
Councilmembers Lucille Kring (left) and Jordan Brandman (right), with their choice for Districting Commission, the tireless immigrant basher Amanda Edinger.
Save Anaheim‘s Jason had the bombshell scoop this morning, the morning of this evening’s final Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting, where the Council’s appointees will vote on whether to recommend switching to district elections or not:
What Jason has come across is a large number of Facebook postings from the page of Amanda Edinger, who was Councilmember Jordan Brandman‘s and Lucille Kring’s joint appointee to the commission – postings which show her to have an unhealthy obsession with – that is, against – our immigrant brothers and sisters.
I generally don’t give much credence to “journalism” which rags on one or two stupid or insensitive Facebook posts from somebody – but illegal immigration appears to be a real overriding obsession with Amanda. All the time. It’s been a pattern with her. As far back as we can see.
My first thought was “Are these posts from 2010 or thereabouts?” Not that it would make them any less ignorant or objectionable, but back in 2010 they WOULD put her in the mainstream of Orange County Republican “thinking” – that was the year of Allan Mansoor‘s and Tim Donnelly‘s ascension to Assembly, the proud but failed anti-Latino congressional campaign of Tan Nguyen, and Sheriff-hopeful Bill Hunt‘s bringing brutal, corrupt Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio out here TWICE to raise funds for him. (Sez Edinger, “I support Sheriff Joe!”) At that time, locally, the Tea Party developed a noxious nativist strain, and made inroads into the county’s Republican Party. But since then, seeing the writing on the wall, local and national Republicans have MOSTLY moved away from immigrant-bashing, and have been making (somewhat half-assed) attempts to appeal to Latinos.
¡PERO, NO! These Facebook rantings of Amanda Edinger are from THE PAST FEW MONTHS. She has REMAINED in Minuteman world, it’s where she’s comfortable. And Lucille Kring and Jordan Brandman chose HER to be their representative on the districting commission. Hmmmm…
Yeah, well, what did she say? Did it make any sense?
Most notablty, Amanda Edinger is obsessed with the idea of ending “birthright citizenship” – so that no longer does a person acquire US citizenship by being born in this country. This radical vision, popular with the nativist fringe of the Tea Party, would entail amending our Constitution to gut the 14th Amendment, which states
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
A big fuckin’ deal, amending the Constitution. But to people who find certain of our immigrants as objectionable as Amanda Edinger and her ilk do, this is a project WELL WORTH that effort. Just to keep certain people OUT of America. Living in and writing from 51% Latino Anaheim, we have a very good idea whom Amanda Edinger finds undesirable.
Another gem from Amanda Edinger’s Facebook page: The supremely ignorant “Where is the border security promised us in 1986?” (The year of Reagan’s amnesty.) Anyone who reads the news knows that President Obama has made the border as secure as humanly possible, with record numbers of Border Patrol agents down there as well as record numbers of deportations, and that thanks to these efforts (as well as economic factors) immigration from Mexico has dropped to NET ZERO.
The only folks who are ignorant of this, and react with incredulity when confronted with these facts, are folks who surround themselves with like-minded anti-immigrant zealots, and wallpaper their lives with anti-immigrant propaganda so nothing contradictory can enter their bubble. The facts are just counter-intuitive to people like Amanda Edinger; all they know is they look out their front door and still see people who look or sound Mexican. And that is not good, not the America they know or want.
Jason’s got plenty more of her rantings, let’s move on…
How Bad IS this, for a Districting CAC Commissioner?
Pretty bad, I think. The mission the Council gave to the CAC was not just to determine whether dividing the huge city into districts is the right solution for the presumed problem of voter disfranchisement (in a 51% Latino town) but also:
…to promote the full participation of all residents, neighborhoods, community groups and ethnic groups in studying the City’s electoral system. The Committee will provide advice to the City Council on promoting the full participation of all voters in city elections, including recommendations on:
- Potential changes in the City’s election systems, including election by district;
- How to encourage voter registration;
- How to identify and engage community groups in elections and in local government decision making;
- Language assistance programs; and
- Other techniques to promote full participation in the electoral process.
How can someone with such an animus against half the city’s residents be seriously expected to do anything but SABOTAGE the above noble goals? (I assume it goes without saying that Amanda Edinger has voted to recommend AGAINST district elections.)
