Van Tran and his pal Carlos Bustamante
Well, this should come as no surprise. Even as a huge crowd is gathering at Santa Ana’s Sasscer Park to celebrate the overturning of Prop. 8, Republican Assemblyman Van Tran is crying up a storm. Tran is trying to take Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’ seat in November.
In a press release, which we are presenting below, Tran claims that the overturning of Prop. 8 is an attack on traditional values. He is wrong of course. What could be more traditional than allowing couples who are in love to get married? Who cares what their sex is?
Here is Tran’s crazed press release:
For Immediate Release: August 4, 2010
Contact: George Andrews, 714-907-3442
Van Tran Condemns Judicial Attack On Traditional Values and California Voters
Judge Walker rules against the voters who approved Proposition 8 by 52 percent of the vote and Central Orange County (CD47) voters who voted for Prop. 8. by an even greater margin of 63% to 37%.
In an unprecedented attack on the voters of California, Chief Judge of the Federal District Court in San Francisco Vaughn R. Walker today overturned Proposition 8 in an attempt to retroactively disenfranchise the clear vote of over 7 million voters.
After Judge Walker’s ruling, Assemblyman Tran responded, “Today Judge Walker showed his outright contempt for California’s voters. The initiative process was designed to ensure the people of California have an opportunity to bypass the legislature and courts when these institutions fail to represent them. Instead of respecting that clear voice, a judicial activist has undermined the will of voters.”
“This is a radical action, attempting to throw out the vote of the people and change the rules after the fact.”
“The battle for the merits of Proposition 8 is over,” continued Tran. “We had an open, fair election of Proposition 8 and it was passed by California’s voters in a historic election. The judiciary must learn to respect those results.”
Not being satisfied with the results of two separate elections in the past eight years (Proposition 22 in 2000 and Proposition 8 in 2008,) Judge Walker ruled against the voters who approved Proposition 8 by 52 percent of the vote. The 47th Congressional district voted to protect traditional marriage by an even greater margin of 63% to 37%. The case will now head to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Proposition 8 was a simple measure adding 14 words to the California Constitution, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” It was placed on the ballot after submitting 1.12 million signatures, nearly double the 694,354 required. Proposition 8 then passed with 52.3% of the vote, in an election with the largest turnout statewide since 1976.
Hey isn’t that the same Carlos Bustamante that is supporting David Benavides? I am sure David’s other buddy Lupe Moreno is up in arms about this too.
I wonder where he stands on the issue? He is a friend to Rosie Avila and takes money from Howard Ahmanson.
Despite all this the Long Beach and Irvine residents on that other blog are telling Santa Ana residents to vote for him.