The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery

“”Why don’t they just rise up and kill the whites?”, asks Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in *Django Unchained*. Maybe it’s because they knew that the slave patrols, aka state-based “well-regulated militias,” would violently prevent it? (Image from:
Commentator Thom Hartmann posted a column in January, based on the research of Carl T. Bogus, arguing that the Second Amendment was ratified to preserve slavery by ensuring that states could provide for militias that they could force white citizens to join in order to capture runaway slaves and prevent a slave revolt. (There were exceptions to mandatory service for critical professions such as judges and bloggers.)
I just came across the article again again and decided that it will surely provide us fodder for a rollicking discussion this weekend. Give it a read — maybe 10-15 minutes — then come back. (If you don’t, then the discussion will be full solely of people who disagree with you. You don’t want that, do you?) Here’s a taste:
The real reason the Second Amendment was ratified, and why it says “State” instead of “Country” (the Framers knew the difference – see the 10th Amendment), was to preserve the slave patrol militias in the southern states, which was necessary to get Virginia’s vote. Founders Patrick Henry, George Mason, and James Madison were totally clear on that . . . and we all should be too.
I suspect that a lot of RKBA (aka “pro-gun”) activists will take offense at this. I probably would be, in their place. And yet, in a way that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Is the slave-holding history of our nation — the fossils of which are imprinted all over our Constitution — by now some sort of surprise to us? Look at the compromises embedded in our nation’s founding: if true, is this really any sort of surprise? The surprise, rather, is that we don’t hear about this. Either fact or (at worst) theory, it’s more plausible than many ideas that are part of the public discourse.
I’m having to skip a lot here that I’d rather not (e.g., about the example of Georgia, about Django Unchained), but I’ll skip ahead to some of the constitutional history itself:
[The Southerners’] main concern was that Article 1, Section 8 of the newly-proposed Constitution, which gave the federal government the power to raise and supervise a militia, could also allow that federal militia to subsume their state militias and change them from slavery-enforcing institutions into something that could even, one day, free the slaves.
This was not an imagined threat. Famously, 12 years earlier, during the lead-up to the Revolutionary War, Lord Dunsmore offered freedom to slaves who could escape and join his forces. “Liberty to Slaves” was stitched onto their jacket pocket flaps. During the War, British General Henry Clinton extended the practice in 1779. And numerous freed slaves served in General Washington’s army.
Patrick Henry is quoted as stating to Virginia’s decisive ratifying convention:
“If the country be invaded, a state may go to war, but cannot suppress [slave] insurrections [under this new Constitution]. If there should happen an insurrection of slaves, the country cannot be said to be invaded. They cannot, therefore, suppress it without the interposition of Congress . . . . Congress, and Congress only [under this new Constitution], can call forth the militia.”
Wild stuff. Makes a tremendous amount of sense, though. But here’s the thing: I taught American Government classes and never recall seeing this in a textbook — or hearing it in any discussion before reading this article. Google only gives {“second amendment” “slavery”} 145,000 results, which is small beans for a gun-related issue. Is this something that RKBA advocates know but the rest of us don’t? Or is this something that not even most RKBA advocates know?
To me, by the way, even if the Second Amendment started as a collective right reserved for states — that “being necessary to the security of a free state,” it says — that doesn’t mean that it’s not also an individual right for at least the sorts of limited self-defense and home-security protection purposes that Justice Scalia set forth in the Heller decision. But it does suggest that the individual right it’s not quite so constitutionally immune to prudent regulation.
Read the whole thing! This is your Weekend Open Thread: talk about this or something else, whatever you’d like within broad bounds of decency and decorum.
DEARTHWATCH, 4/5/13:, global rank: 5,994
That’s a gain of 27 slots since the wonderwall went into effect!
Is it people using their 7-day passes to rifle through the Register’s archive?
Or is it people trying to check out (successfully or not) their coverage of the Trabuco hikers?
Or is it people being bounced to a different page when they check out an article being counted twice?
We probably won’t have a good idea of how it’s paying off for another week or more. One thought to keep in mind: making one’s product into an object of conspicuous consumption is not that bad of a bet in OC! (At least until people figure out that it’s still the Register. You could charge $45,000 for a Kia and it’s still a Kia.)