AND WHAT WERE BRANDMAN AND KRING THINKING? I’ve got a call into Lucille Kring, who used to speak to me regularly, until in late February she shapeshifted like a werewolf. Has she received orders from above, not to speak with Vern any more? I’ll keep trying, or she can call me. I’d like to ask her, what was it about Amanda that won her over? How many applicants did she and Jordan choose from, and did Jordan have much of a say? Does Lucille agree with Amanda’s ravings? (Actually she probably does.)
What I probably won’t receive confirmation of is my suspicion that Amanda Edinger was neither the choice of Kring NOR Brandman, but of the puppetmaster who commands them both (and commands them both not to speak to me) – the ubiquitous Curt Pringle, who will forever be remembered for placing poll guards at Anaheim polling places to intimidate Latinos from casting their votes.
Matt Cunningham, the anti-reformers’ paid shill on the blogosphere, has flown into a comical panic over these revelations. His first instinct has been to insist that everything Amanda Edinger has written is completely mainstream and the opinions of the majority of Anaheim citizens (although he’s not entirely sure he personally agrees with her, and look at this bad thing someone on the other side put on their Facebook once!) I highly doubt most Anaheimers want to amend the Constitution to strip citizenship from people born in the great United States. And I highly doubt that most Anaheimers of ANY race spend MOST of their time fretting about how best to keep Mexicans from coming over here, assimiliating, and joining this wonderful city and nation.
But Matt’s main tactic in preventing district elections has been to link it to the liberal goals of many of districting’s advocates – OCCORD, some unions – who would also like to have a living wage in Anaheim, a $1 gate tax at Disneyland for the communities’ needs, and an end to corporate welfare. So naturally, by Matt’s logic, conservatives should line up AGAINST district elections, just to oppose these dangerous liberal ideas!
It’s bullshit spin of course, MANY Anaheim conservatives endorse the heightened democracy of district elections. But seeing Amanda Edinger’s Facebook posts, we could flip Matt’s logic – maybe many if not most of districting’s opponents just fear and loathe Latinos and increased Latino power, like Amanda does. Maybe keeping the status quo and just saying NO to district elections is the best way to KEEP THE BROWN MAN DOWN.
Ya think?
Well, Ryan, well said, except … I don’t know what Party Ms. Edinger belongs to, and didn’t mean to suggest she’s Republican. I would bet she is, but she might not be.
In Anaheim, some of districting’s greatest supporters, some of democracy’s greatest supporters, some of the Latino community’s biggest supporters, are Republicans.
While all we Dems can boast of on the Anaheim council is Jordan Brandman, who CHOSE this woman as his appointee.
So don’t feel TOO bad for your Party!
Since Ryan’s into giving odds lately, I bet he’d give you good odds she’s a Republican.
Ick, Ick, Ick.
I hope that Brandman explains that he didn’t know about this, is mortified, etc., and that he removes her from the Commission. The Democratic Party cannot afford any truck with this.
Kring should do the same, but I leave it to Republicans of good faith to lean on her to do so. Not knowing about this ahead of time is one thing; not reacting to it once it becomes known is far worse.
The committee finishes its work tonight and is no more Greg.
Still, that IS a comical thought, Jordan doing something ballsy and principled. If we’re laying odds, mine would be on Jordan saying, “I don’t agree with her, but she is her own person.” And washing his hands.
Well, I’m glad he washes his hands. That’s something, anyway.
I do hope that he explains why he chose her and what due diligence he did. I’m omitting a “Wikipedia research” joke here.
Ryan: Really? You’re going to pop off like that on the basis of what an idiot like Jason Young writes? You know next to nothing about Amanda Edinger, and yet you pronounce that she’s the reason the GOP is losing with Latinos?
I expect that kind of laziness from Vern, but not from you.
She’s REPRESENTATIVE of one reason the GOP is losing voters.
That work better for ya?
You might have a point IF she is a Republican, but I doubt you’ve bothered to find that out.
Oh no, I bothered to find out.
On one of her Facebook comments, she describes Rand Paul as a “sellout”. Who, or what, does she think Mr. Paul sold out?
In a comment on a post regarding birthright citizenship, she asks “So why aren’t more Republicans on this bandwagon?”
