For younger readers, that’s then-Texas Governor John Connolly in the front seat and neither he nor the President actually had translucent skin, among other discrepancies. (JFK assassination reconstruction from website http://www.mlive.com/entertainment/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2009/05/kafi_animator_dale_myers_talks.html.)
About 1000 books have been written about the assassination of JFK. Young kids today are even getting too old or to know about or remember the Oliver Stone movie “JFK”. Those of us old enough to remember comedian and satirist Mort Sahl who in early 1964 came out and said that the JFK killing “was bigger than US Steel” have nothing but some very faded memories. The issues of whether Sam Giancana Crime Boss was paid off by LBJ to do the deed, whether Fidel Castro actually had a hand in the huge conspiracy, the odd-ball immediate arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, an ex- Marine Expert Marksman, someone who could visit Moscow right after the debacle of our U-2 Spy Flight with Francis Gary Powers; Oswald, who marries a Russian girl and brings her back to the United States at the height of the Cold War, meets with an elected Mexican Official, then becomes a Right Wing activist for a Free Cuba! Lee Harvey Oswald who was under such bad security by the Dallas Police that a local Strip Club Owner Jack Ruby was able to shoot him dead within hours of his arrest. The famous quote by Oswald “I’m just a patsy!” Oswald meeting with various FBI agents and US Government CIA Officials in Mexico City a few months before the assassination.
The rumors and stories that Hollywood movies moguls created complete Movie sets in the mountains of Chihuahua, Mexico of Daly Plaza and how a CIA assasination team practices for several weeks before JFK and Jackie got off the plane in Dallas. The use of a $12 dollar, mail-order Italian rifle that was both bolt action and known for being inaccurate! The strange death of Marilyn Monroe a few months before JFK’s killing.
The point of all this is that Bill O’Reilly is a hopeless, self aggrandizing mouth-piece for the same people that might have or were responsible for a variety of odd-ball characatures. What do you call someone who writes lies, misrepresentations, tainted evidence, poor analogies and lots and lots of BS! Primarily we call that a book we probably won’t be buying anytime soon! Where is your new evidence O’Reilly? Name your sources! All of them! Who paid you to write this tripe?
Finally, how about the timing of the release of a book about JFK? Was your fish-wrap approved by the Kennedy Family? If you want to buy it why would we want to stop anyone from doing so? At least now you know what kind of nonsense you will be getting. O[‘Reilly has been hawking his wares on the View, CBS Morning News with Charlie Rose and anywhere he can get television face time. He might be able to do a quick cameo on Dancing with the Stars!
Bill O Reilly’s Books | Amazon.com
Ain’t no Conspiracy….nah!! We think it was a huge conspiracy, that oddly enough people like the late Arlen Specter, Chief Justic Earl Warren and about another 1000 folks were all part of – including LBJ. We still vividly remember the hundreds of eye-witnesses in Daly Plaza that made their thoughts and observations known to the FBI and all died mysteriously within 18 months of the assasination. No, Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK alone, unless of course he along with several others were paid to do so and then were unceremoniously “taken out” shortly there-after!
News Flash:
The big news is that we voted yesterday at the Registrar of Voters. They were open til midnight and you could register and vote while still in your car! Don’t forget to bring your sample ballot with you – if you want to vote early!
“.. mail-order Italian rifle that was both bolt action and known for being inaccurate!”
Ronald Simmons, of the Army’s Ballistics Research Laboratory, bench tested Oswald’s rifle for the Warren Commission, and found the dispersion to be .29 mils — a figure typical for high-powered rifles — and described it as “quite accurate” (3H442-443).
Bolt action rifles are VERY accurate and are perfered by snipers. – I know, I own several of them. I have been to the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository and have lined up Oswald’s shots from there. ANYONE with a minimal amount of practice and training could have made those shots quite easily. Kennedy was a sitting duck – for Oswald.
That is just ONE example of your many inaccuracies, misinformation, speculation and idiotic rumoring.
*Being that you are not the last word in “Ballistic Testing” we will take your nonsense with a severe grain of salt. At the time, Mechanics Illustrated had the Mannlicher- Carcano Carbines on sale by mail order for $12.95 in 1961 ….for select hand picked models. At the time, a legit Winchester model 70 which was used for most Sniper Operations in the world with a Weaver High Power Scope ran out for about $150 dollars for the rifle and another $80 bucks for scope.
Let’s just say the Italian cheap rifle was never used in World War II….they used the German K98’s which were very reliable and accurate. The famous term of World War II…”Used Itallian Rifles…..never fired….only dropped once!”
*Let’s just say Bill O’Reilly didn’t know any of this …..
I should know better than to debate with …………….