Meanwhile, hurtled forward from 787,536th place to a rank of 773,356, suggesting that perhaps the Trabuco Canyon story helped local media generally. The rise of from 38,089 to 37,645 tends to confirm this.
The rise of, which did not cover the story, from 1,280,541 to 1,250,230 suggests that it may be a more general effect than just the story of the rescue. (Or perhaps people did look there — and didn’t find it. A view is still a view.)
That, which also did not cover the story, fell from 1,200,608 to 1,253,613rd place suggests the opposite conclusion, however. There are other possibilities, though, including that not every site will benefit from would-be “freeloading” Register readers.
Obviously, it is easier to move up or down when one is in the lower rankings, where that may represent just a handful of views, then in the higher ones, where changing a rank may require a substantial change in hits for one’s site (or those of one’s competitors.).
OK, is anyone else getting banner an ad for “Click here to view your arrest record now,” or is it just me? Did one of you turn me in for something?
I get them all the time.
That’s interest based advertising.
Your computer is ratting you out on what you’re clicking on. You might want to cut down on the Death Row Google searches.
In Madison’s first draft of the 2nd Ammendment it says “but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person.” They took that part out for good reason. That part would get me going to church.
Anybody else questioning research done by a guy named Bogus ?
Of course gun owners want to protect themselves from brown people! Brown people are scarey because — their brown people! And if the brown people aren’t around at the moment, they need as many guns and bullets they can carry in their knuckle dragging hands because they are afraid the government will try to take away their lunchables and 32 ounce sodas…there will be a disaster! and the government WON’T protect them from looters trying to steal their lunchables.
They need guns to protect the 10 cases of lunchables they have stored inside their 10×15 underground bunker from looters.
A meteorite might crash into their trailer park, and looters will want to steal their lunchables and take advantage of their toothless, mustashed wives.
Haven’t you watched an episode of Preppers? They will explain the whole thing! If you don’t have cable, read Revelations.. “And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years”. He is clearly talking about Obama! We need MORE guns because Obama is coming to get them because he’s pissed off about the slave thing.
They’re also afraid of Zombies. Be afraid!
White man need big guns to suppress big black guns. Oh.K.
Try reading it a little more critically.
*Uncle Tom’s Cabin……Harriet Beecher Stowe….Topsy….Simon Legree……the Underground Railroad, the Mason-Dixon Line, 54’40 or Fight……..yep…..the Slavery issue has been around a while. As usual there were good Slave Owners and some very bad ones. Much like the bosses today that hire illegal immigrants and push them around as well. These are all not issues of love and light. There is little doubt that when hurricaines buffeted the coast of the Carolinas and tobacco had to be harvested that it probably took the point of a gun to keep slaves on the job.
During the days of the Bracero program here in California, those that asked for higher
wages, better food or better working conditions…….”got the treatment”. Some were simply beaten into submission. Some were put into special quonset huts to be gassed with DDT……which either killed them outright or caused cancer the following year.
Man’s inhumanity to man is historic. The Germans were kind too. They simply used the point of the gun or gassed those they needed for slave labor. One thing for sure,
with over 300 million guns in the United States……..they now have to use other forms of slavery on the people of the United States.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’s_Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel “helped lay the …
*Huh? 54’40 or Fight?
It’s a pretty important piece of American history — another work of the Mad President James K. Polk.
(Ron was there at the time, so he remembers!)
Good reference to raise in this context.
I know the reference, but what’s the disputes over our northwestern border with Canada have to do with slavery and the Second Amendment? A real stretch at best…
Don’t analyze it too hard. Just trust the Winships, man….
* was the Missour Compromise….one of the innane options that made Kansas Slave and Missouri full of it. The forebears came from
Missouri….”The show me state…ya know?”
Anyway, when Andrew Jackson secretly sent Davy Crockett to the Alamo in order to secure our southern United States from Mexico……Jackson had already sent all the Cherokees to Oklahoma and moved them by force of arms on the “Trail of Tears”…..just practice for the Civil War…ya know?
OK, Diamond has it all right…….the issues are bigger than any specific
event in the chain of events and our grander “Manifest Destiny”. How in the world did we get Alaska again? Because those Russians on the Russian River were scaring the living daylights out of us. Just building the Continental Railroad was shocking enough…having to put up with Chinese occupation……..had people upset for years. It was so bad….that
the “Opium Dens” of SF and Los Angeles were pushing our 20’s folks into the SpeakEasys – to make sure husbands were just getting the clap from white girls.
