Ceci Iglesias and “The Gipper”

The LA Times made a brief mention of Independent Congressional candidate Cecilia Iglesias in its August 22nd edition. Covering the election for Loretta Sanchez’s seat, they wrote that Republicans “believe the presence of independent Cecilia Iglesias in the race adds unpredictability.” What that means is that they hope she might be able to siphon off the Latino vote just enough to give Van Tran a shot. Iglesias’ support of the Dream Act gave this tactic it’s strongest card to play until Sanchez co-sponsored the legislation.

Probably not on the radar of most Latino voters, but no less worthy of discussion is how this “Independent” recently posted to her Facebook the following video of Ronald Reagan giving a speech in 1982 to the British Houses of Parliament in which he spun the elections that took place that year in El Salvador:

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About Gabriel San Roman