By midnight of November 22, 1963, the Dallas police had solved the crime of the century by arresting Lee Oswald for the murders of Kennedy and Tippit. Final confirmation arrived the next day when the Dallas cops linked the murder weapon to Oswald (sales receipt, finger prints, and matching serial numbers). The Warren Commission agreed, because the case against Oswald was really that simple. Since then, no evidence of any other perpetrators has emerged. Let me repeat that: No evidence of any other perpetrators has emerged. By anyone. Ever. Period. The assassination was a fourth-rate crime committed against a first-rate victim. Case closed.
*Guess you never saw the Zubruder film? Guess you think and believe everything you read in the newspaper? Guess you should buy 10 O’Reilly books and give them away for Christmas to your 10 closest friends.
No, I didn’t see the “Zubruder” film. I saw the Zapruder film showing JFK get shot. So OK, where’s the evidence I asked for?
*Anita…..you live in your dream world and we wil live in ours! How do we have so many
“Ballistic Experts”. Arlen Specter was able to create all his years of service through one basic assumption: The “Single Bullet Theory”! It reminds us a lot of Mitt Romney’s
Foreign Policy Binder!. If you ever have any curiosity in your soul….watch a great
movie with Treat Williams and Kris Kristofferson called “Flash Point”…a little known
made for TV movie that told what really happened.
Guess you voted for LBJ…eh?
single bullet theory reminds me of NOBAMA = full of hot air
According to the Single Bullet Theory, a three-centimeter (1.2″)-long copper-jacketed lead-core 6.5-millimeter rifle bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository passed through President Kennedy’s neck and Governor Connally’s chest and wrist and embedded itself in the Governor’s thigh. If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas, after the assassination. The Warren Commission found that this gurney was the one that had borne Governor Connally.[3] This bullet became a key Commission exhibit, identified as CE 399. Its copper jacket was completely intact. While the bullet’s nose appeared normal, the tail was compressed laterally on one side.
In its conclusion, the Warren Commission found “persuasive evidence from the experts” that a single bullet caused the President’s neck wound and all the wounds in Governor Connally.[4] It acknowledged that there was a “difference of opinion” among members of the Commission “as to this probability”, but stated that the theory was not essential to its conclusions and that all members had no doubt that all shots were fired from the sixth floor window of the Depository building.
Makes perfect sense to me.
So you are with the conspiracy theorists, gusano?
Were there cubanos involved? Cuban exiles like some suspect? Were you one of them? How much do you know? I’m sure you hated JFK since he let you down at the Playa Giron (Bay of Pigs.) Hey, what year did you wet-foot-dry-foot over here anyway?
A made-for-TV movie “told what really happened”? A made-for-TV movie? You’ll be citing Oliver Stone next.
I am not saying that there wasn’t a conspiracy to kill Kennedy which included Oswald – but as of now that has not been proven.
After 3 investations and quite a few reinactments, the conclusion has been the same each time.
Little greem men from the far side of the moon did it to stop space exploration and the planned trip to the moon.
*Don’t forget O’Reilly also wrote a book about Lincoln…and thought there was NO Conspiracy there. “The Mystic Lone Gunman”…Theory!!!
Love these folks that say “No Evidence”. Were you there? Did you do some “Independent Investigation” that spent hundreds of thousands of dollars? Did
you interview the folks that were there at Daly Plaza on the day? Did you interview
Jack Ruby before he was killed? Did you interview the Mafia people associated with Ginacana? Did you ever hear Lee Harvey Oswald confess publically to the Assasination of JFK?
Until then….we call all just assume “A single bullet” did the deed!
Internet gasbaggery isn’t evidence—which we’re still waiting for. Haven’t got any? That’s what I thought.
You are totally vacuuous and lack the understanding of “Inter-Disciplinary Thought”. But then, we are very disciplined and can’t stand unsubstanuated speculation. You name the the Conspiracy that you believe in,,,,!!! Come on…..we know you have one…don’t you? Is Romney your hero? We know he is!
I see you’ve now added a plague of commas to your usual plague of periods. But you’re still capitalizing stuff that shouldn’t be, like “Inter-Disciplinary Thought,” whatever the hell that is.
*For the weak of mind…it mean having a mind of your own which can evaluate and understand a variety of materials not usually provided in a standard History Text Book….for example. Period……………………….
The Winships have jumped the shark – it was inevitable.
I think that you just sunk the Winship battleship.
*Anything will sink yours -..but it defintely takes one to know one Demo!
All the critiques of the investigation aside, expecting any kind of accuracy from O’Reilly is like expecting…. I just ran out of metaphors.
Why was this even written? O’Reilly is simply cranking out books with ghostwriters to milk as much money as possible out of his fast-dying fanbase. (His average viewer age is 72. People who still buy books printed on paper, for instance.) How is O’Reilly a factor at all in any kind of scholarship?
Oh I got a good metaphor for having O’Reilly write a book on history…
It’s like having a housepainter do your portrait. Yeah, he can get the lid off of the paint can, and he has brushes, but forget about an accurate representation of who you are.