Just when things were looking rather beige in MasterPlannedistan, I check my e-mail and much to my surprise, it’s a letter from Rep. Spanky! Looks like he going to host a tax seminar/workshop for “Non-Profit and Faith Based Organizations” on May 13th. I just might show up since I do have a few questions for Spanky about taxes and want to pick his brain about my “compassionate capitalist” plans for the Not So Great Park. Who says Donald Bren should have all of the fun in MasterPlannedistan?
I’m sure people who don’t live in the 70th AD are invited to this workshop as well. Here’s the letter from the horse’s a……I mean mouth…..himself. Just think. Friday the 13th may be your lucky day after all.
Assemblyman Donald p. Wagner and board of equalization member michelle steel to host free tax seminar
Join Assemblyman Donald P. Wagner and Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel for a Free Tax Seminar
Dear Community Members,
Please join Michelle Steel, Vice Chair of the State Board of Equalization and myself for a Free Tax Seminar for Nonprofit and Faith Based Organizations.
We will answer questions and share insightful tips on how to manage and maneuver your way through an often tedious and confusing process. I hope to see you there and I humbly ask you to pass the word along to friends and family.
Free Tax Seminar for Non-Profit and Faith Based Organizations
Friday, May 13, 2011
9:00AM – 4:00PM (Check in at 8:30AM)
Saddleback Valley Community Church
Refinery Building-Auditorium
1 Saddleback Parkway
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Online: boe.ca.gov/sutax/nonprofitsched.htm
For more information please contact my district staff at (949) 863 – 7070 and they will be happy to assist you.
Hope to see you there!
Assemblymember Don “Spanky” Wagner
So, it looks like a primer on how to funnel government (and thus the taxpayers’) funds into churches. Only the right type of churches, of course; the ones with the most Republican voters.
On the day after Easter Sunday don’t be so judgemental. The Federal Govt issues numerous Grants to non-profit organizations. This is not a scam for churches or Republicans.
Keep your eyes on Congress where among the proposals being floated around include a revision to church contribution deductions on our 1040s.
That’s a big bite that many will have difficulty swallowing if in fact it becomes a reality.
While you are at it, ask Spanky how we can funnel taxpayer dollars for “redevelopment” since he voted against Brown’s plan to abolish these agencies.
Something tells me that Grand Emperor Bren whispered a not so subtle reminder about campaign contributions in Spanky’s ear prior to the vote.