Racism…….it spans the globe….not just here in the good old U S of A.
Look at Rwuanda and Sudan…….it gets downright tribal at times. Racism that is…..
* Oh.
sitting here on the porch of our home on the savannah river, i read your post with interest. and, i will have to disagree with its premise. guns are not needed to keep our working population in line. why, just twenty minutes ago, leroy, who has been with the family for years, brought me one of the best glasses of lemonade i have ever tasted. and the boys and girls in the field, planting those sweet summer chick peas, why they have never complained, which is why on friday, they get some extra catfish for dinner,
you need to get out of the liberal politically correct bubble you live in and see how we all do it in the rest of the country. genteel
You think that’s lemonade ?
You should get off the farm and see a movie called “The Help.”
That reminds me, willie — have you updated your form in file with the Orange Juice Blog’s “Frequent Commenters Club” yet? I don’t recall us having your emergency contact information included there — and we really should.
I’m not saying that for any particular reason.
i think that you are trying to get me to register my contact information so when you and your friends in the black helicopeters come to take away my computer, you will know where to find me,,,,,i am on to your commie tricks
Absurd. I don’t let my friends use the black helicopters.
that makes sense, and since you are an attorney, i know that i can trust you,,,so here goes….
my name is ruben sano and, like vern, i am a musician. i am in a band called ruben and the jets and, in addition to our extensive touring obligations, we hold down the regular friday night spot at the El Monte American Legion Hall in Pacomia every other thursday night. the best place to get me, for an emergency blog or wedding is at my mom’s house in pelican hill (we are two doors down from kobe).
after spending my formative years in havana studying under raul castro and che gueverra, i worked for the pinochet regime in chile helping match japanese anarchists with islamic fundamentalists, the result of which is north korea
any other questions
Heh — I OWN a copy Zappa’s “Ruben and the Jets” album.
The moral of this story is to not allow slaves to have guns. I am not a slave and I do not intend to become a slave. I shall therefore retain and fortify my arsenal of guns. Thanks for the heads-up.
“The moral of this story is to not allow slaves to have guns.”
Uh, I think I have to stop you right there. What?
If I had slaves I would not allow them to have guns – makes sense.
Is that the only reason why you might not want to allow someone to have a gun — or, more to the point, not to have an unrestricted right to as much of the type of munitions as they might like? It only applies to slaves?
“If I had slaves I would…..”
I don’t think that I’ve ever started a sentence that way.
Just trying to think in the context of the time … and make a point.
How much if any fact checking did you do on the original story you are quoting?
There is SO much of it that frankly twists many of the quotes to show meaning that was not intended when the entire debate text is examined.
Do please identify them.
The Racist Roots of Gun Control
The Racist History of the Democratic Party
Is this story a little more balanced now?
If were in the Civil War era, I’d be a Republican. At some point, though, the parties switched roles on civil rights. That’s why so many racists moved to the Republican Party, all but a few percent of Blacks left it, and its policies now echo those of the postbellum Democrats. Nice history lesson, though.
Hey, what party did Jesse Helms and Trent Lott and Phil Gramm and Strom Thurmond start with? What did they end up as? Whose “history” do they really represent?
I would still be an independent, constructionist, libertarian who believes the first job of govt is to make the playing field level for all, insuring every individuals Rights were respected.
The Right was placed in the Bill of Rights as a recognition of a preexisting Right and to insure the new federal govt would never remove it. At least from my historical perspective. Many of the states had such inclusion of the Right to Arms. It goes back to the Magna Carta really.
a little on why I feel so defensive…
Cool relation you have their. My family history goes back to the mid-19th century in Russia and then just … stops. Space alien ancestry before that? I can’t prove otherwise.
“Independent constructionist libertarian” is not a party, which is the category of thing that you maligned.
I think you should take Bougus and Hartmann’s argument and evidence more seriously. But, that’s just me.
My family history goes back before the pilgrims – and the first skallywag in North America was the first person in NA to own a slave.
Slaveowner and TORY if I recall correctly. If I were a descendant of Tories I’d probably try to be different from them.
