guys should have packed that committee with college kids!
  10. Do not tolerate greedy, corrupt Democrats in your midst.  The double dipper Coast Community College District Trustee Armando Ruiz should have been taken out a long time ago.  Instead the DPOC was content to leave him in power.  No!  Take out politicians who don’t serve the people!  Bad Dems are no better than the Republicans!

May I suggest that the DPOC also adopt as their motto these stirring words by Winston Churchill, an admitted Imperialist who nonetheless helped take out the evil Nazi empire during WWII:

Never give in – never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Make no mistake about it- the Republican Party of Orange County is the enemy.  They hate Mexicans.  They hate homosexuals.  They hate the poor.  They are corrupt, for the most part.  Stop kissing up to these people! 

I would like to end this post on a high note.  Have you been watching what Misha Houser has been doing with the Phu Nguyen campaign?  I have had my issues with Misha, but she is running a hell of a campaign, against the evil Republican Mexican-hater Allan Mansoor.   This is how to do it folks.  Never give in.  Never surrender.  Recruit great candidates, get behind them, and take out the enemy.  I hope Phu prevails!  If he loses, it won’t be for lack of trying.

About Art Pedroza