We’ve got seven Assembly Districts now instead of nine – partly due to the slight loss of population in the OC relative to the state, but mostly due to the fact that we’re only sharing one of these districts, not three, with other counties. A couple of the new districts look somewhat exciting (which to me, means “competitive.”)
They say we California Democrats are on track to change two or more Republican Assembly seats into our column, and reach the Holy Grail of two-thirds in Sacramento. Let’s see if we can contribute at all to that sea-change here behind the Orange Curtain!
[Again, these fine map images, from here, were created by Max Rexrod and Chandra Sharma, 916-648-1222, www.meridianhq.com]
Way up North: District 55 (Hagman’s tundra)
Just like with the far-north-county abomination known as the New 39th Congressional District, our northern burghs of La Habra, Brea, Yorba Linda and Placentia are connected with the hardy aborigines of Walnut, Diamond Bar, and Chino Hills, in a sort of Coalition of the Homebound. Republican assemblyman Curt Hagman, who has one term left and lives in Chino Hills, will presumably hang on in this red mooncalf of a district. *yawn…*
Norby’s purple 65th (for long?)
Chris Norby is the least terrible of our OC Republicans; marching to the beat of his own drummer, he doesn’t automatically follow every last stupid command of GOP central, as when alone among Sacramento Republicans he voted to end wasteful & corrupt Redevelopment Agencies, and alone among OC Republicans voted to save the Fairgrounds from Allan Mansoor’s bosses at FMW. But still, he’s very conservative, and he’s a Republican, and we need a few more Democratic seats, and the registration numbers are so close here that it’s conceivable the nice fellow could be knocked off by the right Dem. But who would that be? Maybe La Palma’s way cool Mayor Ralph Rodriguez? Or progressive, charismatic Fullerton councilwoman Sharon Quirk-Silva? (Although she’s Norby’s friend – can friends run against each other?) Who else pops into your mind?
Spanky’s bright-red 68th District
This carbuncle-red district will be stuck with Don “Spanky” Wagner for two more terms – yep, up to 2016. Unless you lot resent his leadership of the “Taxpayers Caucus” to prevent you taxpayers from being able to vote on how much taxes you want to pay, or his angry rants in defense of the wasteful and corrupt Redevelopment Agencies, or his enthusiastic embrace of Sacramento Mexican-bashers Tim Donnelly and Allan Mansoor … unless you resent those things enough to find a better Republican candidate.
Or maybe the brilliant and beautiful Melissa Fox?
Once the Latino-Dem 69th, always the Latino-Dem 69th!
José Solorio is termed out of this district, and, despite how helpful he was in saving the Fairgrounds, I do hope that the next Democrat this district elects will be MUCH MORE PROGRESSIVE than old José. Or to be specific – I hope they are much less of a SERVANT to the PRISON GUARDS UNION and BIG HEALTH INSURANCE than José has been – two of the most pernicious and destructive special interests we have in this state.
Well, we know that Anaheim labor hero Julio Pérez is running, and I’ll be interviewing him soon (although Art & Sean poo-pooh him as “toast” since he’s only got Anaheim not SA.) And I’m told, by a pajarote you can guess, that someone on the Santa Ana Council is going to run, now that Señora Sarmiento has put her foot down and said no to Vince’s ambitions. And by a process of elimination I’m pretty sure that would be Sal Tinajero. I like Sal. I like Julio too. I hope not too much money gets wasted, or bad blood spilt, in this Battle of Los Gordos.
UPDATE – Wrong! It’s Michele Martinez going against Julio!
The Viets’ 72nd – Phu could do this!
All the Vietnamese areas are now wedded to Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, and Huntington north of Ellis, in this newfangled 72nd district. Three-term Republican incumbent Jim Silva is termed out, and I don’t know what Republican may be thinking of running. But I do think the charismatic Democratic businessman Phu Nguyen has a good shot here, better than he did last year. Sure, the Republicans outnumber the Dems in this district 43% to 32%. But a LOT of those Republicans are Vietnamese, and THOSE Vietnamese Republicans chose Phu over Mansoor last year. (80% of Viets went for Phu – not just due to racial loyalty, but because they know firsthand what a standup, generous, and competent guy he is!) This district really could turn blue next year.
