Sunday Moyo thought that it was a typical Monday evening. He went into town to party at the Down Town night club, found a lovely girl, paid her $20 for sex and then took her out into a field to receive her favors. Boy was he surprised when he was arrested by police a few minutes later and the hooker had turned herself into a donkey. A straight faced Moyo told the stunned court
“Your worship, I only came to know that I was being intimate with a donkey when I got arrested,” he began.“I had hired a prostitute and paid US$20 for the service at Down Town night club and I don’t know how she then became a donkey.”http://www.newzimbabwe.com/news-6349-Hooker+turns+into+donkey,+court+hears/news.aspx
“I think I am also a donkey. I do not know what happened when I left the bar, but I am seriously in love with [the] donkey.” http://gawker.com/5853736/man-caught-having-sex-with-donkey-claimed-it-was-a-shapeshifting-hooker
This website is more f—-d than f—-d, it’s totally f—-d. Orange County is a land of shallow, lazy c–ts married to shallow, brain bleached women, the ones who sat in the back row at school.
Not me God!
It is Vern Nelson and Esq. Encino’s fault
Hey, I’m not the one paying Willis the big bucks for these enchanting fables!
This was not a fable – this was a real court transcript sent to me from court earlier this week – real life case.
I was referring to your economic policy articles. Ba-da-dump!
(OK — and to this.)
well get this ,,,,A good looking hooker picked me up the
other night,I got into her car and she drove , and then she turned into a Hotel
So you don’t believe in miracles?
Seriously though, this stuff does happen. I’ve seen it.
This sort of frightening story truly gives me the willis!
I hesitate to ask but, .. uhhhh … you’ve exactly what Vern .. and where?
Things just like this story, and similar! All the time.
so this type of behavior is your cup of tea?
I’m just saying, it’s not a guy’s or girl’s fault when their lover shape-shifts. Really, this has never happened to you, skallywag? Let he who is without sin cast the first aspersion.
I was meeting a young woman on a blind date a years ago and when she saw me she turned into a drugstore.
Mr. Diamond,
Sounds like one too many Brompton cocktails. Some of us drink to be more social, and have one more than we should. Then somebody ends up looking like an ass….or donkey.
I thought this article was about a guy that picked up a Tranny in Downtown Santa Ana with a Donkey penis. Guess not.
Rather than develop this into a full joke, I’ll just set this out here and run:
“The Braying Game.”
Well done Mr. Diamond, well done.
Whoa! makes me feel sheepish! LMFAO!!!
Double Indemnity:
You weren’t out of line. The love of Mexican men in Santa Ana for transvestite prostitutes is well known.
Attention, craigslist readers from around the world:
We don’t actually know how Le Dai Khoa knows this, but we consider his business to be his business.
Greg, you actually made me laugh with that one. 🙂
I can’t count the number of times I’ve nearly been hit driving home from work in downtown SA, and just barely escaped being t-boned by some chuntaro rubbernecking at the 10-15 trannys standing at the intersection of Main/15th.
Main & 15th. Gotcha. See you there! 😉
Vern said: “I’m just saying, it’s not a guy’s or girl’s fault when their lover shape-shifts.”
Vern – In case you get lonesome, here are a couple of hot places not too far away where you can hook-up with some wild “party animals.”
Moreno Valley: http://www.rechecanyonburros.com/history.html
Big Bear: http://www.bigbeargrizzly.net/news/article_1a95079b-86e0-5d2f-8ad9-4f9bb2cce163.html
We all bow to your expertise.
How do you think he became a skallywag? That is some sort of human-animal hybrid I believe, the sort that prophet George W Bush warned us of.
So what happened to the donkey?!?
I understand that Jenny the donkey is not going to press charges and rather enjoyed the experience. Although, she would appreciate a bit more foreplay in the future and did recommend Extenz to the perpetrator.
I feel sorry for the feller… all he wanted was a piece of a##!
All right, you win the thread.
Allright I believe you 100%-99.999 dude keep those tabloid post coming the enquirer wants to know
I had an experience with an escort recently, that is somewhat similar. I met with the escort the first time and she was young and beautiful. The second time she appeared 10 years older and asked for my phone number so i gave it to her. She texted me and said i was her best lover and should be an escort for women. We spent a day together and she appeared as her older self. I thought to myself maybe i am crazy maybe i am confused about the escort. I saw her one more time just to verify it for myself. She was absolutely stunning this time and looked fresher and younger than ever. When I arrived at her hotel and knocked. She opened the door wide and appeared younger and fresher than ever with such a fantastic smile and welcoming eyes. I told her i cannot see her anymore. She just stood their in the warm sunlight steaming through the window . I walked out and am still very confused about the incident. I did notice moments where her attitude would be very cold at times and it made me wonder about her. Nothing else would cause me to be suspicious.