Watch Servant of the People. You might learn a few things
You seem to be running out of anything resembling actual shit to fling.
There are generations of scholars who have pondered the relationship between Kievan Rus and Muscovite Rosya. Your position is both…
If you'll vouch for all the details, that's fine. If Matt Cunningham (or whatever anonymous person wrote that comment) "vouches"…
"Genocide begins with the denial of a people’s identity. Every Armenian should know that!" True. But knowing something and owning…
Bluesky is a safe and moderated Twitter alternative. MAGA trolls do not last long there. It's pretty fantastic. This would…
He has been delinquent since he got the deuce. He didn’t renew his license in 2024.,the%20imposition%20of%20additional%20requirements [Deuce is slang…
I want everyone to fully appreciate how idiotic Eric is being here. As for what he means by "got the…
Yeah they usually catch up with us eventually. And never mention us.
What I noticed was, in Min's letter, that he took care to say "I may not agree with everything Kluwe…
This is a clear example of how Socialists and Unions force State to pay exuberant payrolls and pensions to the point when State must sell assets like Fairgrounds.
We must stop Socialists and Unions at any cost if you ever want to see prosperous American dream.
Just wait when the free health care will kick in.
It will be free or you go to jail if you do not pay $12,000 annually for preexisting condition.
Me too LOLing Comrade Vern.
I do not care about Fairgrounds!….. you do!
Don’t care about the Fairgrounds, comrade? How very Communist of you.
You need to become more American, before people wise up and send you back to Eastern Europe!
Eastern Europe does not exist Comrade Vern….. and when it did it was only metaphor. Praha, the capital of the Bohemia, is located in Central Europe……. education first.
Fairgrounds?…… to trade a pig farm for an affordable housing, the barrio, je komunisticke.
FMW is a group of developers who will be able to build whatever they want on that 150 acres. They would NOT invest 96 million dollars in our fairgrounds if that weren’t so.
Kiss the fairgrounds good-bye Costa Mesa! Your city council CANNOT provide the kind of protection you are expecting. Try to remember the names of the 4 city council members who voted to disband the fair, the swap meet, the equestrian center and the community use of that property.
If they approve this lease, Monahan, Mansoor, Bever and Leece are names you should never vote into office again. In my estimation, they simply aren’t smart enough to manage this city’s affairs.