Harkey’s crimson 73rd
I’m puzzled as to why our mapmakers categorized this district as an “open Republican” district. It’s Diane Harkey‘s district, and she has one more term left. Have I missed something? Is she dropping out? Is her popularity tanking? Has she not been batshit crazy enough this past year, comparing High Speed Rail to genocide, consorting with immigrant bashers, and barking out nonsense at patient Governor Brown? She could ramp it up if she has to, you know.
Ha ha, the coastal 74th. So long, Mansoor?
Now that the very incompetent and unlikable one-note immigrant basher Allan Mansoor has shown what he’s incapable of, now that he’s distinguished himself as the paid errand boy of Facilities Management West in their now-unsuccessful attempt to snag our Fairgrounds, and now that his old Costa Mesa district has been utterly transformed to include Newport, the Lagunas, part of Irvine and southeastern Huntington Beach, more competent and likable Republicans are going to come out of the woodworks to challenge the old unemployed jailer. Already Keith Carlson, a longtime HB activist, has announced his bid. But I’ve been told, “Mansoor and Carlson – they’re both extreme rightwingers. If a respectable old-school Republican went against them, those two would split the crazy vote and the other guy would win.”
PAGING RUSH HILL. Beloved Newport Councilman Rush Hill, architect and former education adviser to President Reagan, a true old-school conservative, who helped me with material for my epic takedown of our mutual foe Dave Ellis, Rush Hill, the anti-Mansoor who actually sat on the advisory board of the community-oriented group – American Fairs and Festivals – that was formed to save the Fairgrounds FROM Facilities Management West – Rush Hill is just the man for the job. PAGING RUSH HILL.
Good review. I like the prospective Democratic lineup. In order of potential:
1) 69th: Perez and Tinajero — they might both make the runoff.
2) 65th: Both Dem candidates would bring in the Latino vote south of the 5. (By the way — we have to organize it here and in the Congressional district. That should be county party priority #1.) Quirk-Silva has the advantage of the Fullerton following as well. Either could beat Norby, who won’t play well south of the 5.
3) 72nd: Yes, Phu could win this. He won’t exactly miss the Costa Mesa voters.
4) 68th: Fox is a good candidate; this is another bad district. But, the initiatives in Orange and the Amante recall could make it thinkable.
And for the coup de grace:
The 74th district is a perfect example of why, in a top-two system, state and county party Democrats have to be able to endorse Republicans sometimes. If Mansoor and Carlson destroy each other, someone moderate on Costa Mesa who is willing to be reasonable about budgets could take all Democrats and enough Republicans. Very interesting district there; libertarian-leaning, I’d say.
The 73rd is hopeless. My soon-to-be-beloved 55th does, at least, give Democrats the opportunity to make new friends. I hear that Walnut is lovely in the autumn.
Let’s NOT us Democrats endorse Republicans that we prefer – that would leave a skunk mark on them in the eyes of their potential voters. Can’t you see the attack ads right now: “This RINO is even endorsed by the Democrats!” LOL
Instead let’s just put our resources into attacking the WORSE Republicans.
The 65th incudes Fullerton and BP where Norby has high name ID and enough high-propensity GOP voters to win easily. Sorry, Greg, Quirk-Silva couldn’t beat Norby in a hundred million years.
Still if she were to wait a few years. Oh, and gather up some courage…
*Diane Harkey? The Loyal Opposition…isn’t it? We like Diane, she is someone that at least will tell you where she stands – how bad can that be. Oh sure, we disagree with her on Toll Road Expansions, HSR and things that rage transportation…..but other than that…..she does vote for some things that she needs to vote for in spite of her having to the kiss the rings of those in charge.
Don Wagner…bravo…..a dude who can look you straight in the eye, handshake with a firm one and is willing to listen. Not bad traits when you think on it. A solid citizen who we need – to hold the OC coalition togehter.
