Blogger harassed at work by overpaid El Segundo police captain

A homeowner in El Segundo posted the salaries of the overpaid cops in his town, on his blog – and the next thing he knew he was being harassed at work, by a police captain who makes over $300K a year, according to the LA Weekly.

The blogger, David Burns, is in charge of emergency preparedness at UCLA.  After this incident, the same police captain turned in a public records request at UCLA to find out how much Burns makes.  It turns out Burns makes a third of what the overpaid captain pulls in, and his salary has been cut by 23% due to budget problems.

It should be noted that El Segundo has only 16,000 residents and barely any crime, but their cops and firemen make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

As for the issue of the police captain harassing a private citizen blogger, it sure sounds familiar to us, here at the Orange Juice.  Our blogger Sean Mill was also harassed at work when he asked Supervisor John Moorlach to find out why Liberal OC blogger Chris Prevatt was reading blogs at work.

Prevatt has been quoted in a Voice of OC article, where he complained that he couldn’t read the Voice of OC blog at work.  Mill and I wondered why Prevatt was reading blogs on his work computer, since Prevatt is an employee of the Orange County Health Care Agency.

Prevatt’s fellow blogger, Dan Chmielewski, retaliated by calling Mill’s boss, and by harassing Mill’s company public relations consultant – calling her at her home office.

Chmielewski admitted to this in an email he sent me tonight, “I contacted the PR consultant for XXXX XXXX (Mill’s employer) by phone and by email.  The CEO responded  to one of my queries.”

Creepy, isn’t it?  Chmielewski had no business contacting Mill’s CEO, and he surely had no business calling his employer’s PR consultant.

Somehow Chmielewski and Prevatt don’t get it.  Prevatt is a public employee.  Mill is not.  End of story!

It should be noted though that Prevatt has written in the past that he does not work for the taxpayers.  Oh yes you do Prevatt!

Out of control and overpaid public employees have become a menace to us all.  Kudos to Burns for outing the actions of his El Segundo police force.

About Art Pedroza