I didn’t malign anyone or anything. I simply provided sources of information regarding racism and history. Basically the same as you did in the title of your posting.
Your source is Bogus and you want me to take it seriously…really?
Reminds me of another BS campaign in the area Arming America by Michael A. Bellesiles.
Or perhaps the completely BS games played by the current head of your party when he was at the Joyce Foundation as a director…
Wait a minute, there’s a connection here! Bogus – Obama – Joyce – HCI/ Brady… There are all connected!
For 8 years Barack Obama was a director for the Joyce Foundation. (1994-2002) During that time the Joyce Foundation was planning and implementing a plan to judicially obliterate the Second Amendment. Carl T. Bogus had been a director of Handgun Control Inc. and on the board of the Joyce Foundation Violence Policy Center. There is substantial evidence that both conspired to undermine the Second Amendment through nefarious means.
As seen in the Heller minority opinions, sometimes the judges rely on law review articles for their basis of opinions. Law review articles are viewed as being impartial, famed for being well cited and because they are supposed to be written on a shoestring because the authors are non compensated students or professors and viewed by many as highly reliable unbiased scholarly writings.
Enter the dark realm of conspiracy –
The Joyce Foundation found that several schools were in need of money. In 1999, about half way through the tenure of our President there, they voted to grant $84,000 to the Chicago-Kent Law Review, a ton of money by law review standards.
In a totally unique situation, (for law reviews) Carl T Bogus, a faculty member from a different school was appointed as editor of the Chicago-Kent Law Review. He in turn solicited articles for the unheard of sum of $5,000 ea., so long as they were undermining the Second Amendment. Word got around and another professor from Boston U, Randy Barnett, volunteered to write in defense of the individual Right to Arms. Bogus refused, saying, “sometimes a more balanced debate is best served by an unbalanced symposium.”
Prof. James Lindgren, a former Chicago-Kent faculty member, said that when Barnett sought an explanation he “was given conflicting reasons, but the opposition of the Joyce Foundation was one that surfaced at some time.” Joyce had bought a veto power over the review’s content!
The Joyce Foundation even had the balls to complain to the school later when there was to be a discussion of the Second Amendment on campus by other professors. Glen Reynolds later recalled that Joyce staffers “objected strenuously” protesting that the foundation was being cheated by the “agenda of balance” of the scheduled symposium. Joyce went on to Fordham Law Review and did pretty much the same.
The plan seemed to be effective, one court, in the course of ruling that there was no individual Right, cited the Chicago-Kent article 8 times! Then in 2001 a federal Court of Appeals in Texas determined that the Second Amendment was an individual Right.
The Joyce Foundation board (including Obama) responded by expanding it’s program. It opened the Second Amendment Research Center at Ohio State University, headed by Saul Cornell with $400,000 put up by the Joyce Foundation. In announcing the grant the OSU magazine, Making History, made clear that the purpose was to influence future Supreme Court rulings!
The Center went on to publish articles denying an individual Right, but that wasn’t all they were up to. The OSU connection now gave the Joyce Foundation cover and conveyance to launder money to other institutions without direct connections.
The Center decided to buy an issue of the Stanford Law Review for $125,000. All that the Law Review editors knew was that for the breath taking amount, they also got the “very helpful Prof. Cornell that organized the issue.” They were latter embarrassed enough to also publish an open letter on the entire affair and changed the policy of the Stanford Law Review, in that, they no longer would accept sponsorships, but still claimed that they had “had editorial review over the final publication.” Those signing that open letter were not there when that issue of the Review was published however, so how could they be certain?
The Joyce Foundation directorates almost succeeded in their plans. The Heller decisions dissenting arguments actually quoted one of the articles which misled them on some critical historical documents, that they then quoted as their arguments against Heller.
Thom Hartman, the man who wrote the article you posted about, is sort of the lefts’ version of Rush Limbaugh.
Frankly both of them shoot from the hip and I don’t trust either of them to be accurate.
Vern – No Tories in the family that I am aware of. French Canadian heritage -defended Quebec City from Revolutionary American invasion.
billie the mountain never had to use a gun
Great article. It appears historically conclusive. Now I have something airtight to say when foreigners ask me how we got into the whole gun mess.