Now in our District…the 74th….it could be a place to have your beloved Debbie Cook run against Alan….and maybe find a true Republican contender to challenge Alan in the Primary. Our guess at this point….Alan will prevail. Not necessarily because of his brilliant political strategy or political positions…..but he is really a “go along to get along” guy…..who gets the Party benefits because he does so.
Jim Silva is great….well, as great as an old Marine can be…we suppose. At least he sends us e-mails…..and we like that bunches!
*Sorry…but we forgot to sincerely thank Vern for a solid story on these Assembly Districts and brought some important into to the fray!
Thanks Dr. Vern!
The CSM has a pretty interesting article on this:
For those interested in this kind of thing.
Strange that this article, about our achieving more “sanity,” “moderation,” and “democracy” with the redistricting, doesn’t even spend one sentence on our new open primaries – at least an equal bombshell in the equation. The CSM doesn’t know about that?
It’s the CSM. I didn’t say it was conclusive! just interesting!
Not takin’ it out on you bro. Thanks for the link.
I am thick skinned Nelson, no worries.
I saw that MSP Airport is hosting a Piano deal, like you played here in OC. Weird thing seeing weary travellers hone in the ivories.
Thought of you.
The Mansoorian Candidate can’t even get his money back from FMW( they gave $6000, to him when he was mayor, and the city attorney made him give it back, which he did under protest)……now it seems he “didn’t DO” enough in Sacramento to give them the Fairgrounds. So when Mansoor went to FMW to raise some $$$$…..they were like “F_U, what can you do for us now?
Makes my heart sing…….there is justice in the world after all. That’s what you get when you partner with pirates.
Great work Vern. Thanks.
Excellent Vern.
good for you gericault. you know he WON right?
He won one two-year term. What’s your point? You think he’s done a good job so far? You like how he did his best to sell our Fairgrounds off to FMW, after having got $6K from them? Can you name anything else he’s done? Or you just like him cuz he talks shit about Meskins? Are you gonna vote for him next year? (I think you’re in his district now, if you’re south of Ellis.)
Vern — I wasn’t referring here to official party endorsements (which would probably be moot anyway even if the rule change had passed last weekend.) I’m talking about individual endorsements and informal organizational efforts to let Dems know that, of all the Republicans running, THIS one is the least offensive, so people should support him/her.
I’d have to re-read my state and county party Bylaws to be sure, but I think that doing so is an “expulsion-qualifying” offense — although it would no doubt be endorsed quite selectively.
Tony: how well do you see Norby doing southwest of the 5? What might happen if Wesr Anaheim and southern Buena Park voted? (Hey, it’s possible!).
“expulsion-qualifying?” You mean I could have, should have, been expelled from the Party for endorsing Green candidates over Feinstein and Angelides in 2006?
Instead they gave me “volunteer of the year,” go figure…
Greg, when you talk to Tony Bushala, you are talking to one of Chris Norby’s closest and oldest friends. Tony is generally Chris’ alternate to Republican events. Maybe Tony’s right that Chris is unbeatable, but he’d say that anyway.
Well, good news for you, young man – we’ll make sure he’s back in the OC to stay real soon so you can have lots of hot fun with him!
How the heck do you figure out who to vote for in the 73rd district. I don’t want any tea party or ultra conservatives. Anyone know who is moderate. These people don’t have anything on line saying what their party stance is.
Well, Sue, I’m sorry to say that you live in such a rightwing area, and given the power of incumbency, you’re going to continue to be represented by crazy Dianne Harkey.
BUT if I were you, I’d vote for the Democrat anyway, James Corbett, a teacher and writer. Let’s see if I can find his website. If he’s a writer he’d BETTER have one!
Hm… I see he’s been in the news not long ago for making controversial remarks to his classes about religion: http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/2012/02/james_corbett_jesus_glasses_su.php “When you put on your Jesus glasses, you can’t see the truth.” I know what he means, but that won’t help his run!
Don’t see any website for him yet. But there are only two candidates so he won’t need one for a while. Hopefully he gets a little more busy over the summer. I’d vote for him anyway, given the choices.
Oh also I found this: http://ocpolitical.com/2012/02/22/harkey-has-a-familiar-opponent/