I’m convinced. And you’re blind (not to mention lacking in objectivity).
On top of all that, she doesn’t NEED to be a Republican to have her views be representative of the party at large…that train has already left the station.
Considering that you’re the guy who spun on a forty-part series on OCCORD’s SINISTER WEB OF POLITICAL CONNECTIONS!!!1! based on stuff you managed to scrape off of various peoples’ Facebook pages, your sense of indignation is rich.
Did you bother to investigate the true political leanings of that one college student/former OCCORD organizer with the Hugo Chavez picture on her Facebook page, or did you just assume that she was a socialist pinko commie? Why, I’d bet that she’s actually a moderate Eisenhower Republican, but I doubt that you’ve bothered to find that out.
Anon: so calling Rand Paul a “sell-out” is proof Amanda is a Republican?
Well, who can argue with logic like that! You, sir, are an intellectual giant.
@Anoon: I thought maybe you had actually checked her registration. Silly me.
“…to scrape off of various peoples’ Facebook pages…”
“Scrape off.” Wow, Biff – you really like that turn of phrase, don’t you? You used it on Anaheim Blog, too.
Unlike good ole Vern here, who is content to riff of something from Mr. Reliable, Jason Young, I did actual, real research for my posts on OCCORD.
And as for Ms. Ponce De Leon — her left-wing political philosophy jumps off her Faceboook page. I’ll bet even you could figure it out if you looked at it. And to rebut your point, I didn’t make any claim as to her party affiliation.
Stick to self-satisfied snarkiness, Biff. You get yourself in trouble when you venture beyond that.
It isn’t just ONE point that proves she’s a Republican, genius. It’s the sum total of what’s been exposed on her Facebook page.
“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle”
– George Orwell
Matt – How is that you sleep at night knowing you are being paid to spin stories for the most ethically bankrupt council majority in the history of Anaheim?
Percocet? Is this going to be a contest?
Note: I have no information that Matt has ever used Percocet, but if he has been using anything of the sort to salve pain in his soul, I’m guessing that it wouldn’t be a generic.
Vern, please point out where Amanda says she supports stripping anyone’s citizenship?
Oh that’s right – you can’t. Because contrary to your claim, she has said no such thing.
Do you make any effort to the factual?
Please point out where I said she did, shill boy.
“I highly doubt most Anaheimers want to amend the Constitution to strip citizenship from people born in the great United States.”
Here you go, error-prone DUI Boy.
I chose my words carefully, knowing that you would be here splitting semantic hairs, having watched you that morning on Eric Altman’s page. So I did NOT say that Amanda wants to strip anyone’s citizenship (who already has it.)
I DID say what you quoted above, which is also perfectly accurate – that I doubt most Anaheimers want to amend the Constitution to strip citizenship from people who would be born here. What “St Rafael the Archangel” wrote below is also accurate – gutting the 14th amendment would be stripping citizenship from babies YET TO BE BORN in the US.
So you got nothing. Pedo-enabler boy.
Ms. Edinger has now, in the wake of today’s firestorm, changed her Facebook profile pic to an image that says, “If people are trying to bring you DOWN, that’s because you are ABOVE them.”
So typical of her kind, to react to HAVING HER OWN WORDS QUOTED as though that were some form of persecution.
She seems to be trying to bring you and Jason Young down, Vern. I think we know what that apparently means.
Here Matt you stupid shill, is her comment: “Do you think Congress should pass laws discontinuing birthright citzenship? “YES”
Sounds like she wants to strip innocent children of their citizenship to me. Now go back and make fun of people who have been molested by priests.
Oh great, here come the angels dancing on the head of a pin. Servite boy will say that nobody who currently HAS citizenship would have it stripped away in Edinger world; and that he is not sure if he agrees with her or not, but that her view is completely mainstream and acceptable. I hope I have pre-empted that BS here.
Oh. Right. Sorry bro.
Actually I’m going to a concert there next week!
Ryan, I do admire your willingness to suggest that your party take a look in the mirror. The electorate is changing, and recognizing that is smart.
Since we disagree on ideology, I hope that your compadres ignore you.
