Toll Lane Proposal Unites Enemies in Costa Mesa… against HB Mayor Don Hansen!


(E-mail ALL the OCTA Board Members by clicking HERE.)

No city in Orange County has suffered more from warring political factions than Costa Mesa.  Local Republican Party leaders boast that this city is Ground Zero in a war to demolish local government as we know it.

So it’s noteworthy when  a representative from a neighboring city can unite all the various factions in Costa Mesa, at least on one issue for one night.

The Man Who Would Be The Next Moorlach: Toll-Road lover and HB mayor Don Hansen.

Unfortunately for Huntington Beach Mayor Don Hansen, one of Costa Mesa’s representatives on the OCTA board, what united everyone was their opposition to his support for putting toll lanes on the 405 Freeway.

Hansen showed up at the Costa Mesa City Council meeting to plead with the City not to adopt their resolution opposing OCTA’s “alternative 3,” which would subsidize construction of two “Express” toll lanes with over a billion dollars that was promised for freeways. As quoted in the Daily Pilot,

Huntington Beach Mayor Don Hansen, who is Costa Mesa’s representative on the OCTA board, said residents need to think about the rest of the county.

“I completely understand construction fatigue,” Hansen said, but he cautioned that formally opposing any constructive alternative now was premature.

But every public speaker opposed the toll lanes, and the Council had a rare unanimous vote on this issue.

It’s rumored that Hansen has his eyes set on running for Supervisor when The Moorlach is termed out.  Does this nasty little ideologue really want to run a political campaign after supporting tolls on the 405 and betraying the promises made to the voters during the Measure M renewal campaign?  This certainly may endear him some major campaign contributors, like toll road operator Cofiroute USA, but it’s a death knell with anti-tax voters.

And speaking of The Moorlach, where was this Costa Mesa denizen last night?  The  Moorlach seems to be able to show up at just about any event in Costa Mesa, even 2010’s celebrated “Stink-Eye” investigation.  As a County Supervisor, the Moorlach also sits on the OCTA board, which will make the final recommendation on the preferred local alternative.  Moorlach was on hand at the Huntington Beach community meeting trying to breathe life into building the wildly unpopular 19th Street bridge.  Yet he could not bring himself to show up and listen to residents in public comments.

Any sightings?  No?

Our Coverage Thus Far:

AND NOW, somebody has created the excellent…

No 405 Tolls.Com!

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