
A recent tweet from the moron, while we look for a picture of him.
There’s an outbreak of stupidity among men. Watch out.
Read the MSN Article here.
Who wants to start the impeachment petition? I will gladly sign it. Having an idiot from the Republican party, who’s running for office, is one thing– an individual charged with dispensing justice is quite another.
Of course, the honorable thing would be for Mr. Johnson to resign. I won’t hold my breath since he made this statement in 2008.
From the LA Times:
“I’m not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something,” the judge said, according to documents released Thursday. “If someone doesn’t want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage in inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case.
“That tells me that the victim in this case, although she wasn’t necessarily willing, she didn’t put up a fight,” the judge said.
I know nothing about Derek Johnson, but he, his johnson, and his beliefs about the mythical magical rape busting vagina need to go.
For those of you interested in non-binding popular petitions, sign the Change.org petition here.
I think that judge should run in one of those rare Republican dominated assembly districts in our state. Perhaps replace Tim Donnelly or Beth Gaines we need some comedy relief. Or maybe that judge saw too much of that thriller comedy movie about the vagina that kills rapists.
Guys, can we please stay on topic? This is an Orange County blog after all!
Well, I guess I might as well click the link.
Hmmm. What was that dateline?
Oh. Carry on.
(More seriously — a little protest rally wouldn’t be a bad thing here. A big protest rally would be even better. I wonder whether the police would object to people bringing screwdrivers as props. Unheated ones, of course.)
Have we verified the legitimacy of that twitter account, by the way? It seems like a parody. If it’s not….
Is this guy a complete f’ing idiot??? Where do these people come from? Do they just beam in from Mars each morning and beam back each evening? I am a nurse. He is a lawyer. He should start discussing physiology when I start discussing law… If you don’t know what you are talking about, SHUT UP!!!
I KNOW you’re going to flame me (again!)for reading any other OC blog, but thought you might find two points from my OCW response interesting (I happened to be there when I found out, even if you AGAIN scooped the!)
A net search ….. turned up the following – According to smart voter.org 2008, Election results, Johnson was ONE OF 30 O.C. Judges assuming the bench, WITHOUT SO MUCH AS AN ELECTION, being THE ONLY ONE to step forward and apply for the post! The voters cannot be blamed for a decision THEY NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO MAKE, but those of us still having a functioning sense of smell, can add Judicial Elections (Besides fallout from the Prop 14 ‘Top 2’ Primary) for reasons CA SUCKS. It might be also interesting to note, this SAME ‘Judge’ claimed ‘Festivus’ (Yes, the Seinfeld ‘Holiday’) as grounds(AFTER drawing a blank and soliciting DEFENSE suggestions!) as religious grounds for granting a prisoners (extra cost) special dietary requests! See- http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/calif._judge_okd_seinfelds_festivus_as_legitimate_religion_ordered_special_/
Is it only LUCK that we have not heard similar things about the other 29, who merely STEPPED INTO OFFICE?
I had previously asked Augusto Arellano about shining more light on our dysfuntional-to-the-extreme ‘judicial’ system, instead of the Octomom, etc.- – -NOW I’M SCREAMING!……..(OK, Burners on!……)
I don’t remember ever “flaming” you for reading other blogs – it’s the best way to appreciate ours! And sometimes we miss what goes on over yonder so we rely on our readers’ reports. And thanks for the interesting research.
Sounds like Moxley was at the actual 2008 hearing when Johnson said this, and gave an outraged report back then, so he pretty much beats us anyway. Pics of Johnson are as hard to come by as picks of Moxley as well.
We think: Wow, judges were saying this crazy shit before Republican politicians started doing it on TV this year. How long have these theories been around? And where did they get them? What “science” do they read?
And then we think, this IS a little different from Akin and Mourdoch, who were grasping for ways to make ABORTION harder to get, to weaken the rape exception. THIS judge was apparently using these wacky theories just to justify giving a rapist a lighter sentence. Which is worse, I cannot say.
“I know nothing about Derek Johnson, but he, his johnson, and his beliefs about the mythical magical rape busting vagina need to go”………… Hmmmmm
I must agree with the Judge!
I have personally encountered “the mythical magical sex busting vagina”.
No, the kind you encountered only works on limp Czechs.
as i hope greg will agree, almost every judge over in santa ana, fullerton, south county, westminster and harbor have, at one time or another, said something very stupid or made a ruling that leaves one shaking one’s head. overall, however, derrick is not that bad of a judge
I’ve never met Judge Johnson and know him only by name. (I’d like to think that the “now the godless socialists will twist my words” tweet today came from a parody account, in which case I’d like to say to the author of which: “too soon.”) So I can’t evaluate him beyond this, but this does strike me as more than garden-variety stupid. It’s heinous. I’ve heard this sort of thing in a few other contexts, one of which is — Stanley, please don’t respond to this — that if the Jews had not wanted the Holocaust to happen (for our own nefarious purposes) we could readily have found a way to shut it down (we being supernatural lords of the underworld and all.)
Maybe I could be objective about it on a different day. Not today. My reaction today is that based on this he’d be an automatic ding for cause, especially if I had a female plaintiff, and double especially if it were a sexual harassment or discrimination suit.
first, i thought you were the supernatural lord of the underworld and, second, what are you doing up at 1:30 in the morning.
truth be told, about three fifths of the judges over there should be dings for cause every time and in the context of your two examples, i would probably ding johnson as well. but again, one stupid ruling/comment does not a bad judge make
I think the twitter is a parody account…
That would be nice. I hope that it gets shut down.