Gary Headrick with the San Clemente Greens sent me an email last week about the up coming Doheny Surf Festival, but I had way too much going on and was not able to write about it. I sincerely apologize for that, and promise to do better next time. If you don’t know what the festival is about, they basically raise money for the State Parks.
San Clemente Greens was scheduled to have a booth there until the organizers found out they were going to pass out information about San Onofore Nuclear Reactor. Headwick was told this is a family event and their agenda was not really family oriented. The event flyer touted themselves as a ‘green’ event but I guess they meant “touchy feely green.” No talking about broken reactors at this event! Got to keep up that fake, “everything is ok in sunny Southern California image!”
If you ask me, I think someone from San Onofere found out and tried to put the kibbosh on the San Clemente Greens. In case you have been living in a cave this last year, San Onofore has some big problems and it needs to stay closed. Why? Because the persons in charge are not as honest as we would like about what is going on at the plant. I mean problems big enough that could force 8.4 million people to look for new homes kind of problems.
But, thinking outside the box and not being willing to take “no” for an answer, Headrick put up a tent thirty feet away from the festival — that way, no one would think he was part of their family fun. At the moment, there is no California State or Orange County law stopping someone from erecting a tent on the beach, so up went the tent and they achieved their goal. They gave away 500 Frisbees and recruited many more people to their cause. See what will power will do?
There is still lots of work to do to make sure San Onofore stays closed. I am sure you heard about the huge fire at the refinery in Richmond that sent thousands of residents to the hospital. Can you imagine that happening at the nuclear reactor just down the road?
On a related topic the newly appointed Nuclear Chief and geologist, Allison M. MacFarlane has serious concerns about nuclear reactors and earthquakes:
We just had two quakes a couple of weeks ago to remind us of that fact. Luckily they were moderate with epicenters was Yorba Linda — but what if they weren’t?
There is always a need for volunteers. To find out how you can help go to: San Clemente Greens or San Onofore Safety.
*The important thing – is to make sure either the NRC, California Regulatory, PUC or Edison itself…..sets up a site ….as was and is done in Japan – that monitors air, water and land radiation levels in real-time – within a mile of the facility. The Japanese have
a web site that anyone can go to and observe historical highs, lows and current readings. This should be mandatory for all Nuclear Facilities – everywhere!
Remember OC, we’re all in the radiation zone if San Onofre melts down or has a radiation leak. The plant is already past its planned 40 year lifespan anyway. Close it down now. We’re California, we have all the sun we need for solar power.
Matt, Ron and Anna,
Gary is available to help meet with city council and mayors in OC. Contact him to help set up meeting. Its up to us to make our representatives aware of this issue. They won’t think about it themselves.
*Matt – Decommissioning takes years……to accomplish. In the meantime, we should
have some monitoring….ya think?
Ron and Anna,
It needs to stay closed. No one knows what will happen if its started up again. Even Edison says they have no idea. It is still unstable.