I had not planned to attend this meeting, but after reading this report I ended up attending and speaking up. How could Brandman and Kring appointed this person? How arrogant and insensitive could they be? Shame on them.
Ok, why do we have automatic birthright in the US?…and Canada? I did some research and found that Europe does not allow that. Why is that considered a racist idea? Many countries have requirements, such as the parent being a permanent resident or having lived in the country for a period of time. Why not put requirements like those in the US? Some have tighter restrictions as to who gets to live in their country. I couldn’t immigrate to lets say…Canada because I am not a professional with a high income. Why?because I would be a drain on their healthcare and social programs meant for their own citizens. Are they racist?
I do agree with the redistricting though, but I’m not sold on the birthright idea. Does that make me a racist?
The campaign to repeal birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented workers is a not-so-subtle attempt by backward, reactionary elements within American society to undermine the important protections the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution offers to all persons who are “citizens” of this country.
Since its adoption in the late 19th century, this amendment has laid the groundwork for *EVERY* major expansion of civil rights law we now take for granted. It has been used to strike down everything from state laws prohibiting interracial marriage to eliminating statutes which limited opportunities for women to hold certain jobs.
Section 1 reads as follows:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
This amendment, through the creation of a legal fiction called the “citizen,” makes it clear that *ALL PERSONS* born or naturalized within the U.S. are “citizens” and they are to be treated fairly and equally regardless of what race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and political viewpoints they happen to hold.
Because we are “citizens,” the state is prohibited from passing laws which deny us rights specifically because we might be Baptist or Muslim, Irish or El Salvadoran, gay or straight, Caucasian or Asian, female or male, or Republican or anarchist. In essence, the 14th Amendment makes state-sponsored discrimination *ILLEGAL.*
For your information, I don’t buy the argument that if someone disagrees with me on matters pertaining to immigration, they are a “racist.” But proponents of repealing birthright citizenship almost always make outrageous claims that undocumented workers — specifically darker-skinned folk from Mexico — are “destroying” America.
So did Mexican nannies, dishwashers, and gardeners engage in the widespread looting of Wall Street financial institutions? Were they responsible for the sub-prime mortgage mess that caused massive numbers of home foreclosures? Did they cause the massive oil spill off the coast of Louisiana? Did they drag this country into bloody, costly overseas wars?
If find amusing how the same people who claim that the undocumented workers are enormous “drain” on social services ignore the fact the largest recipients of welfare are corporate welfare cheats like Boeing, ConAgra, Archer Daniels Midland, Bank of America, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, and the Walt Disney Company, to name only a few.
Scapegoating immigrants for all of our economic woes serves the purpose of diverting attention away from the fact the elite are robbing us blind and screwing us over royally through their allies in the Democratic and Republican parties. Repealing birthright citizenship won’t stop this. If anything, it would create a class of stateless persons who be further abused and exploited by these elites.
If you support repealing birthright citizenship, all I can say is you’re shooting yourself in the foot. This is a retrograde movement of quacks that is marching lockstep backwards into the 19th century. All they are doing is chipping away at more than a century worth of constitutional jurisprudence that has been used to repeal unequal and discriminatory laws.
Plus 100. Thanks Duane.
I’m only giving him +99, because 14th Am. Section 1 is analytically distinct from 14th Am. Secs. 2 and 5 (which are the actual font of civil rights, etc.) But it was a damn good comment — and properly gracious towards Inge, who may not be a constitutional scholar but also isn’t a racist.
Well written Duane!
One reason is that it’s better to resort to an objective fact in determining citizenship than to some government-sponsored “learned panel” to decide who gets to vote.
Sometime made a great point along these lines this last year — and if I recall correctly it may have been none other than Justice Clarence Thomas himself clutching the truffle in his mouth! (Could be wrong, though.)
From my understanding the reason other countries changed their requirements for citizenship is because too many people were immigrating to their country and putting a drain on their social services. Pakistan actually encourages people to live there because they want to increase their population.
The more people there are looking for work, the lower the wages. Look at China, for example. They have an endless supply of workers willing to work for very low wages. Please don’t tell me that immigrants, legal and illegal will work jobs no one else wants because that is not true. They don’t only work in the fields. They are in the service industry, cooking, janitors, housekeeping, etc. Cooks used to get fairly decent wages but now its minimum wage. Why? Its Economics 101, supply and demand.
Most of the kitchen help in restaurants these days are Latino and those workers have two full time jobs. They spend their lives working, send money home to Mexico. There is nothing wrong with that unless you are the one looking to work in that industry and you can’t get hired because you aren’t Latino.
Every one knows that its easy to take advantage of an immigrant worker. They don’t complain about working conditions. Yes, we are Americans, but who cares? There are only so many resources, housing, jobs, social services, etc.. Where do we draw the line?
Those “other countries” you speak of are overwhelmingly small countries with some very real limits on where their population growth can go. The United States isn’t in that predicament.
Bingo. Very true.
Have you driven on I5 on a Friday afternoon in either direction?
C’mon now…you know as well as I do that there are vast stretches of undeveloped land in America.
I’m not saying that’s a bad thing…but it IS a fact.
just because its undeveloped doesn’t mean we should develop it. We need open spaces and developing land for homes and businesses require water, sewage, utilities. You don’t just put up a building. We need our trees and open land. humans aren’t the only ones on the planet…animals need space too.
I’m not saying we should develop it. Show me where I said that. I’m saying these vast stretches of undeveloped land put this country in a different position when it comes to population growth and the need, or lack thereof, for overturning birthright citizenship.
Is that clear?
Added to the fact that, as I mentioned in the story, immigration from Mexico is now net zero. Meaning maybe the fear of overcrowding by immigrants is overblown?
Actually when it comes to who works in the kitchen of restaurant, I am saying that. At the very least the person has to speak Spanish because the kitchen staff speaks Spanish or that person won’t be able to communicate. Many of the staff are related. For example; I worked at Mel’s Drive-In in San Francisco, they have a chain of restaurants in the Bay Area. No one was hired from the outside…meaning Caucasian. If the owner needed to hire a cook, busboy, dishwasher, he asked the employees to find someone (usually their relative) and boom they were hired.
I worked restaurants for over 20 years. I maybe saw a handful of Caucasians working the back of the house. I’m talking about diners and family style restaurants; I don’t know about the upscale where cooks are called chefs and they have degrees from chef schools.
Next time you go out to eat look in the kitchen…who is working there? The waiters are usually young and Caucasian…but in the back…different story.
I am for the Dream Act. Kids should not be punished for the choices their parents made. I am sure the parents came to make a better life for themselves. But what is wrong with taking a look at changing the Birthright? Circumstances change all the time, I think the reason “its always been that way” is not a valid argument. Yes, our electoral population is changing and after a few generations they might be faced with tough decisions that our generation didn’t want to even discuss, without being labeled.
Yes, the corporations and Wall Street need to be held accountable. Its a big mess but it didn’t get that way over night. Someone told me yesterday that “the world belongs to those who show up.” We as American citizens need to show up and not just online. We need to engage each other in serious dialogue without name calling and those who run for office or are already serving need to stop talking in sound bites and actually have an honest conversation about problem solving that is a win/win for all parties involved.
I am saying it applies to anyone and everyone. I am against applying it to any one group, that I agree would be racist.
If I have a baby in the US and I am not a citizen…maybe I’m on vacation from lets say, Croatia. My baby should not be declared a US citizen. That goes for anyone else. If I marry a US citizen and then its a different story.
Inge, that would be a very unusual scenario. Most women who are 2nd or 3rd trimester pregnant do not travel overseas.
Inge — what standard of proof would you require people be prepared to show that their baby was legitimately born here? To whom would they be required to give such evidence? With what sort of appeal process?
We don’t have to have “birthright citizenship” (other than for the fact that it’s in the Constitution), but that we are welcoming of anyone born here is part of what makes our country great and admired. Is it so bad to be, unlike France and Germany, the place where ambitious people want to go because they can be integrated (almost) fully into our society?
Vern and all,
There is a lot of assuming that Amanda is a Republican(and she very well might be) but check the facts and let us not insinuate that this a a Republican issue when it is not.
From my perspective, it is a power issue, not a partisan issue.
Moreover, you actually do not think it is possible that were or are white, or even latino, Democrats who feel the same way Amanda feels. Really!
So it was all registered Republicans who supported Prop. 187, Prop. 209, or were against Affirmative action programs. Republicans represent 30% of registered voters. Nice try, Vern. LOL
Vern, should I assume that you never read Art P. blog post concerning last year Anaheim Council races and his continual explanation on why he did not support Lucille candidacy. If you can now recall it, her support for Amanda is not shocking. Instead, what should be shocking is that the Orange County Democratic party endorsed a candidate, Jordan Brandman , who appoints people who feel the same as the famous former AUHSD member Harold Martin.
If these Facebook postings are important, and I agree that they are important, then why didn’t the Democrats endorsement committee bother to ask Jordan Brandman how he feels about Prop.187, Prop. 209, and Affirmative Action Programs.
While you calling Jordan, call Anaheim’s former Mayor Tom Daly, the person who voted on the appointment of Harald Martin to a city commission, and ask him about these now important issues?
That is do you support: Prop 187, Prop 209, Affirmative Action Programs and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Well, you’ve got ME wrong, if you read what I wrote above. I mostly agree with you, and tried to get the Dems NOT to endorse Brandman or Daly.
Inge’s views on immigration continue to provoke a mixed reaction on me. I understand her experience in the restaurant industry, a problem that affected other sectors such as farmworkers. Ryan C posted the interesting link on the Cesar Chavez thread, on the dilemma that unauthorized workers posed to his movement. My understanding of Inge’s concern is the negative impact on wages and availability of jobs for citizens. I believe this has been discussed by the AFL-CIO and business recently, in anticipation of the upcoming immigration reform. I have not read yet what their recommendations are.
This is a legitimate concern. Her response though comes across, to me, as hostile to immigrants. Granted, there is an impact on social services but there is also an overall positive long term contribution. I mentioned in a previous discussion the research done by the PEW Research Center. If we are going to have a conversation on reasonable solutions, we should inform ourselves on the facts .I invite you again Inge to look up the PEW website.
At the same time that we try to understand the multiple causes of the issues, we live with their consequences, and if negative, try to change them. Regarding the restaurant workers, there is this lady featured in Bill Moyers program : ” Activist and author Saru Jayaraman marches on Washington with restaurant workers struggling to make ends meet, and talks about how we can best support their right to a fair wage. Jayaraman is the co-founder and co-director of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, which works to improve pay and working conditions for America’s 10 million-plus restaurant workers. She is also the author of Behind the Kitchen Door, a new exposé of the restaurant industry”
Regarding the birthright citizenship movement. Duane and Ryan give good explanations about its implications. It is a polarizing movement, a divisive one, especially in the volatile political atmosphere in Anaheim. It is not a question that Ms Edinger is Republican or not. She is entitled to her views, but it was irresponsible of Ms Kring, a republican, and Brandman, a democrat, to have appointed her, to represent them. They are the public officials, who appointed a person with extreme, polarizing views on immigration. It felt like a slap in the face to many of us.
This story has special interest now while Stephen Faessel, who hired Amanda as a POLICY AIDE two or three years ago, is up for re-election. Why choose this person from West Anaheim, with such an anti-immigrant bias, when district 5 is so latino and immigrant?
Note on the comments section – Ryan Cantor wrote lots of good comments which accidentally got deleted, long story.
They weren’t accidentally deleted. It was done deliberately, let’s not forget that.
That said, that was a long time ago. No hard feelings.
Yeah, but not by either of us, as I recall.
I need to fix something that’s been happening automatically on this blog.. where once a post is ten years old comments suddenly close. I guess I’m here just in time to comment on this one before it closes.
Jordan never did say why he chose this anti-immigrant anti-districting person for the commission. Dan C of the ironically named Liberal OC promised for a few years that he would ask the Boy Wonder, but we finally gave up on that happening. Obviously Jordan was just following SOMEBODY’S orders.
Update on Amanda herself – she worked as an aide to Steve Faessel for a while. She popped up briefly in the Jordan’s Vicious Texts story, as one of the ladies who had received those texts, but couldn’t believe that Kathy Chance “shared them with that evil Vern Nelson!” And she’s moved away to some presumably less communist state.
OK, I just doubled the time until automatic comment closure to 20 years.
Whoa, you have the magic wand like that? Thanks.
I have become quite familiar with the “Discussion